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Every New Dawn - continued.....


Part 10

The men were eating a quick meal around the campfire. J.D. and Ezra caught up with them easily and the youngest was ebullient at the sight of the tracker alive and well. Chris lay sleeping but Vin kept a reassuring hand on his arm. His stomach did not rebel when he next regained consciousness and, with a little coaxing, they managed to get some water into him. The fatigue and worry was written all over their faces.

"You never did tell us what happened back there Vin." Buck remembered, seeing the bruises and damage done by the quiet man's captor.

The Texan warily eyed the faces that looked at him in expectation but, did not see the damnation that he expected. That would all change when he related the events that led up to the desperate situation they found themselves in.

Taking a deep breath, he told them about delivering the prisoner in Eden. Then he described how they were attacked and Chris was wounded. He paused as his mind went back to his decision to leave Chris and go for water. Maybe that was a mistake as well but he didn't know at the time that help was on the way. Nevertheless, his sense of guilt deepened.

"Then the body we found belonged to the guy you shot." J.D. surmised.

Vin nodded and continued his tale, describing how he was captured by the other bounty hunter and his subsequent escape. He decided not to tell them about the quarrel he and Chris had in Eden, or about the gruesome intentions of his captor.

Buck was still puzzled about something. "Why did you take a different trail back to town. If it wasn't for the tracking skills you taught the Kid, we might not have found Chris until it was too late."

The ladies man missed the grimace that crossed Vin's face. How could he explain his own cowardice? "I's jist thinkin' it would be faster."

Josiah sensed that the sharpshooter had said all he wanted to say and rose to his feet. "I think we better make tracks. " He didn't miss the look of gratitude from Tanner.

As Dunne moved past him, Vin stopped him. "Nice job J.D. Thanks."

The younger man was pleased by the praise and his step was a little lighter as he went to fetch the horses.


The noonday sun was beating down as the peacekeepers spotted their destination in the distance. Chris was still holding on and had awakened twice during the night. Vin refused to leave his side and Nathan worried about both of them. At least the blond was able to take more fluids and there were no further episodes of vomiting. Knowing the gruesome task that lay ahead, Jackson announced his plans to ride ahead and ready the clinic.

Within an hour they arrived in front of the clinic. It was decided that it would take most of them to lift Chris up the stairs. With great caution, Josiah took his upper torso while J.D. and Buck each supported a leg. Ezra went ahead of them, clearing the stairs of any obstacles and opening the door to the clinic. Even with the care they took, Larabee cried out in pain as he was lifted. Moving as carefully as they could, they managed to maneuver the sick man up the steps and deposited the precious burden on the bed. Vin remained at the base of the stairs. His back was pounding with hot fury and every step was like a knife being shoved in the tender spot. It took him several minutes to get to the top, his face and body covered in sweat from the effort.

Within minutes Chris was stripped of his clothes and covered with a blanket. Semi-conscious, he continued to moan piteously. Nathan set to work quickly, exposing the injured leg and removing the dressing. The wound was red and angry looking but Jackson was surprised at the small amount of pus. The entire limb was swollen and blood flow to the lower portion seemed to be affected as it was cool to touch and paler than it should have been.

The men held their breath as they awaited a decision from the healer. Vin was still unaware of the dire dilemma they faced.

Finally Buck broke the silence. "Well Nate?"

"I don't see that we have a choice." The healer face was grim as he relayed the news.

"Damn." Buck's shoulder's slumped and all the air seemed to leave his body. This clear sign of defeat caught all of Vin's attention.

The tracker fixed his puzzled gaze on Jackson. "What choice?"

"Come with me, Vin." Sanchez tried to direct the Texan out of the room.

"I ain't leavin'. What choice?" The determined body looked at the resignation on the faces around him and refused to move without getting some answers.

"I didn't tell you Vin. Chris's leg...what's killin' him..." Nathan tried to break the news gently but was interrupted as Vin's dread grew.

"What the fuck are ya sayin'?"

"He saying that he has to take Chris's leg to save him." Wilmington spit out the words. Although resigned to the inevitable, he was still hoping things would work out differently.

As the words sunk in, horror overcame Tanner and he placed himself protectively at his friend's side. "No...ya can't. I ain't gonna let ya!"

"Vin, he's made it this far against all odds." Josiah stepped in to help the younger man understand. "He survived the trip back to town. None of us want to see this happen but are you asking us to let him die now?"

Stunned beyond words, a numb Tanner shook his head. Sanchez placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Chris is the strongest man I know and he's going to get through this. We have to give him a chance."

"I'm sorry Nate. Ya do what's best." The Texan felt tears rise at the thought of his friend going through the rest of his life with only one leg. He also knew that Nathan Jackson wouldn't make the decision unless there were no other option. Whatever happened, Chris would never have to deal with this alone. A silent promise was made. I'm not leaving you Cowboy. We'll get through this together.

"I'm going to need you guys to clear out except for Josiah."

Vin opened his mouth to protest but then closed it as he saw the determined look on the healer's face. His eyes were awash with tears as he looked at Larabee's debilitated face. Hands took him by the arm and guided him out of the room but his gaze never left the precious visage.


"Josiah, I want you to give him a little ether. If he shows any signs of waking up then give him a bit more."

Sanchez did as he was instructed. Putting a few drops onto a cloth, he held it over Chris's nose and mouth until he saw the features relax. Except for the pale skin and gaunt cheeks the man looked like he was merely sleeping. He turned to watch as Nathan picked up a scalpel. They had cleared off the table inside the clinic and cleaned it as best they could. Larabee's prone body lay upon it now.

Seeing Jackson hesitate, the preacher sought to reassure him. "It wasn't your decision, you're saving his life."

