Chapter XVI

1. Jehovih said: Let the order of the labor of My little ones be increasive; one half hour a day at six years of age, one hour a day at eight years, two hours at twelve, and three hours at fourteen.

2. Nevertheless, these thou shalt temper according to their strength and inclination, making labor itself a delightful pastime.

3. And it was so; all avocations were as a change from one amusement to another. And so great were their capacities to comprehend all things, that, at the age of fourteen, they were master of all trades and occupations.

4. And, of the first thousand children that reached fourteen years, scarce one could be found but was master of horticulture, agriculture (with botany), engineering, surveying, landscape gardening, architecture and general mechanics. They knew how to make shoes, hats, clothing (also spinning and weaving cloth), the mathematics of musical instruments; and they were musicians as well.

5. Tae said: Though they lacked the age and strength of full-grown men and women, yet they had attained to practical knowledge, the like of which had never been known to any adults in all the world. Scarcely anything was known that they could not make, or describe how it should be made.

6. And yet, in all things, scarcely any part had been taught them by means of books, but by practical observations and by illustrations and actual measurements.

7. Jehovih hath said: By My spirit, I move infants to ask questions; answer ye them, and, behold, they shall become as Gods. For this is a door I opened with Mine own hand; whoso answereth them not, shutteth the door against knowledge, and ill-useth My loves.

8. Tae said: With all that our children knew, behold, we still rebuked ourselves because we had not answered half the quesions they had asked us.

9. Now, from twelve to fourteen, they were initiated into the religious rites and ceremonies of the ancients, after the manner as set forth in the Book of Saphah, with explanations of signs, symbols, emblems and the sacred implements; with the ranks of Gods and Lords and Saviors and archangels; with the divisions of the higher and lower heavens; with the first, second and third resurrections in atmospherea, as set forth in the Book of Ben; and with the cosmogony of the corporeal worlds; the position and travel of the solar phalanx; with actual observations of the stars, planets and satellites, with their times and seasons, as set forth in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy.

10. And they could point out the constellations; describe the distances and revolutions of planets; explain the zodiac, the polar lights, and the use of telescopes and the spectrum. And, yet, not one of them had been tired or wearied in learning all these things.

Chapter XVII

1. The Voice came to Tae, saying: The fourteenth year is My year. Behold, the harvest of My laborers, who came first out of Uz, is ripe unto deliverance.

2. In the heavens of My Gods, I bequeath a time to labor unto them also; and when their angel hosts are prepared for a new resurrection to a higher heaven, I come and deliver them.

3. For fourteen years, thou and thine hosts have labored with My infants; those which I gave into your keeping have prospered, and shall be now emancipated from all further responsibility over them, save such as ye may take upon yourselves.

4. Call them together, old and young, and, with suitable rites and ceremonies, fulfill My commandments unto them, and bequeath unto My children the titles, brides and bridegrooms of liberty.

5. So, Tae appointed a day of emancipation, and had it proclaimed before all the people of the colony.

6. And, on the day named, there came into the temple of Jehovih one thousand of the infants who had attained to fourteen years of age. And they were clothed in white, with uncovered heads, boys and girls, each carrying a sprig of acacia, and they marched in from the west, two and two, but separated one to either side, forming a crescent, with the horns to the east.

7. The fifty-two founders sat in the east, and were thus betwixt the horns of the crescent, and they were clothed in black, with white aprons, but with Zarathustrian hats on the men's, and with sky-crescents on the women's heads.

8. Back of the founders, were stationed another thousand children of younger years, and they bore the flower-wreaths intended for the brides and bridegrooms of liberty.

9. But within the midst of the crescent stood Es, facing the east. Still outside of the crescent, were stationed the next younger class of a thousand infants. And, beyond these, were the members of Shalam; and beyond them, were the visiting Uzians.

10. On the north and south were stationed the musicians, and betwixt them and the crescent horns, on the exterior, were the marshals of Shalam.

11. Tae represented the Voice of Jehovih, and Es the voice of the young brides and bridegrooms who were to speak in concert with her. After prayer and suitable music,

12. Tae said: In the name of Jehovih, and by His Light upon me, I declare the place of the Holy Covenant open to the voice of mortals. Who here knoweth the times of Jehovih, and the day and year in the place of His kingdom?

