Chapter VI

1. Fragapatti said: The voice of Jehovih cometh to me, saying: My Son, appoint thou an assistant chief to sit on thy throne, and go thou around about atmospherea, taking surveyors and inspectors with thee; for thou shalt see with thine own eyes the condition of thousands of millions of spirits in hada.

2. Fragapatti said: In Jehovih's name, I announce Athrava my assistant, God of Mouru. There was great rejoicing in the Council at this. Then came Athrava forward, and ascended Jehovih's throne and sat on the right hand of Fragapatti. Etherean lights fell upon the place from every side, and Fragapatti gathered from the elements and made a crown for Athrava, and crowned him.

3. Officers and workmen were sent to build a conveyance for Fragapatti, and for such attendants as he might take with him. So, the next day, Fragapatti chose his companions, thirty thousand, making Verethragna speaker, and he and they departed for their inspection of hada and the earth.

4. His ship was built without lights or curtains, so they might travel unobserved. First he inspected the plateau of Haraiti, which, prior to this, had never been inhabited; and he found its distance from the earth was equal to ten diameters of the earth; and its east and west and north and south diameters corresponded in size to what the earth would be were it that volume; that is to say, the superfice of the plateau was five hundred and twenty-eight thousand miles in every direction. And in the ratio of the number of mortals on the earth, this plateau would inhabit five hundred and twenty-eight thousand million souls. And yet this was not the thousandth part of the number it could sustain, in fact, within and without.

5. Fragapatti said: Such is Haraiti, O Jehovih. And yet there have been, till now, no spirits to come and inhabit it! Who can survey Thy works, O Father! Who shall fear for the limit of Thy handiwork!

6. Verethragna said: And yet we shall find in the lowest hadas spirits huddled together like bees in a hive. And yet wherefore, O Chief, for is it not so with mortals also? They cluster together in cities and tribes, warring for inches of ground, whilst vast divisions of the earth lie waste and vacant!

7. Fragapatti said: Is this not the sum of the darkness of mortals and of spirits in the lowest realms---. They know not how to live? A spider or an ant is more one with the Creator than these!

8. Next they visited Zeredho, six diameters of the earth distant. Here they found a colony of two thousand million spirits, that had been founded by Osire three thousand three hundred years before. But not the same people, but such as came up from the earth afterward. They had a God named Hoab, an atmospherean from the earth, two thousand one hundred years. And he was upright and wise, and of good works most excellent; but knowing nothing of etherea, had no ambition to rise thither. And his content had visited itself on the colony, and they were contented also.

9. Fragapatti said: To remain here forever, is this the extent of thy desires, O Hoab? And Hoab answered him, saying: Yea, Master. What more is life than to reach the highest place and remain there? To which Fragapatti said: Is this the all highest? And Hoab said: Yea, Master. Any place and condition is the all highest, if man make it so. None can attain higher than I; no people higher than my people. We are freed from the earth and hada; and we desire not to return thither, nor to go to any other place.

10. Fragapatti said: Let us walk a little, that I may see thy kingdom. Hoab consented, and they walked along, seeing the inhabitants lying at ease, some amusing themselves weaving threads of light, then unraveling them and weaving them over again; others playing with crystals and lenses and opaque and transparent elements, but not doing anything for another; nor, in fact, needed they, for all were capable of doing for themselves. Now, after they had traveled a while, Fragapatti said: Hast thou not, O Hoab, a desire to return to the plateaux below thee, where the inhabitants are in misery and darkness, and bring them into thine own realm? To which Hoab said:

11. Nay, Master. Let them shift for themselves. Even if we helped them up they would be thankless. Nay, my doctrine is: Man is the all highest of all things. The elements are dumb; the worlds are many and wide. Let man choose a corner for himself, and there settle forever. Fragapatti asked: Because a man chooseth a corner, is it necessarily his own? Hoab said: Our place was bequeathed us by our forefathers; of course it is ours, and to remain so forever. Neither suffer we any other spirits to settle in our dominions. Being far away from the rest of the world, we are not much molested.

12. Fragapatti said: How came ye hither? Hoab said: Long ago there came a God hither, named Osire, bringing six thousand million drujas up from the earth. With them he founded a colony here; with factories, colleges, hospitals, and all things necessary to enlighten the people, giving them ample teachers. In course of time, many of the inhabitants migrated away from this place, and it was almost depleted of its people. But the Gods below this sent new supplies of inhabitants, of which we are the second and third installments; so we inherited the place with all its factories and educationals, and other places.

13. Fragapatti said: As ye were raised up by the Gods of other places, would it not give ye joy to raise up others, who are still in darkness? Hoab said: Nay, Master. We are pure and refined; the atmosphere of drujas is unpleasant to us. They would vitiate our own happiness, besides entailing toil and responsibilities upon us. We cannot mix with any people but the refined and holy. We take care of ourselves; let others do the same, and all will be well.