Nodding, Nathan took a deep breath and pressed the scalpel to the wound. Several minutes later, layers of skin and muscle were dissected and he could see the bone. Somehow through that long torturous trip the bones stayed in alignment and were even now starting to knit together. He was still puzzled however, at the small amount of pus around the injury. It was also very curious that the surrounding tissue appeared healthy. Exploring the tissue of the medial side of the bones, he searched for the femoral artery. He would need to tie off that major blood vessel first. If it were cut accidentally Chris would bleed to death within minutes. His probing fingers encountered a round object near the area of the artery. Handing a clamp to Sanchez he instructed him to use it to pull back the tissue to allow a better look at the area. With a better field of view, Nathan bent forward to get a closer look at the mysterious object.

"Oh my God!"


Although everybody thirsted for a nice long beer, no one wanted to leave the landing outside the clinic. Ezra watched Tanner closely, deeply concerned about the pain and fatigue he saw etched into the features.

" ...damn...." Guilt was weighing heavily on the tracker. "...s'all m'fault..."

"You're right Vin, it is all your fault." J.D. and Ezra turned horrified eyes on the ladies man.

"Mr. Wilmington, surely you're not blaming..."

"What I'm saying Vin, is that it's your fault we even have Chris Larabee with us today." Ignoring the puzzled glares, Wilmington settled himself on the stair next to the tracker. "If it weren't for you, that walking shell that called himself Chris Larabee would have drowned himself in a bottle a long time ago. I don't know how you did it but you gave him life again. You gave me back my old friend. I wouldn't trade the last two years for a twenty years of watching him die a slow death. Thank you Vin. Thank you for my friend."

Tanner looked at the hand stretched out and grasped it firmly. Lost for words, his blue eyes revealed his feelings.

"Why Mr. Dunne, is that a tear I detected running down your cheek?"

"Cut it out Ez. I got some dust in my eye."

Grinning at the antics of their friends, Buck and Vin settled in side by side for the long wait.


It was two hours before the door opened and a grim faced Sanchez appeared. They held their breath, dreading the news. Josiah's face was haggard and gave them no hope as to what transpired within the clinic. Suddenly the craggy face split into a grin. Relieved that his expression revealed that Chris was alive, they were puzzled as to why the preacher was smiling.

"Well Brothers, it seems that God has seen fit to grant us another miracle. Our leader is still with us and with the Lord's grace, will be walking on his own two feet again."

Scrambling to their feet, the four men rushed the entrance, eager to discover what had happened. Standing inside the door, they could see that Chris still lay on the makeshift operating table. To their astonishment though, he was intact, his right leg exactly where it should have been.

Buck was the first to find his voice. "What happened? I thought..."

Nathan felt fatigue gnawing at his bones but patiently explained the surgery. "When I got in there, I discovered an abscess lying real close to the artery."

"What is an ab..ab...whatever?" Vin asked.

"It's a pocket of infection. That's why there wasn't a whole lot of pus in the wound the last day or so. Something like that gets walled up and can't drain. I've opened it up and cleaned it out. The swelling was cutting off the blood flow to his lower leg so I opened up an incision the length of it to allow for proper circulation."

Vin didn't totally understand but he knew what was important. "Is he gonna be okay?"

"He survived the surgery but he's even weaker now. If I can't get the fever down soon, it won't matter how many legs he has."

"Then we have some work to do." Buck stated, more determined than ever.

Under the direction of Jackson, the blond was moved from the table back to the bed by strong hands. Nathan insisted that everyone get a good meal but Vin refused, staying by his friend, wiping his body down with cool water. Chris lay motionless under his ministrations. If anything, he was even paler than before and heat radiated from his skin. But at least he was alive and that knowledge lent strength to his six friends.


Part 11

"Why don't you get some rest Vin? Chris is going to need you to be strong." The obvious signs of fatigue on the young man's face concerned Nate.

"I'm okay." Vin Tanner was used to hiding signs of weakness, but the torment in his back was getting worse. Once he knew that Larabee was out of the woods he would have plenty of time to rest. He couldn't resist the thought of Jackson's healing lotion though. "My back's a mite sore. Ya got any of that liniment?"

"Let me take a look at your back." Nate frowned, knowing Vin's definition of 'mite' meant he was in agony.

"It ain't any worse than it's been b'fore."

With a dubious glance at the exhausted face, the weary bonesetter retrieved a bottle of the soothing potion. "If this don't help, you let me know."

"'kay. I gotta use the outhouse anyhow." The sharpshooter rose to his feet, barely managing to bite back a cry of agony. He moved to the door, concentrating on walking with his usual ease. Once he was on the landing and the door was shut, he leaned on the railing, harsh gasps tearing from his lungs.

If he thought going up the stairs was hard, descending was a hundred times worse. It took several painful minutes to reach the ground. Thankful that no one came along and found him in this condition, he leaned against the side of the building and tried to control his breathing. Grateful for the support the wall provided he moved down the alley. Reaching the outhouse, he was dismayed to find it occupied. His bladder burned with the urgency for release. He didn't have the luxury of waiting so he returned to the darkness of the alley. Full of shame and praying he would not be discovered, he urinated on the ground. With dismay he saw that his urine was once again a crimson color. Fastening his pants, he started towards the covered wagon he called home to apply the healing salve.

Exiting the outhouse, Buck spotted the Texan's figure disappear around the corner. Running to catch up to him, Wilmington came to an abrupt stop as he spotted a dark circle on the ground. Bending close, he lit a match to illuminate the area. The faint scent of urine met his nostrils as his eyes absorbed the sight of the red stained ground. He thought back to the little signs they missed as Tanner attempted to hide the injury. The grimaces as he mounted his horse, the stiffness of his usual graceful movement.

"Damn!' He hissed. They were so concerned about Chris that they ignored what was right in front of them. He rose to his feet and moved swiftly to determine the tracker's whereabouts. Glancing at the empty stairs to the clinic, he decided the only other place that Vin would go to was his wagon.

