Here is a page for my poetry.  They are all based on my cats and my children!

Pick one:  Kitty Kitty | The Mouse | Kitties | Kittens at Play | My Muff | Myrtle | Minus | Nick and the Bird

Or, go back to Gingerbread Haus!


Kitty, Kitty

Kitty, kitty look at me
Kitty, kitty can't you see
I want to see your babies three.

Kitty, kitty, I can count
1, 2. 3
Kitty, kitty, I am 3

Through the grate in the drain
I peer each morning sun or rain
Kitty, kitty, I SEE you.

Look up at me, kitty
I push the grass into your den
I want to see your babies THEN.

Each morning I come to your den
and every night before I come in
I run to peer inside and see you grin.

You are proud I know
For I am 4, almost
We each are really neat

Kitt, kitty I can count
Your babies 1, 2, 3,
and I am 4, almost!

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The Mouse

You silly little mouse
You dared to come into my house.

Sugard chased you here and there
Ralphie chased you under a chair.

They caught you tight within their mouth
Of course you could not shout
From Sugar's mouth I see you free

Into the bag you went I see
I threw the bag out of the door
You went up in the air, not on the floor.

The wind took you for a ride
I guess my house you tried

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Fluffy, Silky
Meowing, Purring, Jumping
Talks to me each day in their way

Kittens at Play

Kitty play all day
And wrestle until 
you cry.

You are the ones to 

You make me
You bring fun.

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My Muff

Although she was so very small,
She certainly did give her all.
The day at the office was a treat
That first day when we did meet.

My husband love said not to me
I shall not have a cat at MY knee.
But of course, I did not comply
For on this kitty I really did rely.

The long and lonely nights I endured
Were made so much sweeter by her purr.
She was a frisky ball of fur
was so very glad to have her.

She was as white as a winter muff
She also was a little rough and tough
But she was a joy for eleven years.
She brought me both joy and tears.

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Remember the day you came?
I knew so soon your name.
Welived on Myrtle Street
When we first did meet.

Black and white and so sweet
I thought you were so very neat.
We took you along on our way'
To 511 South Fourth in May.

Maybe it was June or July
On my memory I cannot rely.
But soon you met a suitor there
And you became a mother fair

Nine kitties did you bare
You gave them all such good care.
But, oh, the time did come too soon
For you were gone around noon.

I love you kitty, and I did cry
For you were too young to die.
Three of your kitties joined you there
And all the rest did have goo care.

Good bye---my Myrtle Love.

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So funny when you did run
To us you were great fun.
We had to put on you a bell
So that we could tell
Where you were.

Nick and The Bird

I run, I skip, I hop
Mama call be careful
or you'll drop.

Mom's are funny sometimes,
I want to be free like the birds
Oh, there was a bird the other day.
I petted him, cause he just stayed.

When Mom found out
why he did stay
I got a bath from head to toe
The bird was DEAD, you know.

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Poetry page designed by Jamie Lynn :) and Stephie