Here is the code which you need to insert into your page source where you want the logo to appear. If you have a subdirectory for images, don't forget to make the appropriate adjustments. Also, change the things I have highlighted in red (i.e. the site ID and your name and e-mail)

<center><table BORDER >
<center><a href=";id=1;prev"><img SRC="prev.jpg" ALT="previous site" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a>
<br><a href=";id=1;prev5"><img SRC="prev5.jpg" ALT="previous 5 sites" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a>
<br><a href=";id=1;sprev"><img SRC="skipp.jpg" ALT="skip previous" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a></center>

<center><a href=""><img SRC="mylogo2.jpg" ALT="Webpage Design Goddess ring logo" BORDER=0 height=127 width=142></center>

<center><a href=";id=1;next"><img SRC="next.jpg" ALT="next site" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a>
<br><a href=";id=1;next5"><img SRC="next5.jpg" ALT="next 5 sites" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a>
<br><a href=";id=1;skip"><img SRC="skipn.jpg" ALT="skip next site" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a></center>

<a href=";random"><img SRC="random.jpg" ALT="visit a random site" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a>
<a href=";list"><img SRC="list.jpg" ALT="list sites" BORDER=0 height=40 width=154></a></td>

<center>This <a href="">Webpage Design Goddess ring</a> site owned by <a href="">Charlotte</a>.

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