We see them in our TV shows, in our movies, and on the covers of our tabloid magazines. They are aliens from other planets, and they are out there! Of course I am being silly, or am I really? As Christians we know that God is omnipotent; there is nothing beyond His power. There can be no doubt that God can create living beings on other planets if He so wants. Therefore, the question is not “Can He do so,” but “Did He do so?”
Personally, I do not believe that He did. I admit that it's very easy to believe the contrary, because the universe is so vast (an understatement). It may seem that God is "wasting space" if we earthlings are all there is to what we call "intelligent life" in the physical universe. Nevertheless, as a Christian I do see difficulties trying to reconcile the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a belief in extra-terrestrial lifeforms made in God's image.
Jesus is the only One that can save man from sin (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5). If God has other people (besides us earthlings) to save, then how do they get saved? Did Jesus also take their form and live among them so He could die for their sins as well? Are there other planets that never fell into sin at all? Is that possible? In light of the Gospel, I find all of this rather difficult to believe; it just doesn't seem likely.
How then do we explain all of those well-documented UFO sightings? First of all, many of them are explained. Some have turned out to be such things as satellites, flares, weather balloons, the planet Venus, even radioactive birds that glow in the dark. Others are deliberate hoaxes from skilled photographic impositions to garbage can lids tossed into the air. But there are some sightings that are ill-explained at best: those that have some scientists baffled. Sometimes the best explanation they have to offer is that the government might have some sort of top-secret operation involving the testing of some new “space age” aircraft unknown to the public. That may sound plausible, but it does not account for the UFOs whose movements literally defy the laws of aerodynamics. While airborne, they make instantaneous stops and starts, and they make perfect 90-degree turns without any change in velocity! Those movements are scientifically impossible, unless of course they are governed by forces beyond the laws of the material world.
I believe the most plausible explanation is that such UFOs as those are nothing more than visual apparitions caused by Satan and his demonic cohorts. The Bible teaches that Satan is in the air (Job 1:7; 2:2; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; 1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:7-12); he is not in Hell yet (Rev. 20:10). Furthermore, almost every single person who has claimed to be abducted by aliens is (or was) involved in the occult. Most of them are practitioners of Scientology, Zen Buddhism, Neo-Paganism, Spiritualism, or various New-Age groups. Under polygraph (lie-detector) analysis, they answer questions about their experiences, and pass almost every time. They often claim the aliens speak to them. The aliens encourage astrology and other forms of divination. They preach universalism, pantheism, and reincarnation. They deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sometimes they even claim to be the actual creators of Planet Earth. Are we to believe that these beings are extra-terrestrial creatures that have come all this way just to preach occultism and New-Age beliefs (that have existed here long before they arrived)? Hardly! Rather it is much easier to believe that these beings are demonic spirits acting very cleverly upon their relentless hostility to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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