13. Es and the brides and bridegrooms of liberty: In Jehovih's name, greeting from the west. Behold, this is the brides' and bridegrooms' day of liberty. We stand before thee and thy hosts to answer our love for the benefits ye have bestowed upon us in the Father's kingdom. We bring to ye sprigs of acacia as memorials of the everlasting life ye have shown unto us.

14. Tae said: The east answereth in love and sorrow, but receiveth your memorials with great joy.

15. Es: Before the Almighty, all things move onward; to His decrees we bow in reverence.

16. Tae: Are ye not satisfied?

17. Es: We are more than satisfied with the love and blessings we have received.

18. We were fatherless and motherless, and ye gathered us up and fed us and clothed us. But, greater than all, ye have taught us to love and honor you in our Father's name.

19. Tae: We went forth in duty, but Jehovih hath answered us with love. We found you helpless, with none to care for you, or to save you from destruction. We brought you hither and provided unto you without price and without hope of reward.

20. Es: But ye have bound us; how can we ever repay? None can know the fullness of our gratitude.

21. Tae: We have watched you since before ye stood upright; your every little step hath been both a responsibility and a joy unto us. O, why will you leave us? Who knoweth the love of the aged for the young, whom they have watched from day to day?

22. Es: We will not leave you; but, behold, we are no longer babes, we are strong and learned.

23. As ye saved us, so let us go forth in our might to save others. Who can teach the aged that those they raised up are not always babes? O, give us our liberty! Behold, we are clothed as brides and bridegrooms!

24. Tae: And turn you loose without anyone over you to guard and bless you?

25. Es: Jehovih will guard and bless the righteous who serve Him. We are His!

26. Tae: Who is Jehovih? and where?

27. Es: He is the Life and the Knowledge, Who is everywhere present, the All Person, Who created us alive, Who, by giving, created all things. He is our shield.

28. Tae: Your faith being in Jehovih, it is well; but ye have bound us with your love. What is bound on earth shall remain bound in heaven. Though we give you the form of liberty, yet our hearts will ever go out in love to you.

29. Though we emancipate you here on earth, remember, we are growing old. Ere long, we shall join our fathers in heaven. Whither we go, we shall again prepare unto you.

30. And, when ye come again to us for a season, behold, we shall again go on for a time and a season.

31. Es: O Jehovih, preserve Thou us ever pure and wise, that Thy hosts may continue this love in our travel in Thy everlasting kingdoms!

32. Tae: Such is ever the beginning of a kingdom of the Father: Where a few gather together in His name, fulfilling the commandments, there is the starting-place unto them.

33. Pity those that live and die in this world, not having found and lived within a kingdom of the Father.

34. Es: To remain true to Jehovih's heaven, what a glory, time without end! Make us strong and wise, O Father, to bring them into Thy kingdom on earth. Help us to make them comprehend.

35. Tae, in the Voice: With liberty I give also responsibility.

36. Es, in the Voice: Thy chosen comprehend; as Thou givest them liberty, even so do they emancipate those who saved them.

37. Tae: To the helpless, I provide saviors; to the wise and strong, I say: Save yourselves.

38. Es: We want none but Thee, Jehovih, to save us. We bind ourselves unto Thee from this time forth, forever!

39. Tae: Whosoever striveth to save himself, shall not fail before Me.

40. We covenant unto Thee, Jehovih, to strive hereafter, forever, to save ourselves from all sin and righteousness, in thoughts, words and deeds, and to serve Thee with all our wisdom and strength, by doing good unto others as long as we may live.

41. Tae, of himself: Then, in Jehovih's name, and by His authority vested in me, I bequeath you liberty forever. Jehovih be with you all. Amen.

42. In Jehovih's name we release our saviors from all responsibility for us forevermore. Jehovih be with you all. Amen!

43. Tae: Draw unto Me, and receive from My hand, saith Jehovih. Whoso covenanteth unto Me, I covenant unto him.

44. Whoso registereth unto Me, shall be registered in My heavenly kingdoms. Upon the entrance in heaven of My chosen, behold, My holy angels are there to receive them.

45. The brides and bridegrooms: We covenant unto Thee, O Jehovih, to be Thine forever.

46. Register us in thy everlasting kingdoms; make us acceptable associates for Thy holy ones in heaven.

47. Teach Thou us, O Jehovih, to look down into our thoughts, words and behavior, every day and hour, with swift remembrance to do all the good we can unto others that we may be an honor and glory in Thy works.

