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the candidates can hear it (if more than one) and opin-
ions are expressed that there will be trouble for such ex-
posure before the candidate sees the end of the ceremo-
nies, etc., or that it was unlawful information given be-
fore the candidate is through the initiation. 
(This candidate is then left until last, if there are 
more than one). 
Meantime the friend (member) who has betrayed 
the sign departs to another room. divests himself of
all but his shirt, pants and shoes. Whitening his face 
and at proper time bound at the wrists, blackened un-
der the eyes and on the lips to give him a ghastly ap-
pearance. Keeps out of sight and awaits the domino and mask
ceremony or clothes himself with a domino and mask 
and waits until required (all this should occupy but a
short space of time). Furthermore, another member, a 
slender fragile, smooth-faced young man (preferable)
is selected to be robed as a woman or Arab girl. In 
white or brown flowing robes, gathered tightly at the 
waist, bare arms and neck, female wig or striped silk 
handkerchief about the head, face painted pale (with 
zinc and bismuth), evebrows blackened and arched, 
under eyelids penciled ,with India ink to disguise as 
much as possible.    He is covered with domino and 
masked to enter the Temple and seated with a member 
of light weight or spare man, one not too prominent or
well known. 
This member has a domino on, beneath which he 
has his coat, vest, etc., and white shirt; under the shirt 
is buckled a wide, soft padded belt fastened around 
under the armpits with two straps from front of should-
ers passing over the back and two from the shoulder 
blades; behind all four unite in a rinop or swivel at the 
back of the neck, ready for harmless execution by hang-
ing, at their proper time. 
These disguised members, being all prepared, sit 
aside in dominoes and masked in some obscure corner 
to await the ceremonies. Officers and members all rob-
ed and masked. 

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