This is a book of books, namely:
Book of Jehovih, in His own words; Who He is; His creations; how He createth worlds; their ages, destinations and dissolutions; His etherean heavens; habitations of angels; the origin of life on a planet; the origin of man; what he was like.
Se'muan period. The chief of the angels named God. Ashars, guardian angels and Lords.
Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih, first God of the earth and her heavens, in His own words. Teaching man to walk on two feet; teaching him words of speech; providing him with guardian angels and Lords. God established the first heaven of the earth. He visits the earth. The loo'is, the masters of generations. End of sub-cycle. God's successor. Marriage in heaven. Ascent of the first God of earth with his harvest for the higher heavens. Drujas.
First Book of the First Lords. The I'hins, the druks, the Yaks, the A'su. See plate, comparative size. Another heavenly kingdom established and named Yeshuah; origin of the words Ieue and Iesu on earth. Origin of saying mass.
Book of Ah'shong, Son of Jehovih, second God of the earth and her heavens, in His own words. The beginning of villages and cities; the beginning of wearing clothes.
Second Book of Lords, in their own words.
Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles, of three thousand years each, in the words of Jehovih's angel Embassadors. The submersion of the continent of Pan in the Pacific Ocean, commonly called, the flood. This brings the history down to twenty-four thousand years ago.
Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih, in his own words. His charge in breaking the crust of the earth and sinking the continent; how he accomplished it; why he did it; his establishing of the earth's second heavens; appointment of five new Lords; three thousand years.
The Five Lords' First Book, in their own words. The great and high state of civilization man attained; the earth covered over with three times more people than at present; then the fall of civilization; its cause; and the earth became again a barren wilderness; three thousand years.
Book of Sue, Son of Jehovih, in his own words. Re-peopling the earth; periods of war succeeding; deformities of the races of men; the earth overrun with monstrosities; three thousand years.
Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih, in the words of Jehovih's angel Embassador. The changing of monstrosities into well-formed men; how it was done; why this labor fell to Apollo; his establishing of new heavens for the earth; three thousand years.
The Lords' Third Book, in their own words. Their method of dealing with mortals; the beginning of monogamic marriages; man regaining the use of his vocal organs; three thousand years.
Book of Thor, Son of Jehovih, in his own words. A period of miracles; angels again walking the earth with mortals.
Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovih. Revelations of the stars, the sun, moon and other planets; instruments for measuring the same; an age of disbelief; no angels appearing for more than three thousand years.
Book of God's Word. Revelations to man, in the words of God.
Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih. The raising up of Zarathustra (Zoroaster); his birth by a virgin; his life; locality; his preaching; the wheel of crucifixion; his death; cast into a den of lions; his re-appearance after death; origin of the red hat (cardinal's); blood in the lion's den; the zodiac; Fragapatti draws the plans for the ultimate redemption of the earth. This brings us down to eight thousand nine hundred years ago. Fragapatti reveals the plans of the higher and lower heavens. He also establishes different heavens for each of the continents of the earth; and he appoints a Lord for each of them; three thousand years. Zarathustrian bible.
Book of Divinity, the Divan Laws. Who was the Div; its duration, three thousand years; its dominion on the earth, and in the earth's heavens; the Divan Seal.
Book of Cpenta-armij, Daughter of Jehovih. This was the Dawn of Spe-ta, of the time of Abraham of Arabia, Brahma of India and Po of China; the time of the Sun Kingdoms on earth. Who these men were, and how they were raised up; Yutiv, Brahma's wife; their resurrection in a sea of fire. Bible of Abraham, bible of Brahma and bible of Po, all reproduced. Eawahtah (Hiawatha) the flatheads; the mound-builders; their bible; their language and mode of life. In the words of God.
Book of wars against Jehovih. Sawing of the prophet Isaah (Isaiah) in twain; the slaughter of the Ihua'Mazdians (Jehovih worshipers) in India and China. The false Lord God; the original De'yus or Dyaus, or Deity; the fall of the Divan (Divine) Laws of heaven. The new heavenly kingdoms of the earth; the false Gods' kingdoms; beginning of oracles. In the words of Jehovih's Embassador. Confederacy of false Gods in the lower heavens. Building of the great pyramid, and its purposes.
Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih. Descent of the etherean Gods and Goddesses from the higher etherean heavens; the dawn of the Arc of Bon; two thousand four hundred years.
Book of the Arc of Bon. The raising up of Moses, Capilya and Chine; their miracles in Egypt, India and China; the deliverance of the Faithists in Jehovih. Who these men were; how Moses got into Pharaoh's garden; his education. In the words of God. The origin of the name of Moses; the miracles of Moses taking four millions of people out of Egypt; his concert of action with the etherean Gods. The bible of Moses; the original song of Moses; bible of Capilya; bible of Chine of China; Chine's death and resurrection from a field of ashes; his appearance after his resurrection; why the land was named after him; the reign of peace in China; how it became called the Flowery Kingdom; triumph of the Faithists; how and why Lika appointed the Faithists (Israelites) to go westward whilst their brethern held China and India to the All One.
God's Book of Ben. The eight entities and Jehovih; science, philosophy, metaphysics, etc, etc.; the etherean Gods' re-appearance.
