Goku swung diligently, trying to hit the little white ball. Instead he dug another crater in the sandpit.
"COME ON GOKU! YOU CAN DO IT!" Krillin shouted.
"HHHRRRAAHHHH!" Goku swung again and made contact. The golf ball rocketed into outer space somewhere. Marron tilted her head back, watching. "Whoa…"
A knock came on their door. "Who is it?" Videl asked.
"It's Bulma and Chichi."
Videl opened the door and let them in. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Oh, no problem. We just wanted to know if you'd like to go shopping with us. Girl's only. We're meeting 18 down town. You can take Pan along."
Trunks and Goten squirmed.
"Yeah, sure. Let me tell Gohan. He's back there studying."
The city, (if you could call it that) wasn't very big, but it was industrious. Piccolo wandered down small streets, looking at vendors and seeing all kinds of small casino buildings. Oh yes…and plenty of bars. Yay! Piccolo looked up to the night sky.
"Strange," he thought, " I could have sworn I heard something…"
Out of nowhere a little white ball rocketed straight into Piccolo's eye. It knocked him on his back and he clutched his face as the dull ache eventually went away.
Piccolo stood back up and looked down. A golf ball had pegged him in the face.
"You're done!" He opened his mouth and shot a beam that incinerated the offending object. People began screaming and running knocking over carts. A few goats had escaped from their pen.
Piccolo muttered under his breath, "These people act like they've never seen an energy blast before."
The Namek walked off, heading towards a swanky little bar.
:::Deep in a palm tree grove just outside of the metropolitan:::
Vegeta flew with great speed, weaving in and out of the trees with his pillowcase in hand.
"I thought I picked up your scent when I first got here," the prince said to himself, "you're all mine."
He slowed down and landed in a clearing.
"Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes!"
A small mango grove stood before him. Vegeta laughed inwardly and flew around the tops of the tree's knocking mango after mango into his pillowcase.
"I will become indestructible! Heeheheeheh!"
With his sack of loot, Vegeta threw it over his shoulder and flew off towards Hokey Pokey.
"One whiskey, one scotch and one beer." Piccolo ordered. He had stepped inside the bar. Everyone that hadn't run out from fear sat at his or her seats staring. The three orders appeared in front of him immediately. Piccolo started on the beer first.
"Watch out AA, 'cause here I come."
Suddenly, Piccolo felt an upsurge in energy in the air. A familiar ki. It grew closer and closer until- The saloon doors swung open and Vegeta, with bloodshot eyes, staggered into the bar, dragging a pillowcase behind him. A few more people, fearing for their lives, ran out of the bar. Vegeta made it over to the bar and plopped down in a seat next to Piccolo.
"F-fanshie meeting you here…" Vegeta slurred.
Vegeta's eyes kept rolling into the back of his head as he wavered between consciousness.
"Vegeta. What are you on?"
"WHAT'S it look…*cough*…like? I told you not to play there anymore! Eh, Kakarrott…what happened to your hair?"
Piccolo continued to savor his beer.
"So, what's in the bag?"
Vegeta leaned forward and put an arm around Piccolo. "You gotta keep it a secret…shh…" he began to giggle, "I've got mango's…BUT DON'T TELL KAKARROTT!"
Vegeta threw himself back on the bar, hugging his pillowcase tight. Piccolo shook his head. He had remembered what happened the last time Vegeta and Goku had gotten a hold of some mangos. Gohan had told him everything. Strange thing was, Vegeta was almost bearable when he was suffering from his drug-like state. Matter of fact, he was downright friendly. Piccolo looked around at the few people left in the bar.
"Hey, bartender! A bottle of Jack over here, huh?"
"What are you doooin' here?"
"Ah, drinking. So, Vegeta, how many mango's have you had?"
"Hm, bigshot, huh? Have a drink with me."
The bottle came in no time and Vegeta was passed a glass. Together the Namek and the Saiyjin drank themselves into a tropical stupor.