Catching sight of his quarry as he approached the makeshift residence, Wilmington stormed forward to confront Vin.

"You gonna tell Nathan or am I?"

"What the hell ya talkin 'bout?"

"I'm talkin about the pool of bloody piss you left in the alley!"

"Mind yer own fuckin' business Buck."

Frustrated by the resistance he was facing, the rogue placed his hands on his hips. "Look Vin, you think Chris would like you to sacrifice your life for his?"

"Bucklin, there ain't nothin'...."

Wilmington interrupted before he was finished. "No Vin. I ain't gonna let you do this."

Seeing the determined look on Buck's face, Vin nodded. "Yer right. It's my back. Tussled with that gang when we took 'em...been givin' me fits ever since."

"Then we'll go let Nathan take a look at you."

"I done got somethin' from Nate." He produced the small bottle of liniment for Buck to look at. "He said it should help."

"Nathan knows about your back?" Wilmington looked suspiciously at Tanner.

"Yup. I gotta use this stuff an' I can't do any riding fer awhile." The Texan only hoped that Wilmington would forgive this little lie. He knew the healer would dose him up with some Laudanum. He would never forgive himself if something happened to Chris while he was sleeping under the effects of the medication.

Buck made a mental note to check with Jackson when he got back to the clinic. In the meantime he would take Vin's word. "Okay, but me and you are going to have a little chat about this with Nate. I'm going over to the saloon to grab some dinner. You coming?"

"I'm gonna get this lotion on and then head back ta check on Chris."

"I'll bring some grub up to the clinic for you and Nathan."


With a last long look, Wilmington turned and started towards the saloon. He dreaded how he would react when he found out the truth. The only thing that mattered right now was his best friend. He could face anything as long as he was okay. Hiding in the darkness, he began applying the liniment.


Several hours later, Nathan was preparing another batch of willow bark tea. He knew the night would be a long and arduous one and fought back the weariness that threatened to overtake him.

Despite their efforts, the fever that gripped Chris was not abating. He had yet to wake up although he was moaning occasionally. The only intelligible sound he made was to call out for Vin. The gentle soul was always there murmuring words of comfort. He maintained physical contact, usually holding the blond's lax hand or wiping his fevered brow. The sound of his friend's voice was the only thing that calmed him.

The Texan was desperately trying to cool the heated flesh when he noticed Larabee getting agitated. His head began to thrash frantically on the pillow and his jaw clenched shut tightly. Becoming alarmed, Vin called for the healer's attention. "Nate!"

The blond's whole body began to tremble. Then his muscles started a jerking motion, the limbs moving in a macabre imitation of a marionette's puppet. As his back arched off the bed, Vin fought to restrain him.

"Just keep him on the bed." The healer moved to assist the Texan.

The convulsive movements became more violent, Larabee's face turning a dusky hue from the lack of oxygen. Frantic to keep the gunslinger on the bed, Nathan and Vin held his torso. A flailing arm caught the tracker off guard and he was flung against the wall. Screaming in agony as his back impacted with the obstacle, he slumped to the floor. He watched helplessly as the spasms became less violent and Chris slumped back into the bed, his muscles twitching. Finally he was still. Too still.

"He's not breathing!"

Vin heard Jackson's words and, fighting back the pain, struggled to the bedside. Sweeping the taller man aside, the Texan grabbed onto the lifeless form and began to shake it. Blue fury shot from his pained eyes and he slapped the unresponsive man several times, hoping to rouse him.

"CHRIS...breath damn it! Ya ain't gonna die!"

J.D. was at the top of the stairs and, hearing the commotion, burst through the door. The tray of coffee dropped from his hands as his eyes watched the sharpshooter's desperate attempts to will Larabee back to life. Panicked, he fled the clinic to summon help.

Nathan heard the faint gasp and watched with amazement as the blond's chest rose. He realized that Vin was continuing to shake the man, unaware that he was breathing again.

"Vin, let go. You did it... he's breathing. VIN!"

The words permeated the haze surrounding the stuporous body and he stopped his movements. Relief washed through him as he too noticed the shallow movement of Chris's chest.

"Christ..." Vin swept a shaky hand across his face, "I thought we lost ..."

Jackson saw the dazed look on the Texan's pale face seconds before his eyes rolled up and he crumpled bonelessly to the floor.


"Vin!" Nate hollered, bending and touching a hand to the tracker's throat. He was relieved at the rapid but steady pulse he felt. He looked up as Josiah, Buck and Ezra burst through the door. He shouted orders, ignoring their voices clamoring for an explanation. "Josiah, get Vin on the extra cot and have a quick look at him for me. The fever caused Chris to have a fit. Ezra, I need you to go and find all the ice you can. We have to get this fever down quick."

Standish turned to carry out his job and saw a trembling J.D. in the doorway. "Come Mr. Dunne, your assistance will be invaluable." He knew keeping the kid busy would help to dispel some of the nervous energy.

Sanchez bent and gathered the body of the tracker in his arms, his strength able to cope with the weight of the slight body easily. After gently placing Tanner on the bed, he and Buck started to remove the many layers of clothing that covered the slight frame. Wilmington turned to place the hide coat over a chair, remembering the joy Vin expressed when they were able to return the precious belonging to him yesterday. Once he was stripped to the waist, Josiah started looking for wounds. Bruises marred his left side but his ribs felt intact.

"Turn him towards you Buck, so I can get a look at his back."

Before the Texan was fully on his side, the preacher got a glimpse of his back and couldn't fight back a gasp. Vin's lower back was a mass of deep bruising. The myriad of purples and blues were streaked with shots of crimson.

"JESUS!" Buck hissed, his face wrinkled in horror.

"Nate, you better come have a look here." Josiah's deep voice didn't hide his concern.

The brown-eyed man was busily placing cool cloths over Larabee's body in an effort to control the raging fever. "Buck get over here. Just keep changing the compresses so he's kept as cold as possible until Ez gets back with the ice."

