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Is Gambling Sinful?

Slot machines, Blackjack tables, Russian Roulette wheels, greyhound races, lottery tickets, etc. They are all different ways a person can gamble with money. They are all seemingly harmless forms of fun and excitement, but are they sinful?

First of all, there are clearly no phrases in God’s Word such as “Thou shalt not gamble,” or “Thus saith the Lord, Gambling is a sin.” But what is the primary reason why many people find gambling fun and exciting? It is because there is a chance that they might win and take home more money! What does God’s Word say about that (Exod. 20:17; Deut. 5:21; Pss. 23:1; Eccl. 5:10; Matt. 6:19-24; Gal. 5:19-21; Col. 3:5; 1 Tim. 6:6-10, 17-19)? Do you see? God’s Word clearly condemns greed, coveting, and the love of money: the very sins that attract people to the gambling industry. My conclusion: gambling is sinful by association because it can hardly be separated from greed and coveting.

Legalized gambling is also known to bring an increase in crime to its home communities. That is because gambling addicts often turn to armed robbery, drug trafficking, prostitution, “loan sharking,” etc. to support their habits. Atlantic City, New Jersey and Gary, Indiana are two examples of this. Whenever someone participates in legalized gambling, he is contributing to the social problems that it causes, albeit in a subtle way.

Perhaps there are Christians who gamble to win money to give to the Church, but how do they know if they will ever win anything? Perhaps their motives are innocent, but their methods are neither efficient nor innocent. Besides, by the time they do win something, chances are they’ve already given so much more to the casino (and the devil, who runs it) from continual losing!

Let us trust in God--not luck and chance--to meet our financial needs (Matt. 6:25-33; Phil. 4:19; Heb. 13:5). Whenever a Christian gambles with his money, he must realize that he is telling God, “Lord, I’m putting Your money on the line because I’m not satisfied with what You’ve provided.” If you are a Christian who gambles occasionally, I do not (and cannot) pass judgment on you, but I hope and pray that you cease and desist under godly conviction.

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