Name: Annie Wang
Age: 12
Location: CT
Message: I love Michael for the beautiful person he is inside and out. He is undoubtedly the most amazing person in the world.

Name: Sandy Lemke
Age: 15
Location: Wisconsion
Message: message: I love micheal so much. He is a great guy with everything he is donig for cancer research the world needs more people like him.

Name: Paige
Age: 15
Location: Calgary Alberta
Message: Michael is so awesome. My best friend went to school with him in grade 7 and she said he was the nicest guy. Michael, if you see this I just want you to know that your awesome at what you do so don't stop doing it.

Name: Lauren
Age: 14
Location: New York

Name: Amy
Age: 17
Location: Alabama
Message: Michael is so cute and an inspiration to me.

Name Alisha
Age: 15
Location: Alabama
Message: i think michael cuccine is so cute and im glad he survived his diesese i think hes a great actor and the way he acts the character q.t. is so adorable and he sing good so if he ever does read this then hey i love you and email me Angeleyez853@aol.com.

Name: Chelsea
Age: 12
Location: Missouri
Message: I am soooooooooooooo in love with Micheal!At first I was in love with Alex, but then I said "Hey.Alex is cute,but Mike is cuter and is totally closer to my age then Mikey is and I would have a better chance at him then I would at all with Alex or any of the other guys."I was so ticked off when Mike met that girl on one of the episodes and kissed her and everything thinkin' that she was Mandy Moore.A girl shouldn't play a sweetheart like him.I didn't like it when he saw Mandy Moore herself either.I just wish that someday, I could meet Mike and tell him I love him,and how much I want to be his girl,and that I would just be happy if he could e-mail me, or talk to me somehow.Mikey, if you read this, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!

Name: Ashley
Age: 14
Location: TX
Site: Click here
Message: Hey I just wanted to say I LOVE U MICHAEL I heard that he isnt doing so good. he has pneumonia(is that how you spell it) and the doctors dont know if he is going to make or not. [Note from webmaster: Michael is going to be fine, and the doctors never said that they dont' know if he will make it or not. Please do not get alarmed and worry. Thanks]but of course he will! he is so strong! stay that way mike! we love you
love you ALWAYS michael,

Name: Jeanne Popejoy
Age: 13
Location: Toronto, Ohio

Name: Katie
Age: 14
Location: New York
Message: Luv the new look 4 ya website!!keep up the good work!!!!luv ya michael!!!

Name: Sahira Vazquez
Age: 11
Location: Massachusets
Message: Hey, you are so hot. I wish I was 15. My wish one day will come true. I always dream about you. I have so little stuff in my life but in my heart my family and you are the biggest the thing. My teacher said, "Sahira, if you have a dream, make it come true." My dream is stupid and it will never come true, but my wish was to meet you and that you loved me and that we grow up 2gether cause I sing really good so my wish was a secret and know you can share it in your heart. I think I am going to cry cause I never told that to nobody except my best friend Shirley, which I did not like when she said she did not like 2gether. Well goodnight and good day good evening. Good night kiss to you.

Name: Nichole
Age: 16
Location: Canada

Name: Patrice
Age: 13
Location: Virgina
Message: Your site is cool. I don't have much to say cause I'm in shock about what i just heard on Michael and his condition. I mean, whether it's true or not, it's still sad. If it's not true whoever started this rumor is just pure evil. gone.

Name: Sara Itzkowitz
Age: 14
Location: Illinois
Site: Click here
Message: Hey... I think that this is a great idea. It is awesome that us Mike fans can come "2Gether" like this! Mike is an inpiration 2 me and can me to all others! I love him!!! <3 Sara!

Name: Simone C.
Age: 14
Location: Richton Park, IL

Name: Allison Frey
Age: 15
Location: New Jersey
Message: i am a huge fan of michael's. he is extremely inspirational and i look up to him for being so damn brave! i hope his foundation is successful in helping to find a cure for cancer, cuz nobody deserves to go through that. also, he's Hot! sorry, i had to mention that. forgive me if i misspelled anything.

Name: Lisa Chinnery
Age: 14
Location: Ontario
Message: I Love Michael Cuccione sosososososososossosososososo much! I think he's the sweetest, hottest, most talented person in the universe!! I LoveMIchael and I always will!!

