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Latest News

Here are the latest news and pics of Prince Hashim. Please note that you may NOT take the pics form this page untill they are moved to the picture gallery!

December 21-Prince Hashem is in Saudi Arabia doing his Omra. Here are some pics:

December 5-Prince Hashem accompanied King Abdullah to UAE, here are the pics:

November 20-King Abdullah returned home. Some pics of Hashim:

November 17-King Abdullah appoints Prince Hashem as Regent! Some pics:

October 26-New pics of Prince Hashem:

August 11-CONGRATULATIONS PRINCE HASHEM!!!!!! AWESOME new pics of Hashem's graduation from Sandhurst!!

June 11-New pic of Hashem.

May 4-Hashem helps clean up a park.

April 18-FIALLY some new pics of Hashem!! His hair is back!!

January 15-FINALLY some news on Hashim!!!! Herez the article!


Amman, Jan. 15,(Petra)--Deputizing for His Majesty King Abdullah II, His Highness Prince Hashim Bin Al-Hussein took part on Saturday in Edinburgh in the eulogy of Captain Jack Dalglesh the private trainer of the late His Majesty King Hussein. His Highness offered his condolences to the family of the deceased. He was accompanied by Jordan's Military Attache in London.

December 17-New pic of Prince Hashem:

September 4-Prince Hashim left with Prince Hamzah to start his studies at Sandhurst Royal Military Academy. Here is the pic:

August 18-Prince Hashim along with King Abdullah, Prince Ali, Prince Faisal and other members of the Royal Family attended the Pan-Arabian games. Here is the pics from the event:

Sunday July 25-Prince Hashim accompanied King Abdullah and Queen Rania to the funeral for King Hassan II.

Thursday July 22-Prince Hashim attended the opening ceremony of the 18th Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts with HM Queen Noor. Here is the picture form this event:

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