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L.A. Trip

After our whirlwind visit to Toronto we went to Los Angeles to meet my eldest son Darrell and his family. Above we see Rowena at L.A. Airport wheeling a little duty free.

When you are in California you have to expect to meet a few goofy people, particularly if you decide to take a trip to Disneyland, and almost everybody does. Well after taking in Tom Sawyers Island, the Pirates of the Caribbean, and other attraction; after eating pizza, hotdogs and icecream; and washing it down with generous amounts of Pespi; there's nothing more relaxing

than a little canter on the downs, or in this case on the carousel.

It's obvious, even to the untrained eye, that we have two experienced equestrians here. I decided to be the official photographer as going around and around has a tendancy to make me throw up!