48. Tae: Come unto Me, My beloved; receive from My altar the token of liberty in My name!

49. The marshals then brought the points of the crescent together, in front of Tae, leaving a space between. The guards, then, brought the children with wreaths forward, filed to pass betwixt Tae and Es, who had advanced to the apex of the horns. The saviors (the founders) drew up in single file, facing the west.

50. And, now, at a signal from the chief marshal, the brides and bridegrooms turned in at the crescent, two and two, and, as they did so, they gave the acacia to the founders, whilst the wreaths were placed on their heads by Tae and Es, the bearers passing the other way. And, as they did so, Tae said:

51. Receive thou this token of liberty in the name of the Almighty. It was grown by Him, gathered by His loves, and is bestowed by thy benefactor as a crown of Jehovih's kingdom on earth.

52. Es, in response: More precious is this than the crown of any king or queen on earth. In Jehovih's praise I receive it; it is an emblem of a new beginning in my life, a wreath of liberty. The saviors (founders) said: This acacia shall be my register before the Almighty of your love.

53. After this, the musicians sang and chanted whilst the audience resumed seats.

54. Tae said: A new life is before you. Heretofore, you have been directed and criticised, and told what to do and what not to do. Hereafter, ye shall not be thus disciplined, but shall discipline yourselves.

55. As much as ye are thus bestowed by us, so shall ye bestow one another. And, henceforth, ye shall not criticise or direct or dictate to one another. As much as ye are free from us, ye are free from one another.

56. Heretofore, ye reproved one another for various trifling faults; hereafter, ye shall not reprove one another, nor reprove any person above fourteen years of age; remember constantly that ye are not keepers or supervisors over your equals or your elders.

57. And for such faults or shortness ye may perceive in others, save infants, turn away, behold them not, nor mention them. Such matters are betwixt Jehovih and the doers.

58. And, now, behold, it is proper for you to go into Uz, and see them, and observe how they live, both in splendor and in misery.

59. For which purpose, ye shall be provided in groups of dozens or more, and accompanied to the cities of Uz to sojourn there for a season.

60. And, if it so happen that ye desire to remain in Uz, then be it so; ye shall remain.

61. And, if ye desire to return hither, then shall ye return.

62. But ye shall not return here as before, as helpless babes, but as workers.

63. And, if ye elect to remain with us, then shall ye make the covenant of brotherhood with us, being one with us in all things, and this place, or its sister colonies, shall be your home as long as ye may desire.

Chapter XVIII

1. When the groups were prepared to visit Uz, Tae himself took charge of one dozen, going with them.   As the incidents of these visiting groups were similar, the following account of Tae's group sufficeth here, to wit:

2. Tae took them to the city of Meig, to the most fashionable hotels, and had them provided with every luxury, so-called.

3. Hardly had he them located, when they came before him, saying: Our rooms are small; the air of the city smells foul.

4. Tell us, what is the meaning, so many people strolling about in idleness? Why do they sit reading papers? Which are the masters, and which the servants? How do they know? Why do the servants not be masters, and have the others serve them? What beautiful wagons! What beautiful mirrors! What do the women have their clothes stuffed for? What are those bells ringing for?   Are they in the temples of Jehovih? Take us thither! What causeth these disagreeable smells? See that old woman with a half naked babe, and leading that dirty child! Why holdeth she out her hand as we pass? Is she a servant or a master? Why hath not some one told the rich, it is wrong to pass that poor woman by without helping her to a home? Why does she not come into our hotel, and have a room? What do the people mean about rights and privileges? Can one person in Uz have more rights and privileges than another? And why so?

5. What is that sour smell, down yonder, in that cellar, where they talk so loud? What is sour beer? See, behold, a man with a bloody face! Fighting? What with, a tiger? Are those the flesh-eaters? Why do they smoke? Why hath not some one told them they should rather seek to purify themselves, than to do in the opposite way? O, here is the temple of worship, take us in!

6. Tae took them in, and they heard the sermon, and afterward, they said:

7. O the mystery of mysteries! How can these things be? The chief preached most excellently; he knoweth all the doctrines for right-doing; but why is it that his people heed him not? Why doth he not gather up little children, and raise them up to observe the commandments? He must be the best of men. Take us to see him.

8. Tae took them, but a servant met them at the gate, and demanded to know their business.

9. They answered: We have come to consult about the poor. Then the gate-keeper withdrew a while, but returned, saying: The preacher is not at home!

