What is Love 4 Michael?
Love 4 Michael is simply a list of names of the people who love Michael. Just a list of fans.

What do I get for joining Love 4 Michael?
Nothing. That's it. You get nothing. But you might want to look at it this way: You joined, because you love Michael, and what if he stops by, is touched by the message you left, and emails you because of it? Hey, it could happen!

How do I join?
It's simple. Click here and fill out the form with your name, age, e-mail address, (if you do not send me your email address, then I will not put your email address on the list. I need to know that you want your email address to be added) the state/province/country that you live in, your URL (if you have one), and maybe a message. Hint: It's better if you leave a message, because then Michael will have something to email you about. It would be more likely that he would notice you.

Can I see an example?
Sure. Click here and you can see the lists of the many who have already joined Love 4 Michael then you can decide if you really would like to join or not.

What if, in the future, I need to change the information that I sent in?
Just email me. Tell me the number that your information is on the list and let me know what you need changed and I'll be more than happy to do it for you.

What if I have more questions?
Then just email me and I'll get back to you with the answers as soon as I can.

How else could I help?
You could ask your friends to visit the site, or even this page, and get them to join.

Join Love 4 Michael now
See the members

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