that there is a deep and formidable meaning in it all,
And when you shall have passed unflinching and undis-
mayed our final test of your fidelity, nerve and courage
then will you, indeed, be worthy to espouse our cause;
but mark well, should you ultimately decline to enlist
in active part you are still bound by the strongest ties
to remain neutral. Remember this and continue faith-
ful to the death; but ere we impart to you our formid-
able purpose, you must prove your fidelity and courage,
We do not expect all to join in active part, but those
who do not unite in the task must applaud our deeds,
or by silence favor not an adverse faction to gain sway.
With this admonition I yield you up to our Guide and
his cohorts, who will conduct you to the ante-room and
blindfold you, and one by one vou will be subjected to
the Moslem test of courage. And should an unfore-
seen disaster come we are in duty bound to honor and
protect those who are left near and dear to you. Ere
you depart we bid you God-speed and adieu.
Priest (approaching to East and raising both hands)
-And may Allah protect and support you, that you be
not cast into 'al hotama' (hell). Now let our secret
vaults open to their width, that the vapors of damp
stagnation may pass away. Open the passage to the
desert and disperse our trustv Arabs in full array for
the Moslem test. Away!
Candidates conducted out under solemn music to
be prepared for the second section.
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