Here I am!
I'm here!
Can't you see me?
Or does my six foot frame fade
into the background?
Why do you forget me?
Why do you think I'm not here?
I'm in this class!
I have the answer!
But no,
You pass me aside
Calling on a dark haired boy
in the back.
He already has an "A"
Call on me!
I need to be heard- not him.
If I fall asleep- will you notice?
I doubt it.
Is it because of who I am?
Is it the fact I'm a woman and
I need to roar?
Or is it my voice, unafraid
to speak the truth
Which turns you aside?
Tell me!
You wear large tortoise shell
But you are blind
Do you find it surprising that
You find my name in your book?
And wonder,
"She's in my class?"
I do want to speak.
I have wonderful ideas.
But they will stay silent.
As do I. |