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Character: Faith      Show: Buffy(possibly Angel)

Birth Date: Dec. 30, 1999

Music: Beastie Boys

TV Show: Late Night with Conan O'Brien

Eyes:               Brown

Movie: Beaches

Magazine: "I don't really read magazines; you were lucky I gave you a book."(laughs)

Height: Unknown

Book: The Godfather

Sports: Girl's Ice hockey, New England Patriots

Age: 18

Activity: Hanging out with family

Education: Watertown High possibly Boston University

Hair:                  Dark Brown

Color: Black

Little Known Facts: Can sign for the deaf, loves video games

 [Image]Eliza Dushku was born on Dec. 30, 1980 in Boston, Massachusetts to her parents (who are currently in Romania writing a book). She is the youngest of 4 children, having 3 older brothers. Eliza has been legally emancipated from her parents due to the strict laws on the hours minors are allowed to work. (Buffy films 14 hour days)This talented 18 year old has made a name for herself among Buffy fans across the country playing the witty slayer gone bad character of Faith. Many believe that like Spike and Dru last season, her character Faith brought the "umph" that cult hit Buffy needed in it's 3rd season.

Eliza's acting career began at the Watertown Children's Theatre. And from there she made a handful of films beginning in 1992. Occasionally Eliza still performs on her hometown stage, and signs for the deaf.

She has worked with actors such as Robert DeNiro, Ellen Barkin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Paul Reiser, and Jim Belushi. Appearing in such films as This Boy's Life, That Night, Journey and True Lies.

Eliza currently lives in Watertown, MA. She attendend Watertown High School as a Senior and has since graduated. Speculation continues on whether Eliza plans to return to Buffy or whether she intends to star on the Buffy spin off Angel but she was accepted into both Boston and George Washington Universities and would like to attend Boston University next fall. Her father is a professor there.

In a recent interview she mentioned that she has not decided whether she will return to Buffy for a 4th season or not, but stay tuned! (I'm part of the never say die campaign to bring Faith back!)

Eliza resides in L.A. with her brother while filming for Buffy.

Biography © Buffy's Innermoppet™. Ask Permission to Reuse.

Current projects include Scream 3 and Cheer Fever. Many say that she has turned down Scream 3, others say she will atleast have a cameo. Cheer Fever is a go though, some parts of the movie were filmed in and Innermoppet members house, more on that later...



Eliza Dushku

c/oBuffy the Vampire Slayer

c/o Warner Brothers Television Network

4000 Warner Blvd.

Burbank, CA  91522

Eliza Sites to Check out...

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