14. Fragapatti said: Who thinkest thou I am, and my people with me? Hoab said: Visitors from some far-off realm, who are either discordant with yourselves, or bent to meddle in the affairs of other peoples. We have had visitors before, and we never grieved when they left us. To which Fragapatti replied:

15. Thou art strong in thy philosophy. Had no nation or people such ambition as this, there would be no content in the world. To be satisfied with one's own self and behavior is to be a God in fact. Hadst thou nothing to fear from immigration coming to thy shore, or to fear from some new philosophy undermining thy long-established convictions, thou mightst indeed be the happiest of Gods, and thy people the happiest of people.

16. Hoab said: True! Thou perceivest wisely. O that there was nothing to fear; nothing to dread, forever!

17. Then Fragapatti said: And I declare unto thee, Hoab, that that condition can be attained. For I have seen kingdoms in heaven so fortified. And wert thou and thy people prepared to receive the sacred secrets pertaining thereto, I would most willingly unfold them before thee. Hoab said: Thou art a wise God; tarry thou and teach us.

18. Fragapatti said: I am now on a journey, and cannot remain longer; but, on one condition, I will return hither and disclose these matters, so that never more shalt thou fear for immigration into thy country, nor for any philosophy which any man or God may teach: Exact a promise of secrecy from all thy people. Hoab said: It shall be done.

19. And Fragapatti and his hosts withdrew, and departed out of that plateau, promising to return when notification had been served on his people. But Fragapatti inspected the whole superfice, and found it capable of educating and providing for ten hundred thousand million spirits; whereas, there were but two thousand millions in Hoab's kingdom; and they inhabited only a small corner of the plateau; nevertheless, Hoab laid claim to the whole.

20. After this, Fragapatti descended to the next plateau, the first grade plateau above the earth, called Aoasu, signifying, land and sky world, for the first spirit life after mortal death. Aoasu hath its foundation on the earth, and it undulateth with mountains and valleys, like the earth, having seas over the corporeal seas. And the outer superfice of Aoasu is from twenty to a hundred miles above the earth's surface; and it is habitable within and without, after the manner of all spirit worlds. But the first resurrections were within it and on the earth surface; and the second resurrections, mostly, on its superfice; though all atmospherean plateaux are also made for the second and third resurrections. On the roadway betwixt Aoasu and Zeredho, next ascending, it was that Osire established Vibhraj, which was now so depleted of its people that Fragapatti halted not to examine it, but proceeded to Aoasu direct.

21. Here lie the mountains of Morn and Eve, and mountains of the Moon and Sun and Stars; chief of which groups are:

22. Ushidaho, Ushidarena, Erezifya, Fraorepa, Ezora, Arezura, Tudae, Bumya, Doitya, Raoidhita, Mazassavao, Autare, a place of light, inhabited by Hura, Lord of Vouta; Ereasho, Vata-gaiko, a place of Uz, signifying torments, because of its darkness.

23. This group of mountains is ninety miles higher than the earth mountains of Jaffeth. South of these are Adarana, Aayana, Isakata, Somya, Kanaka-tafedrhao, Vahra, and the double mountain, Hamanakanna; eight ranges of the round mountains, Fravanku; the four peaks, the Vidwaana.

24. These extend over the earth mountains of Shem, and have an altitude above the earth of one hundred miles. These are the oldest inhabited spirit worlds, since the submersion of Pan, whose spirit worlds were carried up to a higher heaven, which hath since been called Haraiti.

25. Extending east and west lie the group called the Red Men's group: Aezaka, Maenaka, Vakhedrakae, Akaia, Tudhakkae, Ishvakhaya, Draoshisvao, Cairivao, Nanhusmao, Kahayuyu, Autarekanhae, Karayaia, which were the first places in heaven for colonizing the spirits of the I'huan race.

26. The next group lieth to the west and south, which are: Gichindava, I'huana-Varya, Raegamna, Akaya, Asha-cteambana, Urinyovadidhkae, Asnahovao, Ushaoma, Utsagaerenao, Cyamakhama, Cyamaka, Vafrayaotso, Vafrayao, Vourrusha, and Uasoakhao.

27. To the south of this group are the Towering Eagles, which are: Ijatarra, Adhutuvavata, Ceptimavarenao, Cpentodata, Asnavoaya, Kairogakhaivacao, Tauraiosa, Baroyo, Barocrayama, Fraayapoa, Udrya, Usayaokhava, Raevao. All of which groups were named by the Gods and Lords of the intermediate worlds during the time of the Yi-ha language amongst mortals, being named after the amalgamation of the tribes of I'hins, every syllable, in former ages, being one tribe, whereof the Gods have made this testimony to endure from before the time of Fragapatti and Zarathustra, wherein it may be proven to mortals and spirits that this division of the spirit world was revealed to man at the time language was carried to its highest compounding.

28. Besides these mountains in the lowest heavens, there were four thousand others, the names of which were duly registered in the libraries of heaven, by Thor and his sub-Gods; but more than two thousand of them were uninhabited, owing to the fact, that Jehovih had not as yet created a sufficient number of people for them. But the mountains here mentioned above were those, chiefly, where, at the time after Apollo, the false Gods and false Lords sat up kingdoms of their own; and the names of the mountains are also the names they espoused unto themselves.

