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These are the many comments of thanks to Amy for starting the PastorsWives email list. But most of all, we thank the Lord for putting this burden so heavily on her heart, and that He has blessed all of us throught it!


"The Lord directed me to this Pastorswives list just when it was needed most. It has been a tremendous blessing in my life. I appreciate your burden for having this list. You and the other ladies are definitely a burden lifter. Have been able to ask hard questions (that only a pastors wife could answer) and have gotten godly advice. Thanks Amy for all your hard work! You are appreciated!"
In Christ,
Debbie R. (MO)

Thank you so very much for your willingness to put together a website, support group for us ministry wives! Only someone who has walked a mile in our shoes can truly empathize with us. Many a time I was discouraged and depressed and there would be a nice story or personal testimony from someone that would stop and make me think. I know I didn't participate as much as others, but I can assure you that I was "lurking" and praying and rejoicing with all of my fellow sisters at Pastorswives! God bless you, Amy for heeding the Lord's call to ministry in this area!
Leslie Carr

It has been a wonderful feeling to know that there is such a wonderful group of women out there to support each other and lift each other up in prayer as we work together to support our husbands in their ministry to the Lord. I am glad that I am part of the group that gets to celebrate the first anniversary of such a group!
Stacy Hall
Leavenworth KS

I can't tell you how much this pastorswives e-mail list has meant to me. It has been a source of joy, a place of comfort, and a network of resources! You have been wonderful & I appreciate all the hard work that you put into making this a great ministry to those who minister! Congratulations on your first full year with this ministry! Just know that we all appreciate it--and couldn't live without it! LOL! Best wishes & blessings for many more years!
Love in Christ--
Kim Smith

When I sign on I am so encouraged by others... the poems, the love, the searching and finding answers. This group has such a marvelous harmony with one another. We share experiences. We share our goals.. our hurts... our praises. Myself, I was the chat room person, sharing with strangers.. trying to sift the good advice from the bad. Now when I have a problem, I can email my prayer partner. If I am feeling lonely, I share a card with my secret sister... telling her that I love her and am praying for her. This group of ladies IS A MINISTRY and it ministers to my heart. God bless!!! Vicki *bndlight

The group has not only been a place where I can share and make friends, but it has also become a ministry.Here we bear one another's burdens and rejoyce with each other too.I know the Lord lead Amy to start this group.

Thanks so much for starting this email. I know it gets difficult at times, but what ministry doesn't. I think it helps when we vent and others assure us that we are not the only ones to have ever been in that situation, especially when Poppette was on here. We could look at her situation and say our own life is just grand. Wasn't she an encouragement! I suppose my favorite thing is probably the information I have gotten and used in the church newsletter... or maybe it is reading the prayers of other pws. They are an encouragement as well as a role model. I be short since this is not the only one you will receive. Don't let satan discourage you. When there is a little riff here or there, just expect it and deal with it and say "Lord, we can do this."
Love & Prayers,
Norma Lynn Walker

The group has meant friendship, understanding, laughter.. and yes a few tears.. in a nutshell, it is the body of Christ as it should be.. what a Blessing!!!

This group has been such a blessing to me. I've been a member of the list since early October. Everyone I have met through the list has touched my life in someway. Some of my dearest friends are members of this list. I have had my share of crises during the time I've been a member of this group and the prayer support, encouragement, and friendship that I have gotten has been a life saver to me and my family. I thank God daily for every member of this group and especially for Amy starting this group. I pray that we will continue to grow and be a ministry to other pastor's wives.
Cee Cee Almon

I have been so blessed to be a part of Pastors Wives, almost from its inception. What a great place to meet friends, share ideas, be encouraged, be reproved and admonished, be humored and mostly to be loved and accepted.

This list has been a blessing to me when I need someone to talk to about being a pw I have somewhere to go. I enjoy the friendship, secret sisters and prayer partners. I just enjoy everything it is about. I am sure it has helped a lot of pw's I am not able to write as often as I like but I try to remember everybody in prayer. All praise goes to God for touching Amy's life with this ministry. PTL!!!!!!!! :-).

