
Name: Dende. I'm Dende. That's my name. And it doesn't have anything to do with snails in Namekian!!

Birirthdate: June 6th, 1984. 12:24am, Eastern Daylight Savings Earth Time.

Other anime you like: Haven't seen a lot. I like Sailor Moon though! Gundam Wing. (you can see a pattern of where the anime I'm exposed to is coming from, huh?)That's about it. Oh yeah, and that creepy fairy tale show that was on Nick Jr. a while ago. I just liked all those stories with that intense emotional action, those huge quivering eyes, the shrieking and the tension of everyone, and the huge flat sweat drops! Sounds like odd taste, but don't think most of Tenchi's audience doesn't just watch it for the fangs and the ears. Does that count?

Favorite DBZ character (besides Piccolo): Vegeta.. ..only when he's in an occasional pleasant mood.

Favorite DB website (besides your own): Well right now Lordess Vegeta's Twisted World of DragonBallZ. But I like Dendeshe's Lookout, VeGeTa InSaNe!!!, Piccolo's and Gohan's Power Pad, The Neglected Nameksei-jin Shrine, and DBZ Uncensored ('Cause I've never seen the real DBZ) a lot too.. Stuff like that.

DBZ quote: "Piccolo was wrong!"-Gohan (I just like it out of context. O_o)

Favorite color: You may think I'd be tired of green by now. But no. I love green! I like indigo too!

What's on your bedroom walls? My walls? Just simple white paint! And I like it like that!

Softdrink of choice? H²O.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Umm.. me! I'm not too career-minded, huh? I'll probably remain Kami for some time, though..

Quote: “I am.”

Favorite band: Chloe.. (and Ossian and Enya and Jolly Walrus and Celestial Winds and stuff..)

Hobbies besides DBZ? Wow, I never knew DBZ was a hobby. (?) Learning about stuff I like; reading (mostly channelled) stuff; Getting really cold whenever I'm in a cold climate, then finding shelter and warming myself before my body stiffens too much. O_o; Wandering through forests and low mountains just taking long walks and looking for wolves and foxes..; Howling at the moon when it's full, preferably with other canines, or alone..

What were you doing before you filled this out ?: Staring at the bright full moon. ..Being thankful I'm not a saiya-jin.