29. Fragapatti said: Alas, these heavens! Who can measure the vanity of men and angels, that cut loose from the Great Spirit, endeavoring to set up kingdoms on their own account! Their places perish; sorrowful histories! Behold these vagrant spirits, strolling about, or hiding amidst the ruins! Ashamed of their rags, and nakedness! Prowling around; millions of them; hundreds of millions!

30. Verethragna said: I thank Thee, O Jehovih, that I am once again amongst the lowest! Keep me, O Father, amidst this darkness, till I shall never again forget the lowest of my brothers and sisters. I behold Thy Wisdom, O Jehovih! But for these cycles of time, in the dawns of which Thy ethereans can come down to witness the bounden in hell, they would themselves forget the horrors. O that Thou wilt not suffer me to rest till I have helped to raise them up to know Thee, and to be a glory within Thy works!

Plate 10, Etherea, Atmospherea and the Earth


E, E, E, Etherea. All that lieth between the dotted line and the earth is atmospherea. H, Haraiti, highest lower heaven, founded by Fragapatti. F, Zeredho, second highest lower heaven founded by Fragapatti. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, third lowest heavens founded by Fragapatti. These seven were called the Seven Heavenly Mountains, and known by the name Aoasu. (See Vedas. Also see Chapter 6, verses 20-28, this book.)

Chapter VII

1. Fragapatti surveyed Aoasu in all the Morn of East Birth, and his officers enumerated the spirits, and recorded their condition, and then he called his conductors, saying:

2. I have measured the Morn of the East Birth; take me now to the Setting Eve of Death.

3. So the ship, with its passengers, was raised a little, and started for the west, running low over the regions lying west of Ham, Shem and Jaffeth. Fragapatti said:

4. I perceive, the plan of the Gods on this star was to complete its inhabitation by going westward. For this reason, I will see where they designed to have the Eve of Death and the birth of the Father's kingdom on the corporeal part.

5. When they came to the Atlantic Ocean (Uzocea), they raised their ship still higher, and sped across for the regions inhabited by the I'hins and I'huans.

6. Arriving thither, they came to Ipseogee, a region in the lower heaven where Hapacha, Lord of the I'hins, had a kingdom of seventy million souls, many of whom were I'huan spirits. Here Fragapatti halted, and made fast his ship, remaining seven days. And Hapacha received him and his hosts, and entertained them. And during the time of their sojourn, Hapacha sent his otevan out around over all the heavens belonging to Guatama, north and south, taking the surveyors and inspectors of the hosts of Fragapatti into all inhabited places, so they could complete their records.

7. In the meantime, Hapacha conducted Fragapatti throughout his kingdom, exhibiting the factories, schools, colleges, hospitals, and all such places as belong to the second resurrection.

8. Fragapatti said to Hapacha: In thee and thy kingdom I am well pleased. Thou shalt hear from me ere many days. At present I must depart. So Fragapatti told not who he was, nor what was his mission; but gathering together his hosts, departed, still going westward, until he completed the circumference of the earth.

9. Now will I again go around the earth, said Fragapatti, and inspect mortals and their kingdoms. So, his conductors now run the ship just above the lands, being guided by messengers familiar with the earth and with all the habitable places. And they zig-zagged their course, going into all kingdoms and into all large cities, and into forests and plains, determining the condition of the earth, and its capabilities, as well as the conditions of mortals and their capabilities.

10. And when Fragapatti had completed this latter inspection, he returned to Mouru, in Haraiti; and the whole of his absence was seventy-seven days.

11. And all the records obtained on the expedition were immediately filed in Mouru, where the High Council and all others who chose could read them. And on the third day thereafter, Fragapatti resumed the throne of Jehovih, and was prepared to found anew the kingdoms of atmospherea, and also those of earth; to overthrow or set aside what was not good; and to raise up both mortals and spirits who had proved themselves worthy.

Chapter VIII

1. This, then, is the manner of the House of Mouru: Fragapatti would announce the subject; then, rank and rank, according to exaltation, the representatives of hundreds and of thousands would speak on the subject. When all had spoken that desired to, or whom Fragapatti asked, then Fragapatti would pronounce in the name of Jehovih. And these were the decrees. For example:

2. Fragapatti said: What shall be the divisions of the earth, and who the Lords thereof? And when the House had expressed, then Fragapatti said: In the name of Jehovih, these shall be the divisions of the earth, to wit: Jaffeth on the east and north, by the sea and to the ice regions, and on the west to the mountains of Oh'e'loo, which shall be called the first division.

3. To the east and south, water and water, and to the west, the highlands of E'zar; and its name shall be Shem.

4. The south land shall henceforth be called Arabin'ya, encompassed by the sea. And north of this, the first country of the brown red race shall be called Heleste, bordering on Shem and Jaffeth on the east, and extending half way to the sea on the west.

