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Where ya been? Site New

All right here goes...For the last 6 months I was trying very hard to deal with schoolwork, college roomates, family life and a number of other things including my mental health state. I suffer from many things but I'll spare you details and share with you one of them which is depression, a problem that I've had for 6 years but I've done my best to make unnoticable. If you have it, know someone who does, have ever met anyone who has it, etc. you know exactly why I haven't been to this site or sent out a newsletter in the last 6 months. If you don't then you should know something about it...It's not just "the blues" it's a seriously life crippling disease/disorder that you cannot just snap out of. In my case I lost a large part of my memory, I lost several friends, I lost interest in everything I once loved, including this newsletter and this site. I got to the point where I could care less if I saw this show. That may seem like no big deal to you, but its in stark contrast to the hours I'd spend researching and preparing this newsletter every single week. I sought counseling which didn't help very much, but you can't win all the time. And I'm still looking into finding help. I'm trying very hard to get the life back that I lost sometime 6 months ago. I intend to get it back, but I don't know yet what I'm going to do with this newsletter. The full newsletter will never be back, I just don't have that kind of time at school to keep a weekly 11 page newsletter going (if you print them they reach nearly 11 pages, sometimes more, sometimes less.) But here's what I'm thinking might work, I think I'll try very hard to keep this site updated and if any of you are interested in sending me news and other information I will post it here. That should take less time than the newsletter. At most I might be able to send out a biweekly newsletter telling you which Buffy is coming up, but in all honestly you can find mailing lists that will do that so I don't know if I should even bother with that. Well, you can let me know if you want this newsletter to continue on in some shape or form. Email me or head to the guestbook. Eventually I think I'll put up a poll. I do miss writing to all of you and the newsletter in general but I want to work on feeling better first. So that's the jist of where I've been. I'm sorry for not writing but I just couldn't bare to say goodbye to all of you. For one I didn't know if it would be goodbye forever or if the newsletter would start again. Again, I hope you'll except my apolgies and keep in touch with me. I really do miss all of you. Take care and enjoy the site, email me and sign that guestbook! Love, Phelicity

P.S. If you or someone you know needs help with depression, self-injury, eating disorders, dissociation etc. there is a massive amount of help on the web. Email me if you'd like me to help you find excellent links regarding yours or your loved ones situation, I've always got time to help a friend. :)