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Jr. Kennel Club Guidelines
Ring Prodecure
Section 6.

The judge may use any examinatin pattern onrmally used in the conformation ring. The same pattern must be followed for each junior when the dogs are moved individually.
The judge should inspect each dog indicidually, as this will indicate to the judge if the handler knows how to show the dog at close quarters. For example: each junior should have to show the bite and expression of the dog to the judge's satisfaction; feet can be placed incorrectly to see if the handler corrects this, ect.
The dog should be moved with smoothness, grace and at the correct speed for the breed.
The dog must be between the handler and the judge at all times, thus giving the judge ample opportunity to observe how the handler presents the dog.
The lead should be in the hand nearest the dog at all times. The lead must be folded up without any end trailing and not wrapped around the fingers.
As a handler comes out to move his dog individually he should present the dog to the judge allowing the dog to pose naturally. A courtesy turn is highly desireable. After gaiting, the handler should again allow the dog to pose naturally while baiting the dog before the judge.
When the handlers are moved individually, a pattern which requires a lead change from hand to hand such as a "crossover" is desired.
It is highly desireable that the judge ask questions of the handlers, relating to commonly-known information regarding the feed shown, anatomy terms, etc. For consistency and to fiarly assess the handler's ability, each handler is to be asked identical questions.
Handlers should not be asked questions to break a tie
At local competitions, the exchange of dogs is not permitted except in the case of a tie and then only at the discretion of the judge.
At provincial/zone finals, the exchange of dogs may be permitted at the discretion of the judge.
Judges and junior handlers should be mindful at all times that while excellence of accomplishment is to be sought, the enjoyment and experience of participation is more important than winning. Judging and competing should be accomplished with a positive and encouraging attitude.

Section 4 -- Class Structure, Best Overall, Judges, Tabulation of Points, End of Show, Ribbons and Rosettes

Section 5 -- Judging Standard

Section 7 -- Provincial/Zone Competitions

Section 8 -- National Competition

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