5. Uropa shall be Goddess of the west part, and it shall be called after her. And the two great west lands shall be called North Guatama and South Guatama. And all the islands of the earth shall be called Oce'ya; and the waters of the earth shall be called Oce'a, signifying, in likeness of the earth and sky. (See map.)

6. For the seven divisions of the earth there shall be seven rulers of the rank Lord God; and for South Oce'ya, one ruler of the rank Lord; and for North Oce'ya, one ruler of the rank Lord; and for Japan (Zha'pahn), one ruler of the rank sub-God.

7. Hear me, O ye Gods and Goddesses: Who I shall proclaim from amongst you shall reign during dawn of dan only, but shall raise up a successor in your own name, and in Jehovih's name, to the same rank, to hold dominion two hundred years, the next succeeding resurrection.

8. Fragapatti said: I proclaim, in the name of Jehovih, Ah-oan, Lord God of Jaffeth; Yima, Lord God of Shem; E'Chad, Lord God of Arabin'ya; Gir'akshi, Lord God of Heleste; Uropa, Lord Goddess of Uropa; Yaton'te, Lord God of North Guatama; Kow'anea, Lord God of South Guatama; M'wing'mi, Lord of South Oce'ya; Ots'ha'ta, Lord of North Oce'ya; and Soo'fwa, sub-God of Japan.

9. Approach the throne, O ye Lord Gods, and Lords, and sub-God, that ye may be anointed in the name of the Father, and duly crowned with the emblem of All Light.

10. First came the Lord Gods; and they stood before the throne of Jehovih, now illumed brilliantly, in gold and white. Fragapatti said: By Thy Power and Wisdom, O Jehovih, which rest in me, do I these, Thy Lord Gods, anoint and bestow to Thy kingdoms, for Thy glory. Amen! Receive ye of this fire, for it is His anointing with power and wisdom, that all men and women and children, mortals and spirits, coming under your dominion, may rejoice in their Creator, rising forever. Amen!

11. The Lord Gods responded: May I glorify Thee, O Jehovih, in the kingdom Thou hast bestowed upon me! In Thy name I receive this fire, for it is Thy baptism with power and wisdom. Whomsoever Thou hast intrusted to my dominion will I cause to rejoice at all times, and to rise up forever in Thy numberless kingdoms!

12. Fragapatti said: And to you I bequeath, in the Father's name, power to exalt successors, that ye may also bequeath to your successors power for them to exalt successors also; and so on, till the next dawn of dan from the etherean kingdoms, for of such manner shall be the dominion of the Gods and Lords of earth, and her heavens, for a long season hereafter.

13. The Lord Gods responded: Thy power, O Jehovih, do I accept, to exalt a successor to me in my dominions, with power to bequeath the exalting power to his successors after him, till the next etherean dawn of dan.

14. Fragapatti said: Crown of Thy Crown, O Jehovih, do I weave of Thy golden light, for these, Thy exalted Sons and Daughters; and with my hand, in Thy name, crown them. Be Thou with them, now and forever. Amen!

15. Then Fragapatti gathered of the light present, and fashioned crowns for them, and they came forward to the foot of the throne, and he crowned them. So also, at the time they said: I receive Thy fire! there came down from above a stream of light, bright as the sun, and settled upon them.

16. And now they sat down at the foot of the throne, in ancient custom, and Fragapatti came down from the throne, bringing attendant Gods with him; and they took the hands of the newly-anointed Gods, and rose them up; and Fragapatti said: Arise thou, O Lord God, and go thy way. Jehovih is with thee. Then they stood aside, a little way off.

17. Then came forward the two Lords. Fragapatti said: O Jehovih, by Thy power and wisdom in me vested, do I appoint and announce these, Thy Lords, to their divisions of the earth; and with my hands, and in Thy name, weave I a crown for each of them, and crown them Lords of Thy light, for Thy glory. Amen!

18. Hear me, O Lords; that which I bestow in the name of the Father, and ye receive, ye shall also bestow in the name of the Father upon your successor at the end of this dawn of dan. Though a Lord God hath dominion, first, with mortals, and, second, with the first heaven in his division which resteth on the earth; and though a Lord hath dominion with mortals only, and with such ashars as minister unto them, ye twain are made Lords of far-distant islands, where ye shall determine many things in your own way, often being Gods also, which I also bequeath unto you, and your successors forever.

19. The Lords said: What thou hast put upon me, O Jehovih, I will do, with Thy power and wisdom, for Thy glory, forever. Amen! I receive Thy crown with praise and thanksgiving, and will bestow it in Thy name upon my successor, bright as I now receive it.

20. Fragapatti then laid the crowns upon them, and they sat at the foot of the throne, also. Then Fragapatti took them by the hand, and raised them up, saying: Arise, O Lords of Jehovih, and go your ways.

