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SkyHawk and Sandpiper

SkyHawk has participated to the previous Four Winds pow wows and this year, he surprised his public with new very modern looking artwork.

SkyHawk a participé aux pow wows de Four Winds par le passé et cette année, il a surpris son public avec des oeuvres résolument modernes.

SkyHawk in front of his Kitch Totem made out of car parts, dreamcatchers, leather and feathers. (left)

SkyHawk's Fancy Fire Dancer (below)

Yours truly "Sandpiper" getting ready for her first exhibition.


This painting was made by Sandpiper and given to Jim Boyd to thank him for his great performance.

A "medley" of Sandpiper's drawings

Click to visit Sky's site and read his artist statement

Jim is admiring SkyHawk's work

"I don't see what so funny, Jimbo!!"

Transporter Pad

Copyright 1999-2003 Sandpiper