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Noon the next day

Larabee slept late and woke to find his body feeling stiff and sore. He wouldn’t admit it but yesterday’s ride took more out of him than he would have thought. His leg was throbbing and he was feeling irritated by the time he was up and dressed. Vin was patient with the recovering man as he helped him don his clothing.

Larabee's nose wrinkled as the familiar scent of something being burned alive hit his face. He gingerly walked towards the area where his stove was and waved his hand, dispelling smoke.

"You burn my house down, Tanner, you best get your scrawny ass into the next county" Chris paused and jerked when the loud bang of a heavy pan hitting the wall rebounded through the room. He limped over to the table to where something charred and still smoldering rested on a plate. "What the hell?"

"Shut the fuck up and eat!" Vin barked.

"Eat what?" Chris sat down, his face wrinkled in distaste. "Is this dead yet?" he prodded something with his fork. "Vin..." He lifted the object and held it up for inspection. "I happened to be fond of my teeth...plan on keepin' 'em for awhile yet. What the hell was this?"

"Meatcakes and flapjacks..." Vin muttered, grabbing the plate and fork from the smirking blond. "Here..." he shoved another plate at the recovering man and disappeared outside.

Chris eyed the new offerings, which were at least edible. He was halfway through when he saw the tracker reappear, and began chuckling at the flour, syrup and other kitchen substances all over his face and clothes.

"Mornin' Cowboy," he smirked, raising a sandy eyebrow in amusement as he raked over the disheveled figure. "Uh...Vin...I'm guessin' you're not hanging up your guns for a spoon anytime soon," he noted of the disastrous change of jobs. Vin didn't reply, rather he sat at the far end of the table, pushing his spoon halfheartedly through a pile of..."Beans again?" Chris didn’t even try to hide the distaste written on his face

"I like...beans..." Vin choked, gagging on the awful fare.

"You're full of shit, Tanner!" Chris replied, eyeing the empty crocks of flour and sugar. He eyed his plate and realized Vin had given him all the food that survived. "Here, I'm done, you finish this..." The older man shoved the plate away. "The only thing worse than your cooking is your fucking coffee."

Vin tried to hide the hurt the words caused. He'd spent the early morning trying to make Chris's morning meal a good one on his first day home. He burned his hands on the cast iron frypan and his fingers throbbed. His anger grew, "Don’t eat it then."

"Let's switch, gimme the beans." Chris moved to take the plate of old, mushy beans.

"Leave 'em be..." Vin snarled, shoving the plate of flapjacks and meat back at Chris, knocking over the syrup in the process. "GODDAMMIT CHRIS!" he jumped up and grabbed the jug, before any of the precious liquid was lost. In the meantime Chris moved in and took the plate of offensive beans.

Larabee tightened his grip and clenched his jaw. "I said I would eat the fucking beans!"

The plate became the prize in the ensuing tug of war. The injured man still wasn’t as strong as he thought and he lost his grip on the dinnerware. The meal became airborne and splattered across Vin’s body. Chris couldn’t help himself and he started laughing at the beans and sauce splotched all over Vin's already flour, sugar and syrup marred face. It really was a shame that the other men weren’t present to witness the comical sight.

Larabee began to sober as he realized that his friend wasn’t joining in on the hilarity. Instead of the good-natured grin he expected to see, Tanner looked like he was about to start crying.

"I’m so sorry Chris." The softly spoken words were barely audible.

"It’ll clean up, it’s not your fault." The blond hastened to assure the younger man. Then he realized the faraway look in the smoldering blue eyes had nothing to do with the messy room and ruined meal.

The dam Vin constructed in his mind broke and the words were out before he could stop them. "It’s all my fault...ya were right...yer head dam near got blowed off cause o'me. Took ya right int’a trap..."

"Is that what you’re thinking?" the gunslinger swore under his breath. His head pounded as a reddened vision of pain-filled cabin tore into it. He heard his words...shouting irately at the stunned tracker. Harsh words of blame and fury. Words that made a hole in Vin Tanner's heart. He should have realized his friend would try to shoulder the blame. "I was the one that got drunk and let it slip that there was a bounty on you. I’m the one who should be sorry."

"Ya didn’t mean it."

"Did you mean for us to ride into an ambush?"

Vin’s eyes widened in horror. "No, course not."

"Then why should you feel guilty?" Larabee reasoned. "I should have seen that your back was hurting and watched out for you."

"Wouldna made no difference."

"Just like it wouldn’t make a difference what trail we took. Those men were going to ambush us anyway."