Name: Janet Halsey
Location: Ohio
Message: Michael has inspired me to be the best I can even through the worst of times.

Name: Genevieve
Age: 14
Location: California

Name: Tracy
Age: 14
Location: MN
Message: I just wanna say that Michael is my inspiration. All the tough times I have had in my life I remember him and think nothing could be harder than what he went through. His book and CD really helped me when my great grandma and aunt died of cancer. I believe that what he said is true "together we can make a difference" He is and always be my inspiration.

Name: Lisa
Age: 15
Location: Hawaii
Site: 2gether plus QT
Message: i know what it's like to have someone really close to you to be sick. i pray for that person and also for michael. you inspire me always!

Name: Terra
Age: 14
Location: Toronto
Message: I think Michael is a very amazing person. I wish him the best.

Name: Nadia
Age: 14
Location: California
Message: Hey Michael, You will always remain in my heart. I'm gonna miss you and your funny, quirky, silly, and cute ways. I'm sorry you could not stay with us longer, but we will always love you. And someday we will meet.

Name: Deena Adams
Age: 12
Location: MA
Message: I think Michael Cuccione was a great boy, and I loved him very much. Now that he is gone forever, I will miss ALOT but he still lives in my heart. I will miss him.;(

Name: Sara McKinley
Age: 14
Location: Ontario, Canada
Site: Click here
Message: .Rest.In.Peace.Michael.Cuccione.
Jan 5 1985 - Jan 13 2001

Name: Jena
Age: 16
Location: Dawson Creek BC
Site: Click here
Message: I think Michael was an amazing boy and this is so unfair that hes gone. But at least he doesnt have to suffer anymore.

Name: Christine
Age: 16
Location: Alberta Canada
Message: Dear Michael,
I know your not going to get this because well you've passed away but I just want to say that I will miss you very much. I cant stop crying and its really hard for me to type because I'm so sad. I hope your foundation goes well without you now.

Name: Ashley Pallini
Age: 14
Location: Connecticut
Message: Rest in Peace Michael

Name: Jill Turner
Age: 14
Location: Canada

Name: Leanne
Age: 14
Location: Huntingtown, Maryland
Site: Click here
Message: I MISS MICHAEL!!!!! I CANT STOP CRYING BECAUSE OF THIS:-( ANYONE E-MAIL ME OR I-M ME on aim at michaelcqtbabe so i can talk to some 2gether luvers

Name: Julie
Age: 15
Location: New York
Site: Click here
Message: Sorry to hear this sad, sad story. Michael you will 4eva be missed..All your faNs will stick 2-gether.

Name: Kelly
Age: 15
Location: New Jesery
Message: Michael James Cuccione death on Jan 13th took us all by storm but now it's up to us, Michael's dear fans to make a diffence.

Name: Stephanie Dray
Age: 20
Location: Wisconsin
Message: Michael, you are an inspiration and your memory will live on forever in my heart and the hearts of all your fans. I hope you are at peace. I love and miss you dearly!

Name: Rachel Dray
Age: 14
Location: Wisconsin
Michael, you will be forever missed. Thank you for the inspiration and memories. I love you.

Name: Nadine Hanson
Age: 17
Location: The Netherlands
Message: Even though Michael is in Heaven now, I'm sure he's still with us in a way. I never knew a lot about him, but the stuff I do know, has made me respect and admire Michael more than anyone else I know.
May he rest in peace...

Name: Antoinette
Age: 14
Location: California

Name: Angela
Age: 13
Location: California
Message: Dear Michael,
i know u cant read this anymore, but we just want to let you know that we care. rest in peace!

Name: Lauren Lopez
Age: 13
Location: Michigan

Name: Kaytlin
Age: 14
Location: New York
Message: I am so sad that he past away i will never forget him. I will always love him!

Name: Carlisha
Age: 14
Location: Florida

Name: Alicia
Age: 18
Location: New York
Site: Goodbye
Message: I'd like to join so I could show my sympathy for Michael and his family. I'm deeply saddened by his death.

Name: Sage Sturgeon
Age: 15
Location: Kentucky

Name: Sandra Martins
Age: 17
Location: Maple Ridge
Message: i just wanted to say that what he has been doing has touched my heart and i wish that i could have met him in person to say this since we lived so close but i hope that he rests in peace and my heart goes with him, and i give my condolences to the family. i love you michael.