Seeing that Buck understood the instructions, he made his way over to the other cot. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of the injury that Vin managed to hide. It was quite a feat that the man had stayed in the saddle, let alone move with the agony his back must have caused.

Buck paused and Nate saw something he didn't like flickering in the rogue's eyes.

"Buck..." his voice was low and threatening, as the skilled dark fingers gently examined the slight body in the bed.

"Aw, hell, Nate," Buck's shoulder's slumped, "he said you gave him liniment..."

"Spit it out, Buck!" Nate barked, he had no time to waste on Buck's feelings.

"He passed blood...down in the alley," Buck sighed, raking his hand through his dark hair.

"How long ago?"

"Back before he napped..." Buck winced at the dark expression on Nate's face. "Honest to God Nate, I'm sorry. He told me you knew about his back...Hell, I wouldn't hurt that boy..."

"It ain't your fault. You know how Vin hates anyone fussing over him. Damn stubborn fool." The healer was palpating the bruised back, carefully checking for collections of fluid under the skin. Remembering that the tracker mentioned a headache, he turned to examine his head and found a large bump on the back of it. He completed his assessment, relieved at not finding any broken bones.

"How is he?" Wilmington anxiously queried.

"Got a bump on his head, probably a slight concussion. It's his back I'm worried about. I'm going to make up a poultice and that should help some." He rubbed his neck and looked at Josiah, "See if you can scare up a towel, there's some hot water on the stove. A hot compress will help his back some."

"What about the blood in his urine?" Sanchez asked, the worry evident in his voice.

"Hopefully his kidneys will heal with time."

"And if they don't?" Buck paused to look at Nathan.

"Ain't nothing I can do." Nate didn't miss the blanching of the tall man's face, "It's probably just a bruise...if a kidney was tore up...well, I think he'd be a lot worse off."

Wilmington looked down at his oldest friend and shook his head. How would they survive if they lost both of them? His passing look to the Texan hadn't stopped his hands from wiping Chris's fevered brow.


Part 12

Chris felt his body floating, the sensation was oddly pleasant. He waited for the return of the searing pain that pervaded his every waking moment and was surprised when it failed to materialize. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar world full of brightness. A feeling of peace swept through him, fear of what he was experiencing was absent. It was then that he noticed a figure of an ethereal woman beside him.

"Sarah?" Larabee's voice was full of hope as he tried to identify the figure.

"No, but she's not very far away Chris." The voice was soft and gentle.

"Can I see her? I miss Sarah and Adam so much" The thought of the joyous reunion brought tears to his eyes. The only doubt in his mind was the blue orbs gazing at him. He imagined the grief that would dull the expressive blue eyes of his best friend.

"They're so proud of you. You're a lucky man."

Seeing the familiar blue eyes he suddenly knew who this woman was. "You're Vin's Ma."

"That's right." The beatific smile on her face was dazzling.

"Am I dead?" He still felt no fear, only curiosity.

She whispered the reply gently, a hint of sadness tinted her words. "Not yet."

"I'm dying though." Chris felt a pang of grief for the friends he would leave behind.

"It's up to you now. I've come to ask you to fight for your life. Vin needs you. My son needs you so much Chris." Tears glistened like diamonds as they fell. "He has suffered alone for too long. You share a special bond and he finally has a family again. You are the only brother he will ever know."

"Ya know yer kin...yer a brother t'me Chris. Please, don't leave. I...don't want...t'be alone... again."

The blond made his choice as he recalled the words his friend had spoken to him. "Will you tell Sarah and Adam that I love them?"

"They know that, they always have. Your brief years together contained a whole lifetime of love and you will share eternity with them some day. I promise you that" The woman's face glowed with the affection she felt for this man. That he would fight through the agony of his injuries for her son spoke well for the respect Vin had won. "Tell Vin....tell my son that I'm proud of the man he's become."

Feeling his eyelids grow heavy, Larabee let them slide shut. His last sensation was that of a velvet soft touch of healing on his forehead.

Buck watched Nate and Josiah tending to Vin and bit his lip. What if those hours that he wasted, not telling Nate, made the difference? He moved to wring out another wet cloth and took his gaze to the Texan. What he didn't see, were the leader's green eyes open a crack and the bloodless lip trembling. What Buck couldn't see, was that in a brief instant of lucidity, Chris's mind registered the plight of the younger man.

Despite the burning agony in his leg and the pounding in his head, the blond tried hard to capture Nate's words. His torched skin rebelled and pain overtook his moments of awareness. But not before he saw the horrific sight of Vin Tanner's back and heard the words. Blood...urine...kidneys...might heal...ain't nothing I can do...nothing I can do...nothing I can do. That thought, that Vin might die and why hadn't he seen Vin's suffering? It was too painful to bear. Nate's words sent him back into the black velvet void, where he couldn't see those blue eyes haunting him.

I'm sorry, Vin. I should have seen it...I pushed you too hard...too far...I hurt you..." he blamed himself silently as his eyes slid shut.


Several hours later Vin woke up to find himself laying facedown on the spare cot in the clinic. His mind sought to recollect what transpired to lead him to this situation. With frightening clarity, he remembered his friend having a fit and then not breathing.

"Chris!" He shouted and then made an effort to rise. He was stopped by the terrible pain that lanced through his back and a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Relax Mr. Tanner. Our illustrious leader is still with us."

"He's alive?"

"Turn your head and you'll be able to see him." Standish instructed

Vin swiveled his gaze and saw the blond lying on the bed, his body surrounded by chunks of ice. Nathan was hovering over his patient checking the dressing.

Tanner almost cried with the relief of discovering his friend was still alive. He eyed the conman and made a subtle move with his legs, his need to reach out to his injured friend overcoming his own pain.

