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When we were new

First Weeks at New Home

Have you ever seen anything as cute as puppies, and yorkie puppies at that. Well this is us right after we arrived here. It seems that there was some problem with dad being able to tell the difference between us, I don't know why, I don't think that we look a bit alike, do you?

Here is a site that I think you will like.

See the difference that a couple of weeks makes. Now I'm sure that you can tell the difference between us. I'm the cute one. I'm sitting slightly in back of Mickey, I have to let him think that he's the head dog sometimes. We are getting used to the new home by now, I'm sure that we don't look upset anymore.

See how fast we grew

Flights of Fancy
You can spend a lot of time at this site. I'm sure that you will find something to interest you on one of the pages at the Flights of Fancy site.

We are almost seven months old here

We have pretty well gotten everyone trained by now. Mom is the one who feeds us most of the time so we please her by obeying her once in the while and dad is a pushover for me, his dainty little girl.. He says that Mickey is a momma's boy and a porkie yorkie. He does weigh a little more than me, say about 3 pounds more. I guess he does look a little larger, but I'm faster than he is.

is the place to go to get information about almost any kinds
of pet. Just click on their name and you will be on your way.

Cooling off on a hot day

Boy was it ever hot on this day, lucky for us that mom and dad had this pool from their grandkids. It sure felt good to cool off. The only problem was this snake thing that kept spewing water all around. It just did not want to stop. I know, I tried to stop it.


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