21. And when they stood aside, Soo'fwa came forward. Fragapatti said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, and by Thy power in me vested, do I this, Thy Son, crown sub-God of his division of the earth and its heavens. Of Thy light I crown him, and bestow him with a rod of water and rod of fire, that he may have dominion in Thy name, and for Thy glory. Amen!

22. Hear me, O God: Thy duties make thee both Lord and God; but thy second resurrections shall be removed at short intervals, as thou shalt be hereafter informed. But thou shalt have power to appoint assistant Lords to be with thee, in my name, and the Father's. And thou shalt also exalt a successor after thee, with power to his successor also.

23. In Jehovih's name, receive thou this crown of yellow light, for it is the emblem of the oldest habitable country above the waters of the earth! And may the Father be with thee, now and forever. Amen!

24. He also sat at the foot of the throne, and Fragapatti raised him up, even as the others, saying: Arise, O God, and go thy way. So he stood aside. And now the es'enaurs sang and chanted, and the marshals led the way; and the newly empowered Gods departed out of the House of Mouru. And there had been provided for them, already, a vessel sufficient to reconduct them back to the earth; and they entered the vessel, and, amidst the flying of banners and the music of the trumpeters, they sped forward, and were soon out of sight.

Chapter IX

1. The hosts of the second resurrection were now conducted to the mansions previously created in Haraiti by Fragapatti; and they were provided with teachers and occupations, according to their development.

2. Fragapatti said: The marshals in chief will now send the builders of the fire-ships before me; I will speak to them. Now when the builders had come, and duly saluted before the throne, Fragapatti said:

3. Go build me an avalanza capable of carrying three thousand million angels, with as many rooms, capable of descent and ascent, and east and west and north and south motion, and prepare it with a magnet, that it may face to the north, whilst traveling.

4. The builders saluted, and then withdrew, and went and built the vessel. And it was two hundred thousand paces east and west, and the same north and south; its height was one thousand lengths, and the vesture around it was a thousand paces thick; and it was provided with etherean curtains, two hundred thousand; and with four hundred thousand banners, of all possible colors and shades and tints. Besides these were fifty thousand small flags and streamers. The floor was woven in copy of a spider's net, extending from the centre outward, and with circular bars at crosses; and the frame-work within was constructed with one million uprights, the entire height of the vessel; and yet across these were twenty millions of bars; within the whole, were the rooms and halls, and places for musicians.

5. When it was completed, the builders notified Fragapatti. He said: Athrava, come thou and sit on the throne. I promised to go and see Hoab and his colony, in Zeredho, when he should send me word regarding certain matters. Behold, messengers have notified me, and Hoab desireth to know how he can establish his colony, that he may never more fear to be annoyed by other Gods and angels.

6. Let fifty thousand musicians enter the ship with me, besides a sufficient number of captains and officers to manage the ship. The marshals at once made the proper selections, and took them to the ship, when they all entered, Fragapatti with them, and they departed.

7. So, Fragapatti returned to Zeredho, the second highest lower heaven, of which the ambitious Hoab, with his colony, desired to be sole occupant forever.

8. Hoab was waiting to receive him, having aroused up a sufficient number of his indolent subjects to maintain the semblance of a heavenly Council. But what a surprise! He had expected only a small vessel, with a few attendants. And now, when he beheld the magnificence of the avalanza, and the majesty of the band of musicians, so far transcending anything he had ever seen, he feared, and was awe-stricken.

9. Fragapatti approached slowly, but with Avom lights, and when the ship was near at hand, the hosts aboard cast out hundreds of thousands of perfumed ovaries, which exploded with beautiful colors, filling the atmosphere around about with the most delightful perfume. Finally the avalanza came to anchor, and Fragapatti, without any ceremony, alighted, taking a thousand attendants with him, and came directly up to Hoab, who was abashed somewhat on account of his shabby appearance.

10. Fragapatti said: Friend and brother, peace and joy be unto thee and thy house! To which Hoab replied: All hail, great Chief! Happiness attend thee and thy hosts! And were it not that I had previously discovered thou wert a philosopher like myself, I would apologize for the vast difference betwixt the respective appearances of our hosts. But ye are welcome all the same!

11. Fragapatti said: A mere incident of conditions, most noble God. Thou art aware, when children go on a holiday excursion, they attire themselves in their best; so it is better that I find an apology than that thou shouldst.

12. Hoab said: Nay, Chief, there is a philosophy in this matter which hath worried me of late: A thousand years ago my colony was ambitious to retire itself in grandeur, and to build fine ships and go on excursions, also. Five hundred years later, they ceased building ships and going on excursions, saying: What is the use? Latterly, they are all utilitarians, doing just as little as possible. In fact, many of my subjects deny themselves comforts, on the plea that they can do without them.

13. Fragapatti said: Thou rememberest, when I was here before I said to thee that without contentment no people had attained to peace; and thou didst acquiesce. Why, then, shouldst thou not rejoice that thy people have thus subdued ambition and curiosity? Hast thy mind, in so short a time, lost its contentment? Thou knowest I came hither to impart to thee and thy people the great secret, that ye may so fortify yourselves that ye shall never fear for Gods or angels molesting you.