10. From an upper window, behind the lattices, they saw his face; not at home!

11. They said: Can these things be? O, take us to the poor; to the streets of misery! Let us see them.

12. Tae took them, and when they looked about, they asked: Why do the poor live in the dirty streets? Why do they not go away, and dwell in the beautiful places? Who gave these different allotments to the rich and poor? Why do the poor not clean themselves, and clean their clothes, and clean their houses? Why do the poor remain in the cities? And huddle together in such little rooms?

13. What is that large house? A theological college? What is that for? What is the meaning of, teaching religion? Can it be learned with words? What is the reason they do not live religion? Why hath not some one explained to the professors that religion is a thing of practice? Could not they understand? Why do they not love their neighbors as themselves? Dividing up what they have, with the poor? Why do these children go without shoes, and so ragged and dirty? Why do not the professors and students in the theological college go, and wash them and clothe them?

14. Thus, Tae took them amongst the fashion and splendor and amongst the poverty and shame of Uz; showing them the banks and great merchant houses, and the fleets of ships; and then to the prisons and poor-houses, and to the houses for the insane, and to the hospitals.

15. Now, since their infancy up, many of them possessed su'is, and could see the spirits of the dead, even as they saw mortals. And they inquired of Tae concerning such spirits, saying and inquiring:

16. Who are these restless, sullen spirits, strolling about the banking houses?

17. Tae answered them: These were bankers; these were the founders of great banking houses. As they bound their minds and thoughts to earthly gain whilst they were mortal, so drift they now, even as they bound themselves on earth. They can not go hence.

18. Again, they asked: Tell us, then, what spirits are these strolling sulkily in merchant houses and on the docks?

19. Tae said: These were great merchants and their ship-masters; behold, they float also into the places they bound themselves.

20. Tell us, then, who are these drunken, foul-smelling spirits in the saloons?

21. Tae said: These were tipplers, drunkards, gormandizers; these were their mortal resorts. They can not go hence.

22. Thus, Tae explained the tens of thousands of spirits that huddled around about the different places in the city of Meig, in the land of Uz.

23. Now, after the time of the visit was completed, Tae said unto them: What will you, remain in Uz, or return to Shalam?

24. And they answered: O, take us back; give us clear air to breathe; let us be where we can see and hear Jehovih!

25. But since thou and thy people gathered us up in Uz, and bore us hence, let us go and gather up infants also, and take them with us.   We will raise them up in the Light of our Father in heaven.

26. So, in fact, did they; and they returned to Shalam, taking with them a great number of waifs and castaways and orphan babes.

Chapter XIX

1. When the multitude returned to Shalam, the place was more than filled, and the Voice came to Tae, saying:

2. Thou hast now fulfilled the first part of My kingdom on earth, but, behold, it is yet but a small branch of that which will overspread this great land.

3. Moreover, let the lessons of Uz be a profit unto thee and thy people.

4. Because the Uzians build large cities, their would-be reformers are powerless to work righteousness amongst the people.

5. Let not the cities of My chosen be large nor more numerous than Shalam is already. Sufficient is such a size to all that is required for the fulfillment of mortal life.

6. Therefore, thou shalt proclaim it unto My chosen, that no city shall contain more than three thousand people.

7. Suffice it, then, as I have placed the example of bees before thee, showing how they swarm, and go hence and establish a new hive, according to their numbers, even so shall My people go hence, and establish a new place, after the manner of Shalam.

8. This, also, shalt thou proclaim unto them; and thou shalt ask for volunteers in My name to accomplish these things righteously, as an example to coming generations.

9. So Tae called the people together, and proclaimed Jehovih's words, adding also:

10. Whoso volunteereth to go hence shall not find the fullness of Shalam, but, instead, shall find discomforts and hard work!

11. Beware of disappointments and trials and hardships. For is it not the way with all men to desire to reap too quickly the harvest, and to consider its fullness, rather than to contemplate the labor of tilling the ground and of sowing?

12. For the spirit of man conceiveth the result of perfection; but the judgment looketh to the labor required to bring it about.

13. Who, then, having the joys and fullness of Shalam, will turn away from them, in order to build another place, and yet, the while, not repine for his choice?

14. A colony shall stand as an individual before Jehovih. A colony may thwart its own righteousness by living for itself only.