"I will not be a party to murder." At Vin's confused look the southerner continued to explain. "Mr. Wilmington left strict orders as to what I was to do if you tried to get out of bed. I believe his exact words were 'shoot him in the ass if you have to'"

Hearing the conversation, the healer moved over to examine his reluctant patient. "How long were you pissing blood Vin?"

The younger man was concerned only for Larabee's well being. "How's Chris?"

Jackson sighed with exasperation, not feeling the energy to argue and began to berate the Texan. "Don't you even try it. I got enough to deal with and you go and make the situation even worse. How long?"

"Since before we left Eden. But it's gettin' better... Nate?" The tracker was still waiting for an answer to his question.

"Stubborn mule-headed jackass!" Nathan cursed as he moved towards the stove to retrieve a cup. "Make sure that he drinks all of this. Chris still has a high fever but he hasn't had any more fits"

Ezra took the cup and screwed his face up at the vile scent arising from it. "I think our healer has made a nice strong cup of your favorite drink."

"I ain't drinkin' any o' that horse piss" Vin wrinkled his face in distaste.

"Shoot him Ez." Buck entered the clinic just in time to hear the refusal.

"In which cheek would you like the bullet placed?" The gambler drew his revolver and studied the fancy pearl handle.

"Al' right. Gimme the fuckin' cup."

The amused looks on the faces of his friends were almost too much to bear as Vin choked down the vile brew.

The ladies man walked over to Chris's bedside and stared at the pale inanimate face. His old friend could display a real mean temper at times but he would gladly trade that for this lifeless appearance. Since the seizure the sick man had not moved a muscle. His breathing was shallow and his pulse was thready. The healer didn't say it but they instinctively knew that Chris very near death.

"Any change?" Buck realized what the answer would be but had to ask anyway.

Jackson merely looked up with him and shook his head. Seeing the drained look on the other man's face, Wilmington offered to take over.

"Go get some grub and some rest. I can take care of him and this scrawny Texas mule over here." Vin frowned at the term used to refer to him.

Knowing that his patient was in capable hands, the former army medic agreed and left the clinic. He would be summoned if he were needed.

Sitting in the chair next to the bed, Buck turned to look the drawn face of Vin Tanner. "You ignored your own injury 'cause of Chris, didn't you?"

"He needed me, Buck." The voice was soft and raspy, a combination of medicine and fear.

"When he finds out what you did, he's going to be pretty angry!" The ladies man knew that Tanner was in for a verbal blast from their leader

"I would recommend you to evacuate the premises when Mr. Larabee returns to his usual robust health." Having been on the receiving end of the ire, Ezra was willing to give out advice.

"God willin' he can yell as loud as he likes at me." The soft plea was sent heavenward as Vin settled in to watch over his friend.


As the new day began to dispel the darkness, Nathan returned to the clinic. He was feeling much better for the four hours of sleep he was able to get.

Buck was still seated beside his friend but his head drooped forward as he dozed.

Josiah was by the stove preparing more herbal tea and greeted the healer. "Morning Brother."

"Hey Josiah. Any problems while I was gone?"

"Chris hasn't moved or shown any signs of waking up." The preacher's face was grim with the lack of good news.

"And Vin?"

The large man grinned as he remembered the curses Tanner let loose whenever they forced a cup of healing tea down his throat. "Stubborn as usual but we managed."

Shaking his head Jackson moved to examine Chris. "Buck, wake up."

"Wha..t?" The ladies man was a little groggy.

"I got to look at Chris. Why don't you go get us all a coffee." The healer suggested.

"Sounds good ta me."

The three men glanced at the cot where the tracker lay. He was awake and eager for a cup of his favorite brew.

"Give it up Tanner. I'm still tempted to shoot you." Buck knew without asking that coffee would not be allowed in Vin's diet for a while.

After a quick grin directed at Wilmington, Nathan bent to examine Chris. His urgent words stopped Wilmington as he prepared to leave. "How long has he been like this?"

Buck turned, his mind filled with alarm and confusion. The healer was pressing the back of his hand to the blond's face and neck. Reaching the dressing on Larabee's leg, he rapidly removed the dressing to assess the wound.

"Nate, what's wrong. He ain't..." Wilmington panicked words faltered as he registered the smile that lit Jackson's face. "Nate?"

"Fever is down. The swelling and redness around the wound is better." The words were conveyed with a mixture of joy and relief.

"He gonna be okay?" Vin held his breath as he waited for the answer.

Nathan didn't want to give them any false hope but the signs of improvement were unmistakable. "I'm not sure how or why but I think he will be."

The whoop of joy from Wilmington expressed all the emotions they were experiencing. Realizing how loud he was, the contrite man began to apologize. "Sorry Nate. Didn't mean to be so loud."

"That's okay Buck. Look, I think Chris heard you." The healer's attention was riveted on the pale, thin face. He could see Chris's eyes moving under the lids. The lips were barely moving, but it appeared that he was trying to say something.

As Wilmington moved back to Chris's side, Vin struggled to rise. Josiah placed a restraining arm on his shoulder to keep him in bed. In the meantime, Nathan waited while Buck placed his ear next to Chris's lips. After a minute, he straightened and looked in Tanner's direction. "He's saying your name."

"Preacher, ya best git outta m'way..." Vin hissed, eyes fired with determination, "Don'"

The big man's warm grin at the smaller man's dogged determination, fueled his decision. He waited for the nod from the healer before offering his assistance. Battling the flaring agony, Vin leaned heavily on the preacher's arm as he struggled to his friend's side. He was eased into the chair and leaned in close, his hand closing around Chris's.

" Chris...Chris...wake the hell up. I ain't got all day..."

Chris was lost, his eyes searched the inky blackness around him. His soul was stabbed with fear as he wondered where he was. Where were his friends? Where was Vin? He started shouting the precious name, not realizing that his effort was only producing a barely audible whisper. Then he heard the voice he was searching for and clung to the hope that it produced. He fought the current of despair that tried to prevent him from reaching the source of the beloved sound.

