Age: 67
Date of Decease: 3mo. 8 1862
Bellefonte, Pa.
Age: 64
Date of Decease: 10mo. 15 1862
Bellefonte, Pa.
A Minister.
He was the son of much respected parents, members of our religious Society, residing in Chester county. Having been educated to the profession of law, he removed to the interior of the State, and ultimately became a leading member of the bar of his Judicial District. His unimpeachable integrity, sound learning, and attractive social qualities, gave him great influence in that community. His professional engagements introduced him into a wide circle of associates. Their habits were by no means favorable to Christian thoughtfulness. For some years he yielded to these influences, and while maintaining a high standard of professional integrity, was absorbed in pursuits and pleasures little controlled by religious conviction. He was at length awakened to a sense of his condition. At Arch street meeting, in Philadelphia, a female minister, whose name he never knew, quoted the language of our Saviour "Somebody hath touched me," and added a few simple words on the regenerating power of Divine Grace. This brief discourse deeply impressed him. From that time he dated the beginning of the great change under which the whole course of his life was altered. Becoming a firm believer in the truths of Christianity, as held by the Society of Friends, he soon found it his duty to acknowledge this conviction by conforming to its practice. In a community where these self-denying habits were not understood, and in a profession little tolerant of departures from wonted usage, this was a peculiar trial. But his sterling integrity, and the well known simplicity of his character, averse to mere forms, won for him the increased confidence and respect both of the community and of his associates at the bar. As his religious convictions deepened, he felt the inherent difficulties attendant upon the legal profession, and withdrew from it. Some years later he was recognized by his friends as a minister of the Gospel. As a pleader and a public speaker his addresses had been marked by impassioned earnestness; but when called to the ministry, and impressed even to trembling with the responsibility of the calling, it was instructive to notice the humility and simplicity with which he delivered the message intrusted to him. His ministry was not in the enticing words of man's wisdom, but it ever tended to exalt that Grace of which he was himself a living witness.
In the social circle he was very attractive; without reserve, original, genial, and simple. Those to whom he confided his secret experiences know how deep and paramount was his devotion to the cause of his Divine Master. Of later years his health had been impaired. But the summons came at last in an unexpected moment, and a few hours after he was attacked he quietly departed. Great is the loss to his family, to a wide circle of friends, to the church at large, and especially to the small meeting in which he faithfully labored.
Age: 62
Date of Decease: 3mo. 27 1862
Worcester, Mass.
Age: 72
Date of Decease: 4mo. 4 1862
Sandwich, Mass.