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Cindy’s Birthday 2002


For Cindy’s birthday 2002 she chose to return to beautiful Cemaes Bay on the Isle of Anglesey.

We also visited Holy Island and spent much time walking – this is one of the views we took by South Stack lighthouse…

…and a second one. South Stack is one of the wildest places on this Island, and looks out across the Irish Sea. There is a village of pre-Roman ancient stone huts there. We both visited and tried to imagine living in such a situation in BC times.

Here is the first picture of me at Din Lligwy stone hut circle. It shows just how impressive the structure is.

And this is where we spent part of Cindy’s birthday. The grand house in the background belongs to one of our friends!… no, actually it’s Plas Newydd. They held a summer fayre on Cindy’s birthday and we figured that it was a great way to celebrate.

But where would we be without the reluctant, camera shy birthday girl herself? This is taken at her favourite hut at Din Lligwy – a great shot.


Happy Birthday 2002, Cindy!