"C'mon Chris, ya can do it." There was the sound again and he doubled his efforts. The blackness was fading to gray and he could feel warm flesh on his hand, pulling him to safety. The fog parted and he looked at the hazy figures hovering over him. His eyes blinked desperately, he was searching for a particular face, a pair of blue eyes.

Vin blinked back the tears as Larabee finally got his eyes open. He was obviously having trouble focusing and his gaze roved around the room. " Hey, Cowboy...."

Chris felt a cool cloth run over his face that helped to clear the grit from around his eyes. Finally, he found the blue orbs he sought and latched onto them like a lifeline. "V...V....Vin..."


Part 13

The tracker squeezed his hand and rested his hand on the nearest sweat-streaked shoulder with the other. "Ain't goin' nowhere." He heard Buck excitedly telling the others that he was going to tell JD and Ezra that the ill man was awake.

"C...old." Larabee senses were starting to resurface and he couldn't understand why his friends wouldn't at least cover him with a blanket.

"Let's get him outta that ice." Nathan's mind went back to caring for the wounded man. He had to make good use of the time that the blond was awake. "Josiah, if you take his head and chest, I'll support his leg and we'll move him over to the cot while I change these sheets."

Chris moaned as he was lifted, the pain in his head and leg throbbed without mercy. "Hold on Chris." Vin's reassuring voice became his center of concentration as the younger man continued to murmur soft reassurances.

Footsteps pounding up the stairs announced the arrival of the other men. J.D. bounced through the door, energized by the good news. Buck and Ezra followed, big grins pasted on their faces.

Jackson would have sent them away except he realized they needed to see Chris and he needed the extra help they could provide. The men bustled around the room carrying out Nathan's orders. There were many near collisions and accidents, as eyes were reluctant to leave the welcome sight of their awake leader. While his bed was stripped and re-made, Tanner spooned broth into the recovering man. Obediently, the blond opened his mouth and accepted each mouthful, his gaze never leaving the face he fought so hard to find.

Before they moved him back to the freshly made bed, Nathan dosed him with some Laudanum. Despite the painkiller, the maneuver caused pain to swell and break like waves over Chris's body. Once he was in the bed, Vin sponged the sweat from him and spoke in soothing tones while the harsh gasps wracked the frail body. Soon, the medicine had the desired effect and the blond fought back the return to the dark void.

Vin saw the struggle and reassured his friend. "I ain't goin' ta leave ya Chris." The leader felt the warm grip of his friend's hand and knew he had nothing to fear. This time the darkness held only healing and he succumbed to its lure.

Tears hung in the younger man's eyes as he watched his friend slip into sleep. He sent silent words of thanks to God for sparing his life. Then he felt a hand grip his shoulder.

Now that Larabee was taken care of, it was time for the healer to attend to his other patient. He braced himself for a fight. "Vin, time for you to go back to bed." He realized the man was in great pain at the lack of resistance he displayed.

Tanner allowed himself to be assisted back to the cot. Looking at the dose of Laudanum that was held in front of him, Vin looked into the compassionate eyes of the healer, seeking a promise. "Ya wake me if he comes to?"

The bargain sealed, the Texan was medicated and settled into the beckoning comfort of the mattress. Tearing razors of pain in his back started to ease and he sighed as a warm compress was applied. His last view was of the silly smiles of his friends and he welcomed sleep with a light heart.


Chris did not awaken again that day but Nathan was pleased with the progress he felt his patient was making. His temperature was almost normal and a hint of color was back in his cheeks. The wound looked clean and the flesh was pink, evidence that the healing was progressing.

Vin was worried that his friend had not regained consciousness. "Why isn't he awake?"

The healer finished changing the dressing and began rinsing his hands with water. "He's still weak and likely to sleep a lot. Stop fretting and finish up that tea."

Tanner opened his mouth to argue but stopped at the determined glare he saw in the deep brown eyes. With a grimace he swallowed the rest of the ghastly brew. He looked up at the noisy entrance of J.D. and Buck.

"Brought you some dinner Nate. Inez cooked you a nice steak with lots of fluffy mashed potatoes and creamy gravy." Wilmington looked at the hungry expression on the tracker's face and smiled. "She didn't forget you Vin. Got a nice big bowl of soup and some fresh bread for you."

"Aw fuck." Tanner knew the guys were mad at him for hiding his injury but even a condemned man deserved a decent meal.

J.D. couldn't stand the crestfallen look on the older man's face and let the cat out of the bag. "We brought you a nice big piece of peach pie."

Buck scowled at his traitorous friend. He was planning on having some fun with this. "That is, if you finish your dinner before I get hungry...Sure do love peach pie..."

"I have ta use the privy first." Vin prepared to rise.

"Oh no. You're not peeing anywhere I can't see for awhile." Jackson moved swiftly to take an authoritative stance in front of the young man. He had to watch for blood in the urine.

"Aw shit Nathan, I know dead men that got treated better 'an this." His friends laughed at the expression of disgust from the sharpshooter. " ...glad ya'll are findin' this so damn funny."

The men turned their backs to give Vin some privacy as Jackson helped him answer the call of nature.

Before long, Ezra and Josiah joined their friends and they passed the evening talking and playing cards. The little clinic resounded with the sounds of talking and laughter. The pall of grief that hung over them all had been lifted and they were content to pass the time together. Vin lay and studied the features of the man who was like a brother. He and Chris had some talking to do but at least they were given the gift of time.


The night passed uneventfully and Chris showed signs of waking early the next morning. Pain slammed into him and he gasped at the sudden onslaught. Josiah was at his side in an instant. Nathan decided to bed down on the floor of the clinic and was finally sleeping. The preacher reached for the Laudanum, trying to soothe Larabee with softly spoken reassurances. Sweat broke out on the younger man's face and harsh gasps tore from laboring lungs. Chris's mind scrambled to understand what was happening but the agony in his leg prevented logical thought. His hands pushed the glass containing the medication away, not comprehending the relief it represented.

