Well, there's another award on board...it's Pooky's Best Writer's award. That's right folks, you can get your hands on that little beauty for only $4.95...
(What the heck???) um, sorry. What I meant was that you can get the new award if you think you are the best story writer in the world. It can be BSB, it can be on something completely different. If you have a web site that has a story in it, try out for this one.
Or you can go for the old one, the Best BSB fan fiction. No, you can't have both, (not from my site anyway :) and yes, they are both personalised. Just read the things below and get cracking!
1) If you haven't read The Bodyguard yet, you'd better start reading! There's a quiz involved! Click HERE to start reading.
2) You have to sign my guestbook (Yes, I am blackmailing you…I thought you knew already…lol)
3)Just to get this out in the open, I won't consider anything that isn't original or interesting. It's hardly worth the time. Other than that I'll try to be fair.
Terms and conditions of entering:
Are you game enough? Then enter right now!
Best BSB Fan Fiction |
Best Writer |
Win these personalized awards! Click HERE .