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Prince Ali's Poem

Here is the poem that Prince Ali wrote on the Death of his father King Hussein. Isn't it sad????

"Someone once told me that; "...The most important thing in life is to work your hardest, to try your very best, regardless of all the setbacks or difficulties that may occur, Only then can you live with yourself and with God." Now there does not pass a moment night or day, when I do not think of God and hear those words beating with every pulse of my heart and the melodious voice of the person who shared them with me, as his forefathers shared them with him, ringing in my ears... And there does not come a moment when I do not look into the sky or indeed at anything beautiful and am not reminded of him whom I loved most in life and find a joy in the knowledge that he is finally reunited with Her whom I loved most and all the others whom I've loved and lost... And a settling peace reigns where confusion often lays.... A solemn vow to try and live up to a legacy and in every action continue what has already been started so that he will never have really died... And when my time comes I will have at least have tried my best and my brothers and family will at least have tried their best. God Bless".