Suddenly Sanchez found Vin at his side. The tracker was roused from sleep by his friend's distress and managed to make the short journey from his bed without the preacher noticing. He watched as the tracker's touch and voice calmed the patient.

"Quit yer fussin'!" Vin growled, eyes riveted to the pale blond's face. "Ya think yer the only one who needs sleep! Settle yer bones down...ain't like I got any plans..."

The blond heard the familiar voice and he used its strength to battle through the pain. Gradually the agony began to fade and he looked gratefully into the face of the man who was a brother to him.

"Want some water Chris?" Vin could see that the gunslinger was trying to speak and knew he needed some moisture in his mouth. Josiah passed him a glass of water before moving to support the blond's head while he drank. It took several minutes but he managed to get the liquid down. As his head was lowered, he felt a cool cloth mop the sweat from his body and sent a silent thank you to his best friend.

"Vin, your ...back. I...I should have known....sorry." Guilt was laced through the older man's words.

"Ain't yer fault, s'all my doin.'" Vin relayed, realizing he should have said something.

A look passed between the men and they acknowledged that they both had some talking and healing to do.

"How's...back?" Larabee could feel sleep tugging at him again but wanted to reassure himself that Vin would be okay. He saw Vin shrug as if to pass it off, "Vin..." he warned, eyes narrowing. The younger man's face wrinkled up, giving his friend a smile.

"...back's comin' along okay...m'belly thinks m'throats been's full o'ditch water."

The look of revulsion on the tracker's visage was the last thing he saw before sleep claimed him again. Tanner wanted to stay at his friend's side but a snarl from the corner sent him scuttling back to bed.

"Get your ass back into bed before I decide you need a double dose of 'ditch water'" Nathan was awake through the whole exchange but opted to let Josiah and Vin handle the situation.

Josiah's hearty laughter would normally embarrass Tanner, but he settled back into the blankets with a grin.


In the afternoon Nathan decided the swelling was subsiding and that he could stitch the incision that ran the length of Chris's lower leg. He hesitated to cause the man more pain but was reluctant to leave it, as the risk of infection was too high. The healer knew Vin would insist on sitting by his friend's side and also realized Chris needed the comfort, so he set up a chair by the head of the bed. After preparing his patient with a dose of Laudanum, he recruited Buck and Josiah to help hold the man down. Even with the painkiller, he acknowledged that this would be a long painful procedure for the gunslinger.

He began by cleaning the area with carbolic, trying to ignore the tensing of muscles under his hand as the first flames of fiery pain flared into life. Tanner tightened the grip he had on the blond's arm and spoke soft reassuring words to him. Focusing his gaze on Vin's face, Chris tried to block out the pain.

Jackson began his precise stitching just below the knee first, pulling the edges of the skin together. Larabee's leg jumped involuntarily and he moaned as Josiah gripped his injured leg tighter.

"Sorry Chris." The preacher hated to see the face taut with pain, knowing he was partly to blame.

"S'okay." The blond bit down on his lip to keep from crying out.

"Hey pard, did I tell you about the new saloon girl?" Buck began an enthusiastic description of the young woman's assets to distract his friend.

Before Wilmington could finish his oration about how the new female was irresistibly attracted to his charms, Jackson finished sewing. He wrapped a dressing around the leg and replaced the splints. "I'm done." He pronounced with relief.

Vin wiped the sweat from Chris's face and watched as the features gradually relaxed. Within minutes the blond was sleeping, exhausted by the agony he endured. There would be many more painful days ahead like this as the older man recovered. At least they would see them through together.

"Hey, I wasn't finished my story." Wilmington whined as his captive audience was freed.

"...heard tell with ole' Bucklin it's always all action..." The Texan sent the rogue a saucy wink.

Buck's face was a mask of mock-indignation. "That's cause I'm all worn out trying to take care of all these women. Have to make up for the rest of you sorry lot."

Tanner was unable to bite back a laugh as Buck waggled his eyebrows suggestively.


Part 14

As the days passed, Chris continued to improve. The fever that plagued him disappeared and he was awake for longer periods of time. His friends others were more than willing to pass a few hours with the man that they came so close to losing and tried to provide entertainment during these hours. Larabee's strength continued to grow and within a week he was able to sit in a chair for short intervals with his broken leg supported. Pain still dogged him but he was requiring less Laudanum each day.

Nathan was pleased with the progress Vin was making and allowed him to leave the clinic, although he wasn't permitted to ride his horse yet. The bruising across his back was fading and the blood in his urine disappeared after the first three days.

As usual, Tanner was starting to feel restless and bristled at being confined to town. He spent many hours sitting with the gunslinger but their once comfortable silence was marred by unspoken words.

Buck noticed the tension in the air and mentioned it to Josiah as they approached the clinic. They were on their way to give Larabee the crutches they fashioned for him.

"There's something bothering Chris and Vin."

Sanchez nodded in agreement as he too had noticed the unease between the two. "I'd say that something happened out there between them."

"Maybe we should talk to Vin." The younger man suggested.

Josiah placed a hand on the other man's arm to halt him. "Maybe it's none of our business."

"It'll be our business if one of them decides to leave."

"Neither one of them has said anything about leaving. Those two have a special bond and when it comes time, they'll work it out." The preacher knew that Vin would not respond to a confrontational approach. "All they need is some time."

Wilmington wished he could agree with the other man but shook his head as he agreed to let it rest. "I'll wait then. I just hope you're right."

The two continued on to the clinic, confident that Chris would be pleased with the additional mobility the crutches would provide.


