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the Shadowknights

The Shadowknights are the elite order of knights in service to
Shadowcrest and King Anin Raye. They are the knights that  exemplify all that is good in the eyes of  God, King and Country.

 Death before Dishonor
Enterprise in obedience to rule
Respect for all worthy people
 Honor all those above your station
 Command obedience through respect
 Nobility in Service
Scorn those who are ignoble
 Protect the innocent
 Punish the guilty
 Courtesy to all ladies
 Battle is the test of manhood
Combat is glory
 Defend your charge unto death
War is the flowering of chivalry
Death to all who oppose the call
Give mercy to those who ask for it
             Uphold God, king, and country and uphold them in any way
              Always respect and obey the law, unless the law is wrongful

Creed of the Shadowknights

Lead without discipline and you die without dignity

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