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Everyday there are PW's joining the group, and it's not hard to see how diverse we are in many ways. For instance, there are PW's on the list from 37 different states, and three different countries!

Indiana, Oregon and Pennsylvania tie for first place with 5 PW's each that hail from there.

Canada, Kentucky, and Ohio bring us 4 PW's each.

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This is interesting to note too! Within our group, there were more of us born in the month of April, 11 to be exact. December is the birth month for 10 of us. Then January, August, and October tie for third place with 9 each.

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There are 101 ladies in the group so far, and to this date, 18 of us have webpages.


Kerry made a comment the other day, in light of the fact that some of us are in the process of moving. And isn't it so true? That even though we may have to pick up and move, leaving family and others behind, we will still have each other because of this list. This is truly one of the best advantages that the internet has to offer!