14. Hoab said: Hear me, O Chief: If my people lose all ambition for rites and ceremonies, and dancings, and excursions; and keep constantly striving to deny themselves of everything save what necessity calleth for; and if that necessity becometh smaller and smaller, where will be the end? Will not all inspiration die out? For, to tell the truth, since my people have given up rites and ceremonies, and prayers and singings, they have also given up rejoicings of soul, and are becoming like a dead people.

15. Fragapatti said: Then thou wouldst seem to prove that to hold on only to the useful in life would ultimately end in suicide to the state, to the family, to the individual, and even to the soul?

16. Hoab said: Many of my people are too lazy to clothe themselves; and because of shame, they seek secluded places, as they say, to live as they please. Do not such people commit suicide against the state? Hath a man a right to withdraw himself from his fellows, saying: It suiteth me better? We have been told that in the first age of mortals, they had no ambition to live together, being void of all talents, and that the Gods inspired them to language and to society, giving them rites and ceremonies as an inducement to make them harmonious and attractive to one another.

17. Fragapatti said: How shall I account for the difference betwixt thy arguments now and the other time I was with thee? Thou desiredst me to believe that thou and thy people were the highest, best, happiest of all people in the heavens. Why this change?

18. Hoab said: Thou didst promise me thou wouldst teach us some way of protection against being molested by other Gods and spirits from other kingdoms. Since then I have reasoned on the subject, and I perceive that if such a state of security could be given to my people, they would wander off into isolation, and even forget language and judgment. How, then, was it, thou toldest me thou hadst been in heavens where such a state of seeming impossibility existeth.

19. Fragapatti said: Let not arguments sway thee, O Hoab. But rather, examine proofs for thyself. I mistrusted that my statement to thee was too extravagant to be believed without evidence. Behold, then, what I have done: I brought a vessel large enough for all thy people, desiring that ye go with me to my kingdom, new founded in Haraiti; and if thou shouldst find any further desire, at the end of a few years, I will take thee and thy people to still another kingdom, in a far-off world. After that, and thou desirest it, I will provide the same conveyance back to Zeredho, with power to rule over it to thy heart's content.

20. Hoab said: Fairest of Gods! I feared, indeed, thou hadst come with the same old story; to worship the All Light, the Unknowable Nothingness; with foolish ceremonies and rites, and prayers, and songs of praise; which, however good for the ignorant and superstitious, are worthless to a God as enlightened as I am. This thou perceivest with thine own judgment. Gladly will I go with thee, and I will persuade as many of my people as possible to go also. Thou art the first God that ever came to our heaven, that wanted not to circumscribe our liberties, which neither I nor my people can tolerate.

21. These things were then communicated to the people of Zeredho; and after a few days they gathered together, and went into the avalanza, every soul of them. Fragapatti signalled the commander not to go directly to Haraiti, but by way of Utza, one of the hells in the Aoasu mountains, inhabited by thousands of millions of spirits in darkness, many of whom knew not who they were, nor had they names, being infants, idiots, and chaotic and foul smelling.

Chapter X

1. When they came to Utza, Hoab cried out: What do my eyes behold! As I live, here are people who once belonged to Zeredho, mine own heaven! By what strange law left they my kingdom to come and dwell in these torments?

2. Fragapatti caused the avalanza to halt, that information be obtained. So he called the druj, and there came thousands of them, ragged and drunken. Hoab knew many of them, and he said: Know ye who I am? And they answered: Yea, Hoab, God of Zeredho. Again spake Hoab, saying: For what reason left ye my glorious kingdom to come and dwell in this hell of iniquity?

3. They answered, saying: Alas, that we left, indeed! But since it is so, it is so. Hear us, then, O Hoab, this is the reason: Even as mortals oft leave Purity in order to revel in sin. More reason we know not.

4. Then spake Fragapatti, saying: Jehovih saith: I have given man many talents. Because the roadways are not open for their growth, he plungeth into darkness. Think not that ye can draw a line, and say: O man, thou shalt not do this, or thou shalt do thus: for ye are powerless to hold him, whom I created to go forward. And if he find not a way to go forward, he will turn and go backward.

5. The drujas said: Yea, master: Zeredho did not fill our souls; we were thirsty for amusement and lightheartedness. We heard no voice but Utility. We sheared off all ornament and diversion, and art, and, finally, even music. We fain would hear from Zeredho, to know if they have not ceased to talk, and perhaps to live, because, forsooth, Utility hath spoken!

6. And they laughed, and frolicked about like idiots and fools, mingling with harlots, and thieves, and liars, and drunkards.

7. Fragapatti caused the ship to move on a while, and then halted, and called other drujas, and questioned them in the same manner, and received answers of the same character.

