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Autumn's Page

All about me
Hello, my name is Autumn but everyone calls me Auttie. I am living in Nevada and loving it. I grew up in california and moved out to the midwest about 5 1/2 years ago.
I love to play basketball, swim, dive, snow skiing, water skiing, jet ski and go cruising on a boat. I also love to read, rollerblade, talk on the phone to friends and spend time with my family. I love to chat online with friends and you can find me a lot of the time doing that. I also like to write html and work on home pages. I have been living with a roomate named Lois.

Several years ago I met a great lady and we became close friends, She was in the Navy and was sent overseas, and I missed her greatly. Less then 2 weeks ago Steph and I decided to get together and start a relationship. She is a very important person in my life and i love her dearly.
Steph and I moved to Nevada to be together so I am no longer in the midwest.

My roomate and I have six cats. They are Butch(3), Skylar (3), Max (almost 3), and AJ and Jessie (3) and finally little Paso( 3 months old). We also have a dog named Rusty (by all accounts, he is believed to be 2). We love them all MOST of the time. All of the critters now have there own web page.. Be sure to check them out in the next few days. I have a dog and a cat back home in California. Tucker and Frankie are there names.

Rusty's and Paso's homepage
Aj's homepage
Jessi's page
Max's Page
Butch's homepage

Home pages of Friends
JJ's Page

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