Junior Kennel Club Guidelines
Competition Rules and Regulations
Section 4.
4.1 Conformation Class Structure
4.1.1 Classes in Junior Conformation Handling competition shall be divided by age as follows:
- (a) Pee Wee Class
- This class is for handlers 4-6 years of age as of the date of the competition. this class is optional and non-competitive. No placements are to be awarded; only participation ribbons, rosettes and token trophies may be presented.
- (b) Junior Novice Class
- This class is for handlers 7 years of age and up to and including 11 years of age as of the date of the competition who have not won 4 first places in the same class.
- (c) Junior Open Class
- This class is for handlers 7 years of age and up to and including 11 years of age as of the date of the competition who have won 4 first places in the Novice class or any handler wishing to enter this level. It is understood that once the handler has entered and competed in the Open class, he may not compete in the Novice Class again.
- (d) Senior Novice Class
- This class is for handlers 12 years of age and up to but not including 18 years of age as of the date of the competition who have not won 4 first places in the same class.
- (e) Senior Open Class
- This class is for handlers 12 years of age and up to but not including 18 years of age as of the date of the competition who have won 4 first places in the Senior Novice Class, or handlers who have been previously classified as an Open Handler for the Junior and/or Senior Open classes, and for any handler who has progressed through the Junior Open level and feels that he has enough experience to compete at this level. This class is also for handlers who have received some type of monetary consideration for showing a dog at the Junior or Senior level.
- 4.1.2
- Once a handler competes in the Senior Open Class he cannot compete in any other level.
- 4.2.1
- Optional at the discretion of the host club.
- 4.3.1
- Judges for junior conformation handling competitions shall be selected by the junior handling representatives and/or the show-giving club. Any person selected shall be eligible to judge provided he is in good standing with the CKC and is familiar with all aspects of the rules. clubs are strongly urged to select judges who are fully conversant with conformation show and junior handling rules, and who are experienced in handling.
- 4.3.2
- Judges will fill out judging sheets as in other events marking absentees, class placements and Best Overall Handler (if this class is provided)
- 4.4.1
- It is recommended that for all junior handling competitions, the Junior Kennel Club representative or tabulator record the allocated points.
Four placements will be made in each class:
- 4.4.2
- Points are to be tabulated from January 1 to December 31 of a calendar year.
- 4.5.1
- Within 21 days of the competition, the following results are to be forwarded to the CKC for recording:
(a) The 4 placements in each class (including the handler's name, address, and breed of dog).
(b) Only points awarded at approved CKC events are tabulated.
- 4.5.2
- Once the CKC has recorded the results, a copy will be forwarded to the Junior Kennel Club Area Representative.
- 4.5.3
- If a junior handler competes in a province/zone other than that of his residence, all points awarded to that handler will be forwarded to the representative or tabulator in his province/zone once the junior handler has completed the Out of Area form, signed by the judge or Show Official, and forwarded it to his provincial/zone representative. It is the responsibility of the junior handler to return this form to his representative within 30 days of the competition in order for the points for that competition to be counted. In this way it would be impossible for a junior to qualify in more than one province/zone.
- 4.6.1
- Ribbons or rosettes will be awarded in each class as follows:
First.............................Light Blue
Third.............................Light Green
Fourth............................Light Brown
Best Overall (optional)...........Light & Dark Blue
Reserve Overall (optional)........Maroon & Pink
- 4.6.2
- The following must be placed on the face of the ribbon or rosette:
(a) The Canadian Kennel Club logo;
(b) the words "Junior Handling Competition"; and
(c) the placement
- 4.6.3
- The name of the class, the club name and /or the club's logo may also be included on the ribbon. Further optional prizes may be offered to all junior handlers participating at the discretion of the sponsoring club.
Section 5 -- Junior Handling Judging Standard
Section 6 -- Ring Prodecure
Section 7 -- Provincial/Zone Competitions
Section 8 -- National Competitions
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