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Welcome to the Innermoppet Spoilers page. There's a lot of new info. for you here from both Buffy and the new show Angel, if you have any you'd like to add, please email me.

Spoiler Subject

Buffy Spoilers

Buffy New Season The new season finds Buffy, Willow and Oz entering their freshman year at the University of Sunnydale. Still reeling from Angel's abrupt departure, Buffy thinks her love life is over - until she happens upon the new Mr. Right. Now living away from home for the first time, Buffy learns to juggle the pressures of college and the challenge of saving mankind with the fatherly guidance of her new mentor, Giles. Returning to Sunnydale are Xander - back from his travels - and Spike , the punk vampire whose bad attitude has taken a mysterious turn for the better. But all of their lives will change forever when they meet the university's Professor of Demonology.

Buffy First Episode The first episode is rumored to be titled "The Freshman" rightfully so since the gang starts college. Well everyone except Xander who is still on his road trip. (Don't worry Xander fans he pops up later) Willow is ecstatic about school, Buffy on the other hand is the exact opposite. College is a new experience and she tries to get used to it. She's relieved to meet a new friend in her Psych class named Riley. In this episode Buffy must defeat a gang of vampires that prey on new students.
Buffy's New Love Interest Riley is the new male character on Buffy who will likely become her new man but Joss Whedon promises that it will be awhile before Buffy or Angel starts out in a new relationship. It is rumored that an actor named Marc Blucas has been cast for this role. His credits include playing a basketball player in "Pleasantville." Riley has a secret, it is unclear whether he is demon or human but he definitely has that mysterious thing going for him.

Keep the Faith According to Sarah Michelle Gellar, Faith won't be in the first three but the possibility exists.(cross your fingers Faith fans! )
Roommates Buffy ends up with a roommate from hell. Most likely literally. But eventually her and Willow are paired off.
Anya Anya returns and is still very much interested in Xander, who is staying at home while the gang is off educating themselves.
Giles Giles is rumored to have a new exotic love interest.

Spoiler Subject

Angel Spoilers

Angel the Show

"It will have the same kind of humor "Buffy" has it will also have the same kind of heart.You know, it will be the same kind of all-over-the-place, transcending genre kind of thing we do with "Buffy" hopefully. But at the same time, it will definitely distinguish itself."-Joss, on Angel the Show

Angel Plot

"Angel's a different kind of character, and the kinds of worlds that he's going to be traveling in are different than "Buffy's"."Angel" will pick up the story a few month's after Angel has left the town of Sunnydale, where "Buffy" is set, Whedon said.

Angel's Love Interest

"Angel will be introduced to a new potential love interest. Joss [Whedon] emphasized that he will take it slow. If it doesn't seem to work, if Buffy remains the love of his life, then the character 'Kate' [to be played by Elisabeth Rohm] will not necessarily remain with the show."-Joss, on Angel's love interest

Angel's New Personality

Joss Whedon has said that Angel will come out of his shell a little more. He will have more of a sarcastic personality with a dark sense of humor

Cordelia's New Personality

Cordelia has lost all of her wealth, and has been forced into poverty. She will become a little more down to earth, and the bitch in her will be toned down a bit.

Doyle's Personality

Doyle is an Irish, beer loving, demon that has recently received the great gift of wisdom. He is almost forced into joining Angel's detective agency. Doyle is also known as "The Whistler" though nothing else about him is clear at this time.

Ultimate TV Tidbits

• Angel will have been in LA for a couple months before Doyle and Cordelia show up.

• Cordelia will not appear in the Season Premiere of Buffy, her leaving Sunnydale will not be explained until a crossover episode later in the season.

• Angel will have love interests but will have to stay away from them, because of the whole "soul" thing.

• Angel will enjoy being around Cordelia because it reminds him of Sunnydale.

• Doyle wishes he could be anywhere else in the world besides LA.

• Doyle is half demon/half human.

Angel Pilot Note: The Pilot will NOT air.

Written by: Joss Whedon        Directed by: Joss Whedon


The Angel pilot is more of an introduction to the series than rather an episode. It briefly goes over Angel's past and his relationship with Buffy. Only one new character is introduced, Doyle played by Glenn Quinn. The series in a nutshell is this. Angel moves to LA and opens up an agency that will save you from your personal or sinister demons that are haunting you. Cordelia, becomes his "Gal Friday", basically a secretary that does a lot of odd jobs. She will also, most likely try hard to earn as much money as possible. Glenn Quinn, is basically the local that will act as Angel's eyes and ears during the day. The main villain is also somewhat revealed. It seems that the villain in Angel will not be a "Supreme" Vampire like in the first season of Buffy. The villain in Angel seems to be business men, all we know is that they some how live off the murder of others.

Review of the Pilot:

The pilot is quite effective at creating intrigue into the series. It already has a built in audience because of Buffy, but it could actually develop it's own group of loyal fans. If the series is anything like the Pilot, it has a very different style and feel than Buffy. I love the use of music and the dark feel of the Pilot. The sets on Angel seem to be much more realistic than Buffy, the streets of Sunnydale never seemed real to me. Of course it is hard to actually judge a 10 minute Pilot, or say that the series will be good or not. But I would say that we are in for a treat come September. We're not in Sunnydale anymore.

Episode Summaries for Angel City Of, episode 1: (airs October 5)

Summary-Just as Angel moves to LA to fight crime, he encounters Russell Winters, a vampire who is preying on young starlets. When Winters sets his eyes on Cordelia, Angel must spring into action. Also, a man named Doyle is sent to help Angel.

Corrupt, Episode 2:(airs October 12)

Summary-Angel and the gang must stop a group of pimps who are disciples of the Babylonian God, T'Purock. The pimps are influencing their hookers to kill their Johns.

Miscellaneous Spoilers

Spike will be somewhat forced into helping Buffy and the gang but he'll still be bad, no soul restoration.

James and Juliet (Spike and Druscilla) are scheduled to be regulars on Buffy during the 4th season. Though we won't see much of Dru whereas Juliet Landau is off filming movies.

Wanda says that she feels Joss may be planting the seed for a Xander/Buffy romance.