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Margan Jarr~Randelle

"Well met traveler! I am Margan Jarr~Randelle, lord of this castle and the barony of Blackhawk. I am afraid that I must leave as I have been called to the service of King Anin Raye in Shadowcrest. You are welcome to stay the night in the safety of Castle Blackhawk. Perhaps you would like to see about residency in the barony? The canton of Kaliestra is growing every day and just over the next rise but alas, I have much to do , enjoy your stay whilst in Blackhawk."

Sir Margan bids you farewell as you are escorted from his chambers and taken to the guest quarters.

After you finish a nice relaxing bath and a satisfying meal you walk around the open areas of the castle. You find yourself in front of another set oaken doors with a sign reading Castle Study inscribed upon it.