Within the next two days Chris mastered the use of the crutches and was able to hobble around the clinic. Jackson promised that he would assist him down the stairs in the morning so he could walk around the town a bit. The blond was obedient in following Jackson's orders. He was surprised how quickly he became tired and realized he still needed lots of rest in order to heal.

Tanner was chafing at the bit though and needed some solitude to reflect on the events of the last few weeks. He made a decision and announced it that night in the saloon. Chris was asleep in the clinic and the six men were finishing dinner.

"I'm ridin' out tomorrow." He announced in a determined tone.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea Vin. If something happens to you..." Wilmington's argument was cut off before he could finish.

"Ain't nothin' gonna happen. I can take care o' myself." The tracker stood firm and the others knew there wasn't anything they could say to change his mind.

Buck chuffed in frustration before standing to leave. "I'm going to check on Chris. At least he wants my company."

Tanner felt stung by the cruel words but understood Wilmington's concern for his oldest friend. He was sure that the ladies man felt he should be staying at Larabee's side. Ezra excused himself to join in a poker game while J.D. and Nathan made their way over to the clinic. Each of them patted the tracker's shoulder in support as they passed.

"Don't mind Buck." Sanchez comforted. "He's still concerned about Chris."

"I don't want ta leave 'im." The sadness in the blue eyes was evidence of Vin's feelings.

Josiah came up with a plan. "Why don't you go out and stay at Chris' place. No one's been near. You can have the quiet you need and clean it up a bit."

"Larabee ain't much fer cleanin'" Vin considered the idea, slowly realizing that it might be the perfect solution. He needed to be close to his friend but craved the wilderness he loved.

The large man laughed at the vision of the man in black with an apron on. "You've got a point there."

"Thanks Josiah." The soulful blue eyes were full of gratitude.

"Anytime, Son," the older man patted the slight shoulder before rising to his feet and leaving.

Tanner sighed with contentment at the thought of escaping the enclosing walls in the morning. He just hoped Wilmington wouldn't stay mad at him for too long.


Two days later

Chris was getting around town with the use of the crutches. Initially his weakened arm muscles protested the burden they carried but his strength was returning rapidly. Nathan felt it was due to the good shape the gunfighter was in before the injury.

Larabee wasn't surprised when Vin came to say he was heading out for a few days. It was like trying to cage an animal. He was worried about his friend, but couldn't deny the relief he also experienced. The rift between them still existed, he couldn't think of a way to take back the angry words he had spoken to Vin in Eden.

He began to worry about the state of his homestead, especially upon discovering no one had ridden out there lately. Over lunch in the saloon, he broached the subject with Nathan.

"Since I'm feeling better, I decided to take a ride out to the cabin and check things out." He put up a hand as the healer opened his mouth to object. "I know, I can't ride. Buck agreed to take me in the wagon. It's only for a couple of days."

The ladies man faced Jackson's glare. "C'mon Nate. Things have been real quiet. It'll only be for a couple of days and I'll keep a real close eye on him."

Surveying the faces around the table to see how everyone felt about the proposition, he caught the slight wink from the preacher. Nathan trusted the preacher and decided he would go along. Pointing his finger at the blond, he laid out the conditions. "You, stay out of the saddle. If the wound starts to hurt or get red, get your ass back to town. I'm holding you responsible for him." The finger swiveled to point at Buck this time.

Jackson looked at Josiah again. He wasn't sure what that wink meant but he was sure the older man knew something he didn't. He couldn't wait to find out.


Even though he wasn't riding in a saddle, Larabee enjoyed the ride out to his cabin. They decided not to wait for Nathan to change his mind and loaded up the wagon with supplies and headed out of town.

As they pulled up to the small dwelling, Chris spotted a familiar horse. "Isn't that Peso?"

"Sure looks like it." Buck agreed in a voice tight with curiosity.

Arriving at the cabin, Wilmington jumped down just as the front door opened and a bucket of dirty water was flung at him.

"Vin" Larabee was trying not to laugh at the sight of the tracker. His shaggy hair was pulled back from his dirt streaked face. He was as naked as the day he was born. The blue eyes widened in surprise as his mind registered the presence of his friends.

The ladies man opened his mouth to protest his impromptu bath when he noticed the Texan's lack of attire and started to chortle with laughter. Realizing his appearance was the source of the merriment, Tanner disappeared into the cabin to dress.

"I ain't sorry I threw piss water on ya now." He taunted Wilmington as he reappeared clad in pants..

The older man abruptly stopped chuckling. "Piss water?" You threw..."

"Buck, shut up and help me down." Chris was feeling fatigue seeping in and eager to off the buckboard.

Vin turned to enter the shack, a wide grin on his face. He was absurdly happy to see his friends. He placed a pot of coffee on the stove before returning to help unload the wagon.

After the three men shared a simple dinner, the gunslinger felt his strength waning and lay down to nap. Buck insisted on returning to town that night. He could feel the tension between his two friends and realized that they needed some time alone to work out the problem. Besides, he had better things to do.

"That new saloon gal, Winnie, is playing hard to get. She was making eyes at Chris the other day but I think this is the night she's going to fall for the famous Wilmington charms."

The tracker grinned at the sight of the dimpled smile on the rogue's face. Some things never changed.

The older man took one of the mares, leaving the wagon in case Larabee needed to come back to Four Corners. Buck mounted the saddled horse and leaned his forearms on the pommel, the reins dangling from his hands. He was about to warn Vin to take good care of their leader but thought better of it. It seemed that his words were hurting the sharpshooter too much these days.

He grinned mischievously instead. "You know, Vin, the sight of you today...well my pants have been tight all night. Gonna be a helluva long ride back to town."

"Fuck ya'll Bucklin." He retorted impishly, reaching out to take the hand extended.

Buck opened his mouth to say something, but Vin's wide smile answered his call. With a good tug on the healing Tanner hand, Buck nodded and rode away.


