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"The day I joined the the group, I knew that was it. It's been a dream come true."




Name: James Lance Bass

Nickname(s): Stealth, Scoop, Laid_Back , Lansten, Poo-Foo

DOB: May 4, 1979

Which 'N SYNCer is Lance?: Listen to the cd and you'll hear that he's the man with the majorly deep voice that makes girls melt

In the group, Lance is: the quiet one

Birthplace: Clinton, Mississippi.

Current Residence: Orlando, Florida with his parents.

Nationalities: Indian, English, & "Mississipian"

Religion: Baptist

Who brought Lance into the world?: parents Jim & Diane

Sibling: His older sister is Stacy, and supposedly, she recently got married. Apparently all the guys from 'N SYNC came to the wedding, too!

Eye color: Green, a really unusual / pretty color too, and I've heard that the color has been known to change & that sometimes you can see the color yellow in his eyes!

Hair Color: White Highlights in bleached blonde, spiky hair

Fave color: Lance likes candy apple red, but also supposedly likes green

Lance likes: the beach, rock climbing, sky diving

Lance dislikes: mushrooms and people that pre-judge

School Status: check him out as a freshman in college

Hobbies: video games, weight training, karate, horseback riding, jet skiing, possibly boating & possibly swimming

You may not know that: Lance has a Tomagotchi!

Another odd fact: Lance keeps photos of friends and family in his wallet

Boxers or briefs?: Tasmanian Devil boxers

Before he made it big with 'N SYNC: Lance became part of The Mississippi Show Stoppers [a state wide group sponsored by the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum] after auditioning for it in the 8th grade. He was in a competition choir called Attaché. Lance also trained with a vocal instructor and supposedly played the piano, possibly even for many years. He may have also played the guitar.

Job experience: His first job was to dress up as "PooFoo." According to Lance, "I had to dress up like a dog- it was a big dog. I made books you put in the computer, and it had the kid's name in it. So, it's like a personalized book, and I was PooFoo, one of the characters. I'd go around and take pictures with the kids."

Supposedly: Lance does a great impression of a squirrel eating a nut!

Mission: Lance wanted to be an astronaut and was strongly considering doing a job having to do with space before becoming an 'N SYNCer

Musical Influences: anything from Boyz II Men to Offspring, he likes country inc. Garth Brooks

Bad Habit: biting his nails and spiting it out; he's supposedly really messy and never cleans his room

Lance is proudest of: his eyes because they are an unusual shade of green

Lance dislikes: his hair because it's so hard to style

Lance gets annoyed when: he's talking and nobody listens

Fave: Food(s): Pizza and French Toast

Fave Drink: Dr. Pepper

Fave animal: dog

Fave TV Show: Mad About You, and he's a Friends fan too

Fave car: Toyota 4-Runner

How Lance spends his birthday: Supposedly, the only birthday he has spent on the road so far was spent in Africa, on an airplane, with an African tribe.

Loves: Taz!

Fave Movie: Mortal Kombat Annihilation (we've also heard it was just Mortal Kombat)

Fave actor/actress: Tom Hanks & Lucille Ball

Idol: Michael Jackson

Lance's crush: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Fave Babe: Jennifer Aniston

Fave Spice Girl: Mel C

Fave Author: Elie Wiesel ; Shakespeare is also a favorite, as with other members of 'N SYNC

Quote: "I'm not into people who pre-judge you."

What all y'all want to know about - Lance & Girls: Supposedly, he said he would sing for a girl on their date and that he likes, even loves dating. He got his first kiss in kindergarten.

His MO for scoring a date: Lance waits and watches the girl before he moves in! Also, you might be interested in knowing that he's just a casual guy. However, he does like adventure: rock climbing is something he enjoys.

Think you are "the One" for Lance?: Are you humorous, can you take a joke, are you fun to be with, do you crave adventure. and are you willing to give Lance some good old fashioned TLC? Lance would like you.

Lance supposedly: flares his nostrils without realizing it! He also can get ready in a jiffy.

Other stuff: Lance is not flirty. He can be shy & quiet & may even clam up! But only around people he doesn't know very well. When Lance is with his best friends, he's totally outgoing, swapping stories, telling jokes and sharing his business ideas. "Lance is definitely the businessman of our group," says Joey, adding that "he's always thinking about marketing and he's always on top of things. We call him Scoop because he always knows everything." Lance is known as the managerial part of 'N SYNC, as each of them seems to have their own role






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