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Basic Information

Full Name: Ali bin Al-Hussein

Occupation: Prince of Jordan, Commander of the Special Security Guards

Father: The late King Hussein

Mother: The late Queen Alia {She passed away when Prince Ali was only 2!!!!!! =*(}

DOB: December 23, 1975

Sibling: Princess Haya

Half Siblings: Alia, King Abdullah II, Faisal,Zein, Aisha, Abir (adopted), Prince Hamzah,Prince Hashim, Iman, and Raiyah.

Education: Prince Ali received his elementary education, junior and secondary education at the Islamic Scientific College, the American School and the International Baccalaureate School in Amman. He obtained his high school degree from the Salisbury School in the United States in June 1993, joined the Sandhurst Royal Military Academy in the United Kingdom in 1994, graduated with honours and joined the Jordanian Army's Special Forces. In September 1995 Prince Ali was admitted to Princeton University and later to Columbia University in the U.S. where he studied political science and history.

