As a communication from Infinite Mind to finite minds, OAHSPE is not final, complete or infallible; but it is incomparably superior to any other yet received by the inhabitants of this planet. Passing by the internal evidence of this, let us consider these facts:
When OAHSPE was first published in 1882, its scientific teachings were scoffed at by mortal scientists; but every step of their progress since has tended to reverse the verdict, and today, on a hundred fields of eager research they are making, and evidently about to make, discoveries that proclaim OAHSPE as the ultimate textbook of Perfected Science.
A similar condition is before us in all fields of human interest and progress, for its prophecies are the keynote of all history since its publication. The daily record of current events in every land demonstrates that the Intelligence that wrote OAHSPE is actively overruling all mortal plans, purposes and efforts, in accordance with the program there revealed; and, by all the rules of precedent and probability, the management will not be changed till all is fulfilled.
Human thought is everywhere conforming to its teachings and foreshadowings. Evolution, Revolution and Revelation are within its comprehension. Socialism, Anarchism, New Thought, Christian Science, and the Revelation of Bahaullah flit across the stage to play their part in the transformation of the mortal mind.
To watch the present world-wide transfiguration scene, after reading OAHSPE, is like seeing a play, the theme, treatment and conclusion of which is familiar.
The wonderful library of inspired and revealed books appearing since the middle of the last century is not forgotten. A. J. Davis, Hudson Tuttle, T. L. Harris, J. M. Arnold and P. B. Randolph made a good beginning; and Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Anna Kingsford, Mary Baker Eddy, Frederick Oliver, Levi Dowling, George Chainey, and many others have voluminously continued the bewildering illumination. For which let us be duly thankful, appreciative and well equipped with attic salt.
But all these books, and many others yet unpublished, some, doubtless, yet unwritten, are comprehended in OAHSPE. Their coming confirms its foresight; their diversity emphasizes its universality, and their discords attest its Cosmic Harmony. Evident everywhere--and self-evident within them, is the testimony to their partial, fictitious and ephemeral character. They come to us, as OAHSPE says, from the ignorant, mischievous and rebellious angels of the first resurrection, flaunting the signs and signals of their origin.
Marvelous blends are they of fact and fiction, truth and error; objective and subjective cosmogony in weird confusion; and much that is fair and beautiful woven into theories and doctrines that bind their followers in darkness, and blind them to Jehovih's Light.
And the same is true of all the Bibles that have come down to us from the ages past, stifling the souls of millions with the weight and odor of hands long dead.
Verily, there is no foundation for permanent salvation here . . . or hereafter, in any of them.
And he who seeketh for truth and wisdom in any or all of them, without the key of a higher synthetic revelation, shall have a long, hard time getting wise.
But there is one point of general agreement: In some form, directly stated or evidently implied, the Millenium, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Fifth Monarchy, the Theocratic Commune, the Social Commonwealth, or whatever else it may be called, is an essential feature of all the bibles and revelations of ancient or modern times. And as OAHSPE outranks them all in other respects, so does it give the clearest and most comprehensive vision of the Good Time coming, and how to bring it into mortal manifestation.
OAHSPE is a compound word from the primitive universal language, signifying: Spiritual record of earth and heaven. It is a revelation for the Kosmon, or New Age, dating from 1848, and is unique for its supremacy over other Revealed, Inspired and Sacred Books of both ancient and modern times. It is so simple and direct that anyone can understand it, and so comprehensive that the wise find inexhaustible treasures in its melodius pages.
But the best thing about OAHSPE is the dynamic atmosphere of Knowledge, Wisdom and Power. Its Divine Psychology never fails; to read it receptively is to be mentally and spiritually transformed.
OAHSPE is a revelation from the higher heavens to the world of today. It is the miracle of a century.
The wisdom of the ages may be yours throughout eternity if you read, and heed, this message.