8. Again they moved onward, and the same was repeated; finally, they came to a place where all was darkness and noise and confusion, where they even heeded not the ship, nor the calls made to them. Then spake Fragapatti to Hoab, saying: Hath it been proven to thee that man cannot stand still? Hoab said: It is true. This matter cometh close home to me. I perceive now that had I not come out of Zeredho, I had not witnessed these things, nor had I seen Zeredho as I now see it.

9. Fragapatti said: Be not hasty against thine own philosophy, for I will show thee thine own wisdom by and by. So they traveled seven days in hell, the lowest division of hada, where there was neither government, nor order, nor truth, nor virtue, but torments and wailings and cursings.

10. Fragapatti said: Thou hast seen that these many people know not their own darkness.

11. Hoab said: Is it not true, O Chief, that no man knoweth his own darkness? Who, then, is safe? Who knoweth he is not on the downward road?

12. Fragapatti said: Thou hast said man is the All Highest. But doth it not come home to us all, as to the ancients, that to do good with all our wisdom and strength, and have faith therein, that we are on the road to the All Highest?

13. Certainly thou hast proven, said Hoab, that Zeredho is not the All Highest, for it cannot retain its people. Even hell hath prevailed over her. And doth not hell prevail over all self-righteousness, and over riches and kingdoms and empires? If, therefore, hell prevaileth, is not hell the most powerful? And if the most powerful is not hell, therefore the All Highest? The ancients were happy in ignorance, for in believing in an All Person, a Creator, and that they should ultimately see Him, they had an object in view. But with the growth of wisdom, we find we cannot realize such a Person, and so have no object in view ahead of us. Thereupon, we recoil upon ourselves, and all is dead.

14. Fragapatti said: Hath man no lesson from the past? In the ancient times the Gods persuaded mortals to make stone idols and worship them. And they were sufficient until man attained more knowledge. Again came the Gods to mortals, inventing a large man-God in the sky, persuading them to worship him. He was a sufficient God till man learned to commune with angels; and the angels contradicted that philosophy. But hear me, O Hoab, have we not a lesson in this, which is, that we must ever have an All Highest Person so far ahead that we cannot attain Him? If this be true, when we have surpassed a Person whose figure and condition we can comprehend, is it not incumbent upon us to create within our own souls the thought of an All Person beyond our comprehensibility?

15. Hoab said: It seemeth so. But how canst thou teach thy soul to think of an All Person beyond man's comprehensibility?

16. Fragapatti said: For a basis to reason from, let us consider the etherean, the atmospherean and the corporeal worlds to constitute His body; and the motion therein and thereof, the manifestations of His Power and His Wisdom. Since, then, we ourselves have these things in part, we find, also, we have another attribute embracing all the others, which is combination concentrated into one person. Shall we not, then, give to Him, who embraceth all things within Himself, combination concentrated into one person? Otherwise, He is our inferior, which cannot be. Therefore, being ourselves persons, are we not mere offshoots from the All Person? Otherwise, we could not have attained personality. Doth not a child take its personality because its mother was a person? Can man have an entity save he receive it from an entity? Could man be a person, save he sprang from a Person?

17. Hoab said: Thou art a great light, O Chief! Verily, hast thou unfolded a universe before me! Yea, there must be an All Person! O that I had seen this philosophy before!

18. Fragapatti said: Be not infatuated, O Hoab, with sudden appearances. For were I to show thee, first, what it is to believe in an All Person, Whose magnificence surpasseth the universe itself, and then that man can attain to be one with Him, even as a note in music is one within a tune, I would so far enrapture thy soul that thou wouldst do nought but listen. Let us, therefore, suspend our research awhile, that we may devise some resurrection for this hell of suffering millions.

Chapter XI

1. The avalanza was so constructed that the words spoken by Fragapatti and Hoab could be heard by all who chose, of whom there were two thousand millions on board. And when Hoab expressed conviction, the same sentiment seized upon the whole assembly; whereupon, Fragapatti raised his hand, saying: By virtue of Thy power, O Jehovih, will I illume this hell!

2. And by Fragapatti's will there was created a sudden light, so brilliant, none present, save the ethereans, could look upon him. Hoab bowed down, and hid his face, and Hoab's hosts were overcome with fear, prostrating themselves on the floors of the avalanza.

3. Fragapatti said to the swift messengers: Go at once to Mouru, greeting, and say that Fragapatti demandeth, at once, one thousand million etherean volunteers, for signal centres in Aoasu's lowest hells, bringing rods of fire and water.

4. The swift messengers departed hastily. Fragapatti then commanded that the avalanza be anchored for a day; and he and many of his hosts went out into hell, where the spirits were weeping and wailing, and cursing, or lying in drunkenness and lethargy. Many of them were naked and foul smelling; and hundreds of thousands of them, having had diseased corporeal bodies whilst on earth, had now carried with them into hell the substance of their corruptions, even the rottenness of plagues and consumptions, and of other diseases it is not even lawful to mention.

5. Fragapatti said: By Thy Power, O Jehovih, shall a wall of fire encompass these people about. They shall not escape. For were they to return to a nation of mortals, they would inoculate them unto death. Fire, O Jehovih, fire! Thou All Purifier!