15. The whole world is to be redeemed. It is not sufficient for Shalam to say: Behold, I am the fullness of the Father's kingdom. Let others go and do as I have done!

16. The selfishness of a colony shall be, therefore, guarded against, even as the selfishness of an individual.

17. Discipline, as regardeth the means and power of a colony, shall manifest in directing to the given purpose of founding the Father's kingdom.

18. Shalam might appropriate her excess of production, by sending into Uz, and giving to the poor.

19. Jehovih forbid that this should be done. The business of Shalam is not to distribute charity where it would thwart its own purpose.

20. Shalam shall use her excess of means to extending the Father's kingdom, in building new colonies.

21. Jehovih is with us, and we shall draw Uz unto us, to make them know Jehovih. To feed Uz in his debauchery is to send him in the way of destruction.

22. Guard ye, therefore, the appropriations of Shalam to such as labor for Jehovih's kingdom. As we have drawn a few away from Uz, let us prepare to draw more.

23. The way is open for any to go hence to found a new colony. Neither shall it be a branch of Shalam, nor a dependent. But it shall be in independent sister colony.

24. Neither shall it copy after Shalam, saying: Shalam shall be our example.

25. This would be following an earthly light.

26. Neither shall its people copy after Tae, saying: Tae did so and so, let us also.

27. For this would be following a lower light.

28. But it shall follow the Light of Jehovih as it cometh unto you who found it.

29. Save Jehovih found it, they shall fail who attempt it.

30. Jehovih designed not that man should build his house exactly like his neighbor's. The misfortune of man is to copy after others, instead of following Jehovih's Light as it cometh to himself.

31. Let not this misfortune come unto Shalam's sister colony. Another locality will call for other things. Be mindful of these, and adapt yourselves accordingly.

Chapter XX

1. And there volunteered, and went out of Shalam, two hundred adults and more than three hundred children, of whom more than a hundred were infants.

2. And they went into another part of the country, and came to a place called Busiris, which was unoccupied. And they purchased the country there, and settled, and called the colony Illaem, signifying, healing waters, for there were mineral springs on the place, said to contain great virtue in healing the sick.

3. Now, in a similar manner to Shalam, so did Illaem, building and improving the place. But the people of Illaem had less hardship, for they drew supplies and assistance from Shalam.

4. Nevertheless, they had also many hardships and trials, for several years.

5. And Jehovih prospered Illaem also; so that it came to pass, that it was established in great perfection.

6. As to Shalam, after the first swarm departed, the inhabitants sent back to Uz, of their women, whose allotment it was, and collected yet more infants, castaways and orphans, and brought them to Shalam, and raised them in the same way.

7. From this time onward, every year, a goodly number reached the age of fourteen, and they were also liberated from infancy, and admitted as brothers and sisters. And, nearly every year, a swarm departed out of Shalam.

8. In addition to the infants admitted into Shalam, there were also admitted many adults. But these were examined after the same manner as were those at the first founding of Shalam.

9. And none were accepted save those, who were Faithists in the All Person, Jehovih, and who were willing to work.

10. But there came many of the poor of Uz, seeking membership for charity's sake.

11. But none of them were admitted. Jehovih had said: The laborers, in establishing My kingdom, shall not do for charity's sake. Their labor shall be to provide a way to prevent poverty, not to alleviate it. Behold, I will have a new race of people in the world, and they shall not waste their substance on those that deny Me.

12. But the poor were fed and sent on their way.

13. Now, it happened that many lazy people from Uz, having heard of the beauty and peace in Shalam, sought also to become members, being willing to make any covenant and to swear any oath, for sake of living in idleness.

14. But the Light of Jehovih had also made this matter clear; so that they were suffered to remain a while in Shalam at work, and to attend the schools of discipline, that they might be judged; and, if found worthy, they were admitted, but if unworthy, they were rejected.

15. But it came to pass, that many who came with no thought of self-resurrection, but came for a home, to be cared for by others, were entirely changed in their habits in a few months, being converted in truth from worthlessness to industry and self-improvement.

16. And many of these became zealous in purification and in good works, even above the average.

17. But nearly all who applied for admittance were poor, or misfortunate, or discouraged with life, and with the ways of the world in particular.

18. Neither came many who were rich; hence the saying, the difficulty for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

19. For, having corporeal comforts, they took little concern as to the spirit, and especially as to affiliation.


Index to Oahspe