I could be wrong, but it seems that many professing Christians believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. They argue that evolution is the system of creation that God used. This belief is called theistic evolution.
An all-powerful God is free to do with His creation as He pleases, but that in and of itself does not authenticate Darwin’s theory of evolution. I believe theistic evolution is widely-accepted largely because many unequipped Christians get intimidated, and they fail to challenge the faulty conclusions of those Darwinian scientists. While space does not permit me to cover the evidence for creation, and to debunk the so-called “evidence” for evolution, I will present the biblical case against theistic evolution.
Genesis 1:27 teaches that man was created in the image of God, distinct in nature from all the other animals right from the start! Theistic evolution forces us to allegorize or mythologize the first eleven chapters of Genesis. But any orthodox Jewish historian will tell you that the ancient Israelites (including Jesus) have always taken the book of Genesis literally and historically factual. Jesus Himself (who was God in the flesh) and the New Testament authors took Genesis entirely as historical fact, not allegory (Luke 3:21-37; Rom. 5:12-14; Heb. 11:1-7).
If theistic evolution is true, then natural selection (which involves death and bloodshed resulting from the stronger killing the weaker) was all a part of God’s creation in the beginning. Hank Hanegraaff was right when he called theistic evolution “the cruelest, most inefficient system for creation imaginable.” He also stated, “God does not have to painfully plod through millions of mistakes, misfits, and mutations in order to have fellowship with humans. Rather He can create humans in a microsecond.” The Bible clearly teaches that death was not a part of creation in the beginning (Gen. 3:3; Ezek. 18:4; Rom. 5:12-14; 6:23). Furthermore, why does God forbid murder (Exod. 20:13; Deut. 5:17; Rom. 13:9; Jam. 2:11) if it was a part of His creation in the beginning? Is not murder (or at least natural death) necessary for the evolutionary process to continue?
Charles Darwin understood that his theory was clearly contrary to Judeo-Christian creationism. That is why he turned atheist. That is true of many other evolution scientists today. If you still believe in theistic evolution after reading all of this, that is still your right, which I respect. However, I do not see how you can have the gall to call yourself a Christian, because the god of theistic evolution is obviously not the God of Genesis!
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