Tanner nodded but still felt the weight of the price on his head. "Damn fuckin’ bounty."

Chris felt a pang of regret in his chest, and anger for Eli Joe. A raging, furious deadly wrath...that someone...anyone...would hurt Vin Tanner. He wanted to rip the bastard's heart out. He eyed the forlorn face and dejected shoulders. He moved slowly and placed a hand on Vin's back.

"Damn fuckin' ex-bounty hunter is the best thing that ever happened to me..." his voice was tight. He saw Vin's head fly up and the eyes wider than a blue summer sky.

Ya know yer kin…yer a brother t'me Chris

Somehow the unconscious blond had heard those words. The two men felt their bond grow and deepen and they clasped forearms.

"With yer temper, it’s a good thing ya got me."

Chris faked a snort of disgust. "Ya, well I’m not the one wearing all that food."

This time laughter erupted from both men as they felt their world right itself.


As he usually did, Vin rose early and, cup of coffee in hand, went to sit on the porch and watch the sun rise. He was surprised as the door opened and Chris hobbled out on his crutches.

"Yer up early." Tanner commented as the blond settled himself in a chair.

The older man shrugged. "Sleeping too much lately."

Vin rose to his feet and disappeared into the cabin to fetch another cup of coffee. Chris accepted the proffered brew with a grimace. "I’m almost getting used to this muck you call coffee."

"Ain’t so bad with a dollop o’ whiskey in it." Larabee grinned as the other hand appeared with a bottle and poured a small amount of the liquor into the cup.


Vin acknowledged the expression of gratitude with a nod as he settled himself beside his friend. The men sat back to enjoy the peaceful moment.

Chris was the first to break the silence. "Had a strange thing happen to me while I was sick." The tracker waited for the older man to continue. "Think I saw your Ma."

The Texan felt the world tilt and his limbs felt frozen. It was several seconds before he could get the word past numb lips. "Ma?"

"She was real pretty"

Unable to speak, the sharpshooter could only nod. Tears sprung to his eyes as he pictured the cherished memory of his Mother.

"She’s real proud of you Vin."

Tears fell unchecked as Vin digested what Chris was saying. Several minutes passed before he could utter the question that lingered.

"Ya think it really was my Ma?"

Chris considered the question for a few minutes. How was he to answer when he wasn’t even sure himself? "Guess Josiah would call it a vision. Nathan might tell you it was a fever dream."

The younger man considered the possibilities. " Don't see how it matters none...ya said ya saw her...that's good 'nuf fer me..." He vowed, Larabee's words would always be all he needed.

Chris felt the enormity of the soft-spoken words and once again thanked God for sending him Vin. He cast his pale eyes heavenward as Dawn stretched, sending blue and rosy rays onto his face. He eyed the heavens and wondered if she was watching over him yet. He nodded, realizing she was and sending his silent acknowledgement of his vow.

"I’ll watch his rest easy..." he whispered into the breeze.

"Ya say somethin'?" Vin cocked his head, seeing the gunslinger's lips move.

"Just thankin' the man upstairs..." Chris paused and gave his best friend a warm, open smile. "For a lot of things..."

Vin turned to look at his friend, gratitude shining in his eyes for the gift of kinship he shared with this man. He shuddered at the thought of how close he had been to losing him. No matter what they faced in the days to come, with every new dawn he would cherish the family the heavens had sent.

"Every new Dawn holds promise of what is yet to be born. She smiles at the departing Eve and her radiance lights up the heavens." Chris's voice was wistful and held a touch of longing. He turned and saw the emotion crossing Vin's face. "Don't get too comfortable Cowboy, you're not the only poet in town..."

"Ya call that a poem?" Vin shot back, his twin smile being born. "Hah..."

They sat in silence for some time, each thinking over the words Chris spoke. New promises brought on the new days. Every dawn did hold a new beginning. Just like the one they each found when that day when their eyes locked over a lynch mob.

"Thanks Chris..." Vin finally said, stretching his body.

"Nice try Tanner," Chris shot back, grinning evilly, "but you still gotta clean up that mess you made when you tried to burn my house down."

"Goddamn, ungrateful, tight-assed, glarin' bastard." Vin shuffled inside, "Wouldn't kill ya t'show come compassion. Jis' fer that, ya can't have any beans fer supper..."

"Let me check for blood," Chris quipped, opening his shirt over his heart. He ducked as the hand shot out and thwacked his head. Then he smiled, hearing Vin's colorful cursing filling the air along with banging pots and a broom. Yes, this new day did hold a world of promise.