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Junior Kennel Club Guidelines
National Competition
Section 8.

This competition is to be held before December 31st of the year following establishement of eligibility.
The winner of each provincial/zone competition will be invited to compete.
The winner of this competition will be declared the Top Canadian Junior Handler. A reserve winner will also be chosen.
At the national competition, classes will not be divided.
The rules of judging will be identical to those used in provincial/zone final competitions, with the following exception:
(a) Depending on the size and manageability of the dogs involved, the judge may request the handlers competing at this level to exchange dogs in the ring in order to verify the extent of the handlers' skill and knowledge.
The location of the National junior handling competition shall be determined by the CKC Junior Kennel Club Council, and whenever possible it shall rotate between east and west and throughout the provinces/zones.

Section 4 -- Class Structure, Best Overall, Judges, Tabulation of Points, End of Show, Ribbons and Rosettes

Section 5 -- Judging Standard

Section 6 -- Ring Prodecure

Section 7 -- Provincial/Zone Competition

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