Name: Erin
Age: 13
Location: New York
Message: Michael i love you so much u deserve to still be here in the world today. you did make a difference to the world

Name: Jill
Age: 15
Location: Mass
Message: Wow, This is alot harder than i thought it would be, I know your dead Mike but you were my Favorite Actor. Almost my hero. You did so much for cancer, When my best friend died from it when i was 9 i didnt understand at all you did so much that you wouldnt even believe. Now that your gone i feel just liek i did when my best friend died. I know i didnt know you, But still i felt close to you b.c you understood cancer. I love you mike !

Name: Dennisse Torres
Age: 14
Location: Florida
Message: hey guys, I'm new i just joined to show my loyalty to Michael "QT" Cuccione! WE'll miss you! We love you!

Name: Lauren Bjorkman
Age: 15
Location: New York

Name: Marianne
Age: 15
Location: New York
Site: Click here
Message: When I heard of Michael's death, I was shocked and devasted. How could such a remarkable person die? But then everything always happened for a reason and though he lived a short life, Michael lived it to the fullest.

Name: Jessica
Age: 17
Location: Mass

Name: Jen
Age: 15
Location: New Hampshire
Message: Hey Michael,
I just wanted to say that you will ALWAYS be remembered, if not by some, definately by me. You have really touched so many people in great ways. You have the BIGGEST heart in the whole world! I just wanted you to know that. You're a GREAT person. We all Love You!!

Name: Melanie Wheeler
Age: 14
Location: Montana
Message: Goodbye Michael, I will miss you so much. Rest in peace forever. We love you more than you know, God bless you

Name: Jehan
Age: 14
Location: PA
Message: Michael's death was very shocking to me, but I will never forget him. He has been such an inspiration to me on never giving up. I have diabetes, and since Michael never gave up, why should I? He's such a great actor and singer, and just a great person all around. His death was devastating to me, but I will always love him and be a fan of his.

Name: Laura
Age: 14
Location: California
Message: Michael,
i'm really sorry about what had happened think about you night and day and all of my frirends were making fun of me at school but i didn't care because deep down in side i knew that you would just shrugg it off so i did and now i dont care what people tell me anymore but i really wished i could have met you because you seem like a nice caring guy and your really hott and ive always wanted to know if you saw me for the first time what would you think of me well i guess it would never happen now but thats ok because i'll meet you always and forever in my dreams.

Name: Audra Nguyen
Age: 16
Location: CT
Message: It’s just another day without you It’s just another day when you're not here I’m going to find a way to be so close to you You’ve got to know how much I care It’s just another day without you It’s just another day when I’m not there I am going to give my love, my heart, my soul to you missing you more each day
rest in peace micheal! i love you!

Name: Kate McGeown
Age: 12
Location: Queensland

Emma Robins
Age: 14
Location: England, United Kingdom
Message: I'm really not sure how to put everything I feel into words...Michael's death was a great shock and I don't think it's sunk in properly yet. I keep getting tearful but push the tears back, but eventually I'm sure they'll fall...heavily. :-( It's a shock that I'll no longer be able to meet one of my biggest inspirations or even get his autograph, and niether will so many others. I hope that people will donate to Making A Difference: The Michael Cuccione Foundation. I plan to donate as much as I possibly can in memory and dedication of Michael (and also obviously to help other cancer sufferers.) Let's make him even more of a teenage saint than he already is. He deserves it :-) Michael was loved by so many people and he will be greatly missed by all. You'll always be alive in our hearts Micheal...rest in peace.
Love from Emma x x x

Name: Sandy
Age: 16
Location: Wisconsion
Message: i just got the news yesterday of micheal's death im so upset and sad i still cant stop crying he will alawys remain in all our hearts,i even wrote a poem bout him.also cuz of micheal im still alive i miss him so much i stil cant believe hes gone.you will always be in my heart micheal love ya.if anyone wants to talk bout this please e-mail me

Name: Sarah
Age: 12
Location: Michigan
Message: Everyone who ever really knew me, knew how much i was in love with Michael. Knew the freaky things that happened when someone mentioned Michael, like one time, without even knowing, someone asked me where he lived, and i knew it right away, and when he got sick, no one told me, i just knew. You know what i think? Michael was my soul mate, and he always will be. I felt i had such a special bond with him withouth even knowing him truely. His death was the worst thing that has happen to me so far. I will never, ever, ever forget him. He is and always will be my best friend. In the words of Nigel Dick *although michael was not fortunate enought o, qt will live on forever* well i dont know about you, but in my mind, Michael AND QT will live foever in my mind.