In this day and age, many people talk about the things on TV and much of the media today, and it seems like the internet is lumped into this arena too. So many I talk to remark that the internet must be another of the devil's playgrounds. I smile and think of all the friends I have made at pastorswives and thank God for them! You have been such an encouragement and provided a place of refuge many times in my busy life! Surely, God can use anything to place a spot of joy in our lives. God Bless You ALL!
Karen R.

Amy, one whole year of great success! We are all so thankful that you listened to God and started this support group over the net! We know the time involved and the heart you have for Pastor's Wives. We are so very thankful for YOU!!! God Bless you! We love you!
Christie R. <> What a great time I've had being involved with the pastorswives site! The joy of finding other wives from Oklahoma and Oregon and sharing our hearts and thoughts and activities with each other has been a real blessing!
Kelly Fidler
Dayton Oregon

Amy, I am so happy you started this group and that I heard about it. I have felt very strongly for some time now that God wanted me to use the time that I must spend in bed praying for other pastors and their wives because I went through some very tough times in some of our appointments and I feel I know a little of what they are going through. Even though I have not been in the group for very long, I feel a part of it and I know this is where God wants me to be and what He wants me to do. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.
God bless,

Dear Amy, Thank you for setting up this group. The Lord brought me into contact with you and the other pastorswives at a time when I was going through a difficult and lonely time. It has been wonderful for me to 'meet' and make friends with so many ladies on the other side of the Atlantic and I am thrilled to be part of this continuing and developing ministry.
Ruth in London England

For years I had always longed to be part of a group of pastors wives. One day I thought I would set up my own list when I saw Amy's. Immediately I felt a close bond of friendship. The greatest thing I have learned from being on this list is a more balanced outlook for my husbands and my ministry. Things that I thought were unique to my church I found were not. I have a new appreciation for my church ministry because of this list. When I needed a word of encouragement it was there. When I needed a laugh it was there. I have learned so much from others insight. I am astounded at how well Amy has managed this list. I have thanked God for her and many others on this list many times. May God bless you Amy. Thank you for being there.
Mechelle M.

Thank you Amy for listening to the Holy Spirit on starting this list. It has blessed me in ways I do not have room enough to express. May God bless you and yours, Regina in CT!
I am so grateful for the pastor's wives list. I was one of the first members to join and have enjoyed seeing the list grow from just a handful of us to where it is now. I appreciate so much the friends I've made and the encouragement and Godly wisdom I have received on various occasions. This list is my lifeline to the outside world. Thank you, Amy, for all your hard work in putting together this ministry to those of us who often don't get ministered to!!

We were often in small churches and I had no one I could talk to quite often. This is a list that has changed the sense of isolation that we can sometimes feel because of our unique function in life. I enjoy being able to laugh and cry with others who have been called to the same ministry that I have enjoyed being part of for the last 20 years. Thank you Amy.
Niagara Falls

This list has been wonderful source of encouragement and support for me. Being a rather shy person I don't share well what I am feeling or about my fears and frustrations, especially with the ministry. Here at this list I haave found a safe place to vent, share, listen and find some new friends. What an answer to prayer. I wish I had had you 15 years ago when we first started. I think I would have been a more confident, happier pw today if I had. God bless you Amy for starting this, and God bless all of us as we travel this wonderful but oftentimes lonely road of ministry wives.

I have so enjoyed this pastor's wive's list! It has been there when I've
needed prayer, when I've had a burden to share, when I've felt like
crying, and also rejoicing! What a blessing to have like-minded women
who know what you're going through!   Thanks Amy!

Amy, may you be blessed many, many times for creating this opportunity
for us all to share our greatest joys and our greatest sorrows, and to
learn from and encourage one another.  Thanks from the heart,

I look forward to the pw digest each day.  Sometimes I sit here and laugh,
other times I say a prayer for someone's need. Sometimes the Lord prompts me
to respond with a word of encouragement or advice borne out of having dealt
with a similar problem at some point in time.  I am thankful the Lord has
allowed me to link up with all you ladies.  And, Amy, you deserve a
bajillion hugs for having come up with this idea and keeping it going overthe last year.
Debbie in PA