Enoch. Uniech. En'esh. City of Tal'mahe'Ra

Whatever one calls it, the city is the same. Region of 500 miles as an empire, once existing somewhere in the Mesopotamian region, now strewn through the shadowlands to be seiged for eternity by the Tempest of Wraiths. The Tal'mahe'Ra brought Enoch here, and it is a pale reflection of what once the grand city, the first city, was.

In 438 A.D. the Tal'mahe'Ra went to war with the Assamites, continuing until 516 A.D. when an assamite spy learned that the Setites had tricked them into the war. Alliance twixt the two was formed in 517 A.D. against the Followers.

In 450A.D. a schism between Eastern and Western Tal'mahe'Ra occurred, believe over the sect's role in the Underworld. The war took place mostly within the Shadowlands. Following cessation of conflict, the West retained Enoch, and both halves withdrew from study of the Shadowlands.

Enoch was given up by the Western Tal'mahe'Ra after the Western Tal'mahe'Ra gave up control following the Anarch Revolt. Shortly thereafter the Western members were barred from entering, and so the city was weakened in its defense and fell to a powerful Wraithlord.

Sometime during the 1700's the two halves reunited, creating the Treaty of Enoch to determine the Sects future leadership. That done, it took them three years to retake the Citadel. United, they set about rebuilding the city and strengthening its ties outside.

It is believed that of the Kindred, only Sect members can travel into the Shadowlands, hence to Enoch. Euthanatos, Benandanti and Wraiths also can travel here... Doomshades reside in the Tempest, a huge storm that surrounds Enoch. Renegade and Heretic Wraiths have attacked the City in the past.

Some say the Inconnu Sect guards sleeping Antediluvians in a place called Shalkamense, or possibly Caine himself.

Ancient Library of Brujah
Tower Complex, Home of the Rawis.
Citadel of Sargon II, 10 square miles of area in Enoch.
Hanging Gards of Malkav
Catacombs of the Antediluvians - Loz, Al-marhi, Nergal, Ninmug
The Prison where criminals were held until they became Caine and childer’s meals (abandoned now)
Chatterling Citadel and Barracks - where the youth are held in training until older, in section of Enoch
The Dread Palace of Ghemal

Deep within the Shadowlands is a great towering city of black oynx and dark stone. It is here that the members of the Black Hand come to seek wisdom and learning, and to pay tribute to the Aralu and the Del'Roh in Ghemal. The Black Citadel is 10 square miles in the very center of Enoch. The City of Enoch is the reflection of what once was Cain's first city- before it was destroyed.

The Gate to Enoch's Black Citadel

The gardens of Toreador still stand as lucious and beautiful are herself, and the sculptured statues of Malkav adorn the streets and buildings as they once did on earth.

The mostly deserted city is divided into sections. One such is the Grey Wastes, where the newest members of the Black Hand are in training- the Chatterlings. In a great big open air Citadel they spend 10 hours a day, practicing the various Martial Arts and weapons uses. It is not a uncommon sight to see a column of Chatterlings jogging through Enoch on a given night.

A great hall spans the middle of the floor, and it is here that the guests can mingle and speak with each other, and hold meetings for thier clans. It is also here that the great armory and museum can be found- although the weapons are very archaic to todays standards. This floor served once as the cour of Jrad, the Second Generation Cainite whom the Hand believes led his sire's armies against those who would take Enoch from the Kindred. Cain's Ivory Throne sits in the middle of the Chaimber Floor.
Up the massive double stairways to the second floor, one can witness the beauty of the Hall of Havens, where all members of the Hand, including non vampires, can make thier home when they visit Enoch. It is large enough to hold 200 havens, although much of these chambers remain unused.

There are three methods to enter the Shadowlands.
The level 4 Ritual Shadowgate
Wherein a kindred paints an X over each eye then steps into a very deep shadow, emerging in a corresponding shadow in the Shadowlands. The X is painted from powdrered coal mixed with human ashes.

Another ritual to pass into the Shadowlands, as used by the Tal'mahe'Ra is level 5, called
Shadowland Passage.
The vampire plunges a prepared pure silver dagger into her heart, inflicting two damage levels at least and falling into water deep enough to cover her. The daggers hilt must have a vampire fang included in its construction. When returning, the kindred emerges where she fell.

Level 6, called Mass Grave
Does the same, except the group is buried together in dirt mixed with the remains of a freshly killed sentient creature.