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May 2000 Great Sounds Car Audio Contest

Results from the May 2000 JL Audio Sponsored competition:

Jason (Vice President) competed and "caught the bug" of car audio competitions. He ran in the second class. That put his 3-12W3's JL Audio Subs powered by a solid Kenwood amp in the class up against people who had as much as 1-2 12" and 1 15", plus businesses backing all of the investments. Jason did have an advantage over the entry level competitor with Dynamat lining the whole trunk compartment. Jasons produced his highest score, 140.7db, in the first couple rounds. That was due to some adjusting of the amplifier and its gain as well as moving the placement of the speaker box. But that competition helped to drive Jason's desire for a louder and better system. Jason ended up with a result of 140.7 db in class 2. For more information about that vehicle and its set-up, please take a look at Jason's Ride. His competition was worthy of the titles. The winner in Class 1, Todd Anderson came away with a score of 139.4 db. Class 2 was won with a score of 145 db. In class 3, John Clark walked away with the trophy wiht a score of 148.1 db. And for the big doggs....Ein, came away with 152.7 in the fourth class.
Roy (President) had some trouble just before the competition. His Escort decided to blow it's engine no more than a week before the competition, which caused some members to change some of the focus to others rides.

Surprises for the show??? A new store in town decided to show off his beat machine in the "Outlaw Competition" and blew away the crowd with a score of just over 166 db. That was more than enough to win, but he defered the title, due to that fact that he wanted to compete against equal competition and gave the title to the runner up.

For the most recent competition results, please take a look at the competition results page.

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Roy Davis
Founder and Creator of "Floss ‘N Gloss"