6. And he cast his hands outward and upward, in majesty, and there rose up walls of fire on the face of the mountains; and the light thereof fell into the valleys of Ugh'sa, the pit of hell. To the east and west and north and south, Fragapatti turned, saying: A wall of fire! a wall of fire! And he, himself, shone as a sun, united with the Eternal All Creator, Whose voice was power to wield the elements to His will.

7. Presently, there were hemmed into one field more than five hundred million drujas, who, by the sudden transformation, were roused up to desperate wildness, with bated breath, running hither and thither, first one way and then another.

8. And yet there were other millions of them, so low and stupid and crazed, that the others ran over them as if they were but a heap of rubbish, death!

9. Then Fragapatti went to Hoab, saying: For pity's sake, come thou and help me, and persuade thy hosts also.

10. Hoab said: O friend, and brother, do not mock me! Thou hast undone me entirely. I am nothing. My hosts are nothing. For pity's sake, temper thou thine own light. It pierceth me through!

11. Fragapatti said: Shall I not send thee back quickly to Zeredho, with thy hosts? Hoab said: My wish is nothing; my will is nothing! Thine and the Great All Power's will be done. Fragapatti said: If ever thou hadst faith in thy life, I charge thee now quickly to summon it to thy soul, for Great Jehovih is with me now, and but ask and speak in faith by the Creator, and it shall be granted unto thee. Speak quickly, whilst yet the power holdeth upon me: Shall I put on a thousand-fold more light? Say thou: In Faith I will endure all, for the glory of Jehovih! Give me, or fire or torments, or whatsoever Thou wilt, O Jehovih!

12. Hoab trembled, and then strained in every part, and at last suddenly sprang up facing the light, melting in the flame of fire; and he said: I will endure all, in faith of Thee, O Jehovih! Give me, or fire or torments, or whatsoever Thou wilt. Henceforth, I will do for Thee, forever!

13. Presently, his spirit took the crystal form, and the victory dawned upon his soul. A smile, denoting knowledge of All Holiness and Majesty gleamed in his countenance! The light began to retract and to reflect from his face, brilliant and sun-like. He had conquered and won! He said: Thanks, O Jehovih!

14. Fragapatti said: Quick, now, seize the goal; go forth practicing thy light for others, and it will grow, giant-like. And Hoab was strong in faith, almost mad with the delight of such wondrous change; and he rushed forth, commanding, in the name of Jehovih, raising up hundreds and thousands, even as he had been raised, crystallizing.

15. All one day and one night they labored, and all the ethereans with them; and they rescued, and divided, and sub-divided the spirits of darkness into grades and sections. And many of the spirits belonging to the hosts of Hoab were thus raised to the second resurrection, with light and power.

16. But of the hundreds of millions of spirits in the torments of hell none were as yet raised even to the first resurrection. But they were stirred up and routed out of lethargy; and the supplies for their drunkenness were cut off by the walls of fire, created by Fragapatti, which went up day and night, without ceasing.

17. And Fragapatti stationed sentinels with power near the walls of fire, commanding them to cast in the elements of ughs and brimstone, so that the suffocating smell would prevent the drujas from escaping.

18. On the second day, millions of ethereans, with rods of water and rods of fire, came from Mouru, in answer to Fragapatti's commandment. And when they had arrived before him, and had saluted in the sign of Jehovih's name, he said unto them: Behold, I have established one signal centre in hell. It will require a thousand more centres before we have broken them up and delivered them. From the rank of das the marshals shall select from amongst you ten thousand to remain in this centre and complete the work I have laid out.

19. So the marshals selected from the ethereans of the rank of das ten thousand. Now the das are such as have attained to power with the rod with water, and the rod with fire, but not with the hand, like the ranks above them. They go amongst the denizens of a signal centre with the two rods, casting water with one and fire with the other. And the hosts of spirits in darkness run for them, like cattle for salt; and the das thus discover and assort them; for the lowest spirits go for the rods with water, and the highest for the rods of fire. Because the lowest spirits dread the light; and because the highest desire to be rescued from the lowest.

20. On the second day, therefore, the das began work; and there were baptized with water many millions; but with fire only one million. The latter were then taken without and beyond the walls of fire, and colonized, and clothed, and fed, and guardians placed over them, preparatory to the nurseries, hospitals, schools, factories, and such other educationals as belong in the lowest heaven.

21. On the third day the das went through the same labor again, and again many millions were baptized with water, and but two millions with fire. The latter were also taken without and beyond the walls of fire, and colonized in the same manner as those of the previous day.

22. Such, then, is the labor of the das in hell, baptizing and selecting; and it continueth until all the people are taken without and beyond the walls. The last taken are, therefore, the lowest grade, and the first taken are the highest grade. But the last are usually so low in knowledge and ambition that they move not of themselves, but are bestowed in nurseries and hospitals, to be cleansed from their foulness, and to be healed of their infirmities.


Index to Oahspe