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Justin-"Eat, eat,eat, all day long. Eat, eat, eat, while I sing this song."

"I can play basketball all day."

"They do us well here. Should I get salad? Not today."

"This is what we do before the show....chill out because we're about to go out there for an hour and a half runnin' around all day."


"You suck!"

"We'll see you on stage."

"Pittsburg are you still with us?....I said Pittsburg, Penn. are you still with us?"

"Chris is too much."

"I'm gonna try to get Chris on this ride with me. I don't know. I hope he doesn't puke on me. That would be really bad."

"Are you hot?... You're hot like fire?"

"We're always real to our fans. We're always, you know, straight up and we have a love for music and I think you can tell when you hear our music."

On his first kiss-"I knew this moment was going to come soon and I wanted it to be this night. Then all of a sudden, she turns the TV off, hits the light switch off, it's pitch black, and we're both like, we don't know what to say. So I looked at her, I'm embarrassed, and thought we might as well do it and we did and it was great. I was a happy little guy."

"You take this finger and try to break it, and you'll be very successful. But you take this fist -all five of these fingers together- and you won't. I guarantee that."

"We all get homesick, but we don't really talk about it. Anyway, the five of us are like family and we all look out for each other."

When told by the guys that they would be traveling with a snake: "No retiles! None whatsoever. I will not ride the tour bus!"

Chris-"What the heck are you doing?"

"This is the coolest part. We get to cut in the line. They give us special privellages. Look check it out. The people aren't even upset."

"Hey, you got something on your face! Go like this. Okay just yell at me then!"

"Say hi Buster."

"I'm a big sports buff."

"He designed that? I'm gonna hit him in his head!"

Chris on his first kiss: "I was 9 years old and we were playing kiss tag back home in Pennsylvania. And this girl, her name was Amy, she caught me- and she was like twice as big as me- and she kissed me. Then she punched my lights out because she was a bully."

"We don't look at trying to be the top group. We just want to be a good group."

"I'm the most hyper member of the group. I need lots of calming down. I have a really short attention span, so things tend to bore me easily."

"I used to sing with a Fifties doo-wop group calledthe Hollywood High Tones. We used to sing outside the Fifties diner at Universal. That was me- it was three guys and one girl and we'd sing Fifties a capella music. My name was Spike, but my hair was a little different then."

"They kicked me out of class to do the group. No, they didn't realy kick me out. I had to drop out of Rollins to do the group."

"We've got crazy hours, but I've learned to sleep on airplanes a lot and in vans."

Joey-"I don't stink! I smell like flowers."

"Do you know how to get to the N Sync concert? We're looking for the N Sync concert."

"We are gonna dance our asses off."

Joey on his first kiss: "It was weird. Some friends pushed me and this girl Lisa into a closet. And it was weird 'cause it just happened. It wasn't like we liked each other or anything. Even though I was about 10 years old, I still keep in touch with her. I just saw her back in New York. It's weird still keeping in touch with people that I've known ever since I was in first and second grade. So it's pretty cool."

Joey on settling down: "I would like to have a whole big ranch. My wife and I could run around on horses and stuff like that. I like Florida. I wouldn't mind still living there. But I like Los Angeles, too. I would really love to have like two kinds of homes. Like a modern one, with kind of an art-deco kind of thing, and then a ranch with two horses."

Joey joking around: "My stuff is never in a mess. I'm a neat person."
Joey on his dating style: "I'm not Mr. Romeo who takes girls on yacht cruises and flies them on airplanes to go here and there and goes, 'Hey baby.' I'm more the type to - you know, just do little things."

Joey on fame: "It still hasn't hit us yet. We're still normal guys. It's always fun being recogmized and everything, but our feet are always on the ground. What you see is what you get!"

"It is pretty flattering, actally, when people say, 'Oh you're that person in 'N Sync. I know who you are.'"

"Sometimes me and Chris want to go out and party all night."

Lance-"And just in case we forget, we have a little sign that says were we're at."

"Buster's pissin' right now."

"When we come back out we'll be dressed."

"Now we're about to go hacky. That's a tradition we've had for four years now. We're sometimes late for shows cuz we can't hacky."

Lance on the nickname he gained from Steve Fatone: "The guys call me Scoop, because when they ask me about our itinerary I always know!"

Lance on his first kiss: "I was the little crown bearer and she was the little flower girl. They always had little 5-year-olds in kindergarten do it. Since we were like boyfriend and girlfriend, they were like, 'Oh, they'd be perfect.' We had to take pictures and everything. Then I kissed her." (Was he scared?) "No, I liked it."

"I wanted to go into space administration. Probably not an astronaut but something in that field."

"I'm all right once I know people, but at first I find it really hard."

"When I'm settled down, I'm definately going to go to somewhere in the country. I don't know, Mississippi, Tennessee, somewhere where there's a lot of land so I can have my own ranch. I'd like to have mountains, lots of animals, horses and dogs, definately. I'd like to live in a cabin somewhere where it's peaceful. Back where I lived in Mississippi, I was right next to all of these hills and like cliffs and stuff. We used to go hiking all the time and rock climbing." (How many kids?) "Probably two."

JC-"This is kinda like the chill area."

"How funny is that. All that time we spent potty training the minute he gets on tv he forze up and let it go. Watcha gonna do?"

"When we're on the road Joey takes his camera like almost everywhere."

JC's motto: "Treat people the way you want to be treated."

JC about his time working in homeless shelters: "If you think you had problems, try living on the streets with your family."

JC on his first kiss: "I guess I was like 6 or 7 years old. Her name was Lea Thompson. She was cool."

JC on Chris always seeming to disappear when they're ready to leave: "A bag of fleas is easier to control than our dear Chris!"

JC on the MMC: "It was one of the best things I could have done. I got to get my fingers into everything -I wasn't restricted to one thing at all. I got to do comedy, which was fun, and I got to do all kinds of music. If I could do it again, I would."

"The best thing about being in the band is the friendship, having people around you so you're never lonely."

"I like all sorts of girls but my favorites would be Naomi Campbell because she's absolutely beautiful, and I'm pretty keen on Michelle Pfeiffer -she's gorgeous, I especially liked her as Catwoman."

"You go through the day sleeping fifteen minutes here, twenty minutes there. If I sit down for long, my body goes 'Okay, you're not tired, but you know what? You need to rest just in case.'"

"I fell asleep on the plane and we landed and everything and I didn't know it. Lance had to smack me on the back of the head and go, 'Dude, the plane is empty. You're the last one' I said, 'Oh my goodness.'"


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