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Language Arts Objectives for Literacy Unit: Swimmy & Fish Is Fish

State Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency
 CAS (Chicago Academic Standards) A: Strategic Reading Behaviors-

CFS: (Chicago Framework Statements)

1.  Retell the content of text read independently.
2.  Determine and state the purpose for reading stories/text.
3.  Clarify meaning by asking and answering questions concerning text.
4.  Organize information logically and sequentially based on passage.
5.  Determine and explain author’s purpose and explicit main ideas.
6.  Make and confirm predictions about events and ideas in text.
7.  Summarize text read; incl. Characters, setting, events, solution.
8.  Make connections between prior knowledge & new reading selections.
9.  Describe problem, solution, or central idea of text.
10.  Recognize cause-effect relationships.
11.  Alphabetize to the second letter.
12.  Draw conclusions.

CAS B: Use a wide variety of word analysis strategies to read and comprehend
    unfamiliar words and material.
 CFS: 1. Identify and orally manipulate small units of sound (phonemes).
a.  count the number of syllables
b.  add or delete phonemes orally to change syllables or words.
2.  Refine and apply word recognition and analysis strategies.
a.  Prefixes, suffixes, contractions, and singular possessives,
                                  simple abbreviations, and sentence structure.
b.  Apply word analysis skills using knowledge of:  consonant-vowel
                                  patterns  and  homophones.
c.  Identify word families: common phonic elements, common root
d.  Identify base words and affixes.
e.  Identify vowel digraphs, diphthongs,  and controlled vowels.
f.  Apply knowledge of : homonyms, antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs.
g.  Identify variant and silent consonants (e.g., /gn/g/)

CAS C. : Read familiar materials aloud with rhythm, flow, accuracy, and phrasing
                to convey meaning.
 CFS:     a.  Demonstrate an ability to read aloud with appropriate vocal patterns.
               b.  Read various texts aloud using word analysis skills.

CAS D.  Exhibit engagement in reading by responding to text orally, in writing, or
               through the arts.
   CFS: a. Oral presentations  (book reports, role-playing, choral reading, and peer conferencing.
             b.  Create logs, journals, and book reports.
             c.  Construct big books, dioramas, murals, illustrations, songs, and plays.
             d.  Respond to text by generating alternative endings to plots and by substituting new elements (e.g., character traits, reactions, events, and settings).

State Goal 2. :   Understand explicit and implicit meaning in literature representing
                           individual, community, national, world, and historical perspectives.

 CAS A:  Distinguish among literary terms, techniques, and forms in
                           significant types of literature.

   CFS:   a. Distinguish nonfiction from fiction.
               b.  Describe the effects of humor within a work of literature.
               c.  Identify the topic(s) presented in works of literature.
               d.  Compare and contrast character traits, settings, and mood of different stories.
               e.  Distinguish between works of poetry and prose.
               f.  Define the major characteristics of significant forms of literature and describe their operation in selected works.
1.  Fairy Tales
2.  Poetry
3.  Fables
4.  Tall Tales and Folk Tales
5.  Informational selections.