told are upproaching on a mission of murdering all who
have not passed "The Bung Hole Test."
The large metal cylinder is then produced, stretch-
ed out about 30 feet. Each candidate is asked if
he was ever called a coward, or turned his back on an
enemy. He is prompted to say No, I perform all I un-
dertake, and never back clown or out. They are then
led to opposite ends of the big cylinder, caused to en-
ter and are told to hurry up as the enemy is approach-
ing. The center of the cylinder contains a strong, net-
work of cord or wire preventing either from passing
through. They meet in the middle of the cylinder and
strive to pass each other while the Arabs pound on the
outside with clubs and swords till thev are satisfied,
when they slide an opening in the door and ask if they
wish to go on or back out. They of course back down
and out, when they are given a lecture on their assur-
ance and told never to be too sure of a thing, till they
have tried it. They are one by one taken into another
apartment, often stretched out on a plank to rest.
While in this position a small dog, or one who can imi-
tate a dog, is caused to give a sharp yelp, just after a
few drops of warm water has been squirted on the can-
didates face, with the remark, "Take that dog out, he
has just pissed in the face of Mr.______ , when a gen-
eral laugh takes place and the candidate is shown the
The "Bumper" is next used. A Box about six feet
high; perpendicular on one side, and concave on the
other side. A ladder is then placed on the concave
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