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regularly round the Lodge?
A.  That the Worshipful Master, Wardens and brethren might see that I was
duly and truly prepared.
Q.  Why did you meet with those several obstructions on the way?
A.  This, and every other Lodge, is, or ought to be, a true representation
of King Solomon's temple, which, when completed, had guards stationed at
the East, West, and South gates.
Q.  Why had they guards stationed at those several gates?
A.  To prevent any one from passing or repassing that was not duly
Q.  Why did you kneel on your left knee and not on your right, or both?
A.  The left side has ever been considered the weakest part of the body;
it was, therefore, to remind me that that part, I was then taking upon me,
was the weakest part of Masonry, it being that only of an Entered
Q.  Why was your right hand placed on the Holy Bible, Square, and Compass
and not your left, or both?
A.  The right hand has ever been considered the seat of fidelity, and our
ancient brethren worshipped Deity under the names of FIDES; which has
sometimes been represented by two right hands joined together; at others,
by two human figures holding each other by the right hand; the right hand,
therefore, we use in this great and important undertaking, to signify, in
the strongest manner possible, the sincerity of our intentions in the
business we are engaged.
Q.  Why did the Worshipful Master present you with a lamb-skin, or a white
A.  The lamb-skin has, in all ages, been deemed an emblem of innocence;
he, therefore, who wears the lamb-skin, as a badge of a Mason, is thereby
continually reminded of that purity of life and rectitude of conduct,
which is so essentially necessary to our gaining admission into the
Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe
Q.  Why did the Master make a demand of you of something of a metallic
A.  As I was in a poor and pennyless situation at the time, it was to
remind me if ever I saw a friend, but more especially a brother, in the
like poor and pennyless situation, that I should contribute as liberally
to his relief as my abilities would admit and his situation required,
without injuring myself or family.
Q.  Why was you conducted to the Northeast corner of the Lodge, and there
caused to stand upright, like a man, your feet forming a square,
receiving, at the same time, a solemn charge to walk and act uprightly
before God and man?
A.  The first stone, in every Masonic edifice, is, or ought to be, placed
at the Northeast corner; that being the place where an Entered Apprentice
Mason receives his first instructions to build his future Masonic edifice

Question.  We have been saying a good deal about a Lodge, I want to know
what constitutes a Lodge?
Answer.  A certain number of Free and Accepted Masons, duly assembled in a
room, or place, with the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, and other Masonic
implements, with a charter from the Grand Lodge empowering them to work.
Q.  Where did our ancient brethren meet before Lodges were erected?
A.  On the highest hills, and in the lowest vales.
Q.  Why on the highest hills and in the lowest vales?
A.  The better to guard against cowans and enemies either ascending or
descending, that the brethren might have timely notice of their approach
to prevent being surprised.
Q.  What is the form of a Lodge?
A.  An oblong square.
Q.  How long?
A.  From East to West.
Q.  How wide?
A.  Between North and South.
Q.  How high?
A.  From the surface of the earth to the highest heavens.
Q.  How deep?
A.  From the surface to the centre.
Q.  What supports your Lodge?
A.  Three large columns or pillars.
Q.  What are their names?
A.  Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.
Q.  Why so?
A.  It is necessary there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to
support, and beauty to adorn, all great and important undertakings; but
more especially this of ours.
Q.  Has your Lodge any covering?
A.  It has; a clouded canopy, or starry-decked heaven, where all good
Masons hope to arrive.
Q.  How do you hope to arrive there?
A.  By the assistance of Jacob's ladder.
Q.  How many principal rounds has it got?
A.  Three.
Q.  What are their names?
A.  Faith, Hope and Charity.
Q.  What do they teach?
A.  Faith in God, hope in immortality, and charity to all mankind.
Q.  Has your Lodge any furniture?
A.  It has; the Holy Bible, Square and Compass.
Q.  To whom do they belong?
A.  The Bible to God; the Square to the Master; and the Compass to the
Q.  How explained?
A.  The Bible to God; it being the inestimable gift of God to man, for his
instruction to guide him through the rugged paths of life; the Square to
the Master; it being the proper emblem of his office; the Compass to the
Craft; by a due attention to which we are taught to limit our desires,
curb our ambition, and subdue our irregular appetites, and keep our
passions and prejudices in due bounds with all mankind; but more
especially with the brethren.
Q.  Has your Lodge any ornaments?
A.  It has; the Mosaic, or chequered pavement; the indented tessel; that
beautiful tesselated border with surrounds it, with the blazing star in
the centre.
Q.  What do they represent?
A.  The Mosaic, or chequered pavement, represents this world; which,
though chequered over with good and evil, yet brethren may walk together
thereon and not stumble; the indented tessel, with the blazing star in the
centre, the manifold blessings and comforts with which we