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy. The plans of the corporeal worlds; overthrow of the doctrine of attraction of gravitation; no force existing or extending from one planet to another; neither light nor heat comes from the sun to the earth; the atmospherean vortices; the solar vortex; the great serpent (phalanx); defection of man's measurements of heavenly bodies; defections of the observations; magnifying power of vortices; cause of the photospheres, polar lights, velocities, electricity, magnetism, life, growth; meteors, nebula, clouds, wind and wind currents; ocean currents; how to regulate the temperature of the earth by man; how to bring rain showers; cause of tornadoes, waterspouts; famines, epidemics, and how to prophesy by astronomical knowledge.
Book of Saphah. Philology; origin of languages; how to prove them as to origin, duration, and kind of people who spoke them; hieroglyphs, and how to read them; tracing of language down from Panic, through Yi'ha, Chinese, Vedic, Sanscrit, Hebrew, and so on down to English; how to find what an English word would be in Panic; thorax words and their era; labial words and their era; nasal words and their era; how to determine what the language of the future will be; how to find original bibles; how to find the speech of an extinct race.
Book of Praise. Somewhat in the style of Psalms of David, but relating mostly to the heavens of the earth and to etherea.
God's Book of Eskra. A spiritual history from the time of Moses down to the discovery of America; also a history of the heavens of the earth for the same period of time; descriptions of the heavens of the Brahmins, of the Buddhists, of the Christians and of the Mohammedans, with rules and signs for determing the same.
Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih. A sacred history of man since the last four hundred years down to the present, and for some time in the future. The above books give an account of the lower heavens, or spirit world, during the same periods of time. They describe the first, second and third resurrections in atmospherea; tell what the angels do, how they live, give their training and discipline; describe wandering spirits, familiar spirits, vampire spirits, demon spirits, engrafting spirits who live on mortals, teaching re-incarnation; spirit powers over mortals; chaotic spirits on battle-fields; lost spirits in haunted houses; obsessions, entrancement, spirit manifestations, how to get them; how to determine what realm a spirit belongs to, and who he is; how spirits deceive mortals; how selfish spirits in the lower heavens make slaves of their dupes after death and entrance into heaven; how to acquire prophecy and seer-ship; the delusion of the magnetic sleep; of spirit control; how to know the nature of spiritual communications; how mortals are graded by the Gods, and their status known in heaven; how nations fall; why cities are burnt down; how spirits can cast pestilence and contagious diseases; how the offspring of mortals are controlled; how any one may determine into what realm of heaven he will enter after death; how to determine the time of his bondage and of his emancipation; how to determine the place in heaven where a king or queen will go; where a rich man will go; the length of the time of bondage of any of them in the lower heavens; how any one may discover his own grade, as to where he will go; how they work themselves out of bondage in the lowest heavens; the necessity of purifying ourselves in flesh and in thoughts before we are companionable to pure angels; rites and ceremonies; discipline and communities in heaven; ships in the higher heavens that carry thousands of millions of angels in the etherean seas, and on excursions of thousands of years; the great firmament, etherea, filled with thousands of millions of etherean worlds, habitable within and without; the labors of Gods and Goddesses; the insignificance of our earth and its heavens, atmospherea; what is meant by higher and lower heavens; how mortals can attain to receive communications from the first resurrection, from the second resurrection and from the third, and even from Gods and Goddesses; what is purification; how to purity one's self, in flesh, and in spirit; how to know when a spirit communication is from the second resurrection or from the first; how to raise children; the coming race race; the cosmolitan, in the words of God; who is God; who is Lord; what is liberty, and how to attain it.
The false Kriste inspireth the destruction of the Quakers. Cotton Mather. Angels of the inquisitions; how appropriated by the Lord. The republic established. Of Thomas Paine, inspired by God. Washington protected by the angels of God. God casteth out the four false Gods. Jehovih judgeth the false Gods. Of the Mormons, Shakers, Swedenborgians. President Lincoln directed by the angels of Jehovih to liberate the slaves.
Book of Judgment. God's judgment upon the Brahmins, Budhists, Kriste'yans (Christians), Mohammedans, Confucians and Jews. The numbers of judgment, in the words of God. Of the Jews. Of resurrections. A day of judgment. God decreeth against infidelity. Of the Father's kingdom on earth. God showeth how to judge the angels that minister to mortals. Of the second resurrection. Of ascetics. God judgeth charities. God showeth how to do charity. God judgeth the missionaries. God judgeth dominions. Judgment against the man of promise; against war. God judgeth of exclusiveness. China and Japan thrown open. Plate 94. Grades. God declares against the government of man.
Book of Inspiration. The beginning of knowledge. How knowledge cometh to man; everything is inspiration. Times and seasons of the Kosmon Era. Holy compact day. Holy veil day. Fallen sword's day. Holy Kosmon day.
Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth, which containeth within it the Book of Shalam. History of Shalam. The holy covenant. Covenant of the brotherhood.
Commentary, with selections from
Humboldt, Godfrey Higgins, and others.
God said: "I come not, in this day,
to teach man
charity, nor yet to teach man as to what is right and
wrong between men; these things were revealed before.
I come to produce a new race, and show them how to
fulfill the former commandments: to do unto others
as they would to be done by; to return good for
evil; to give away all and fear not. Before, these
things were preached; behold, I come now to put them
in practice. By this shall man know who are the
chosen of Jehovih. They have said: 'Thy kingdom
come on earth, as it is in heaven!" Who are ready?
Let them come, the Light of Jehovih is on hand.
Beware of those that longer preach and pray for these
things, but practice them not; they profane the name
of the Almighty!"