Name: Theresa
Age: 14
Location: Michigan
Message: We'll love you 4ever !!

Name: Hannah
Age: 12
Location: FL
Site: Click here
Message: When I heard Micheal passed away i was like heartbroken...lol i wasnt in love with the guy or n e thiing but i felt so bad to see he died so young...i mean he didnt get married or have kids or do n e thing spontaineous (except have his own T.V show)loI want to help.

Name: Victoria
Age: 13
Location: New York
Message: I think this is a wonderful website. Michael was truly a special person who inspired and helped many people. He was so cute and even though he is in God's hands, his legacy lives on 4ever. 2Ge+her we can make a difference!

Name: Holly Amos
Age: 14
Location: California
Message: Even though our beautiful Michael is gone, I still love him and I know he is looking down on us all.

Name: Marissa
Age: 14
Location: Ohio
Message: Michael, I love you and words can't express how much I miss you. I feel empty inside. You were a great, sweet, couragous guy who nobody will ever forget!! You influenced so many people and you'll be greatly missed. Rest In Peace. I'll see you up there someday. I love you!!

Name: Sabin
Age: 12
Location: Manitoba
Site: Click here

Name: Hayley
Age: 14
Location: Ohio

Name: Mel
Age: 14
Location: Ontario, Canada

Name: Stephanie and Amanda
Ages: 13
Location: Indiana

Name: Kymara Stephens
Age: 15
Location: West Virginia
Site: Click here
Message: I will always love and remember Michael Cuccione. He will always be in my heart. As long long as I live I will pass Michaels message to everyone I know.
May he rest in peace.
Love always and 4ever, Kymara

Name: Christina
Age: 15
Location: New York

Name: Stefanie Young
Age: 13
Location: New Jersey
Message: Well I just want to say that I love Michael with all my heart, and as for Even, Kevin, Noah, and Alex. I heard that they were thinking of replacing Michael, well I just wanna tell you right now, you can't replace something like that. You can't replace something so perfect that fit just perfectly in with 2GE+HER. It's impossible!! See Mike, I'll always stick up for ya. I'll see ya later Mike buh bye

Name: Justina
Age: 14
Location: Canada
Site: Click here
Message: Michael has been such an inspiration to my life.

Name: Andrea M. Hale
Age: 15
Location: California
Site: Before We Say Goodbye
Message: Dealing with Michael's death has been a very hard obsticle in my life. I lost my parents in a car accident when I was 2, and my aunt died from lung cancer. My cousin Alicia and I truly understand how awful cancer is, because we watched our aunt slowly fade away. I realize that I never knew Michael personally, but I'm so heartbroken. He was so kind and caring. Michael's loss really has affected my cousin and I. I miss Michael, and I will always have a big place for him in my heart. I love you Mike, you're in my prayers.

Name: Leanne
Age: 13
Location: Maryland
Site: Click here

Name: Krystal
Age: 15
Location: Tenessee
Message: Michael,
I really loved together and you are the one that made it so great! I really miss you! and I love you so much! YOu have been a great inspirtaion on the show!

Name: Caitlin Edwards
Age: 14
Location: Michigan

Name: Michelle
Age: 15
Location: B.C, Canada

Name: Christina
Age: 18
Location: New York
Site: Hangin' 2Gether
Message: We are all better people for having known Michael and the type of human being that he was. Indeed, he did live a very fulfilled life and accomplished things that people much older than him fail to see realized after an entire (full) lifetime. It's of utmost importance that we continue to keep Michael's dream and goal of "making a difference" in other people's lives --no matter how large or small-- alive. Every little word you say, every act you perform, every task you undertake...all those are capable of forever transforming the life and/or experience of just one person. Make a difference...for the sake of the betterment of humanity. Michael will continue to live on; never let him escape from your hearts! Rest in peace, Michael. You are sorely missed by all your loved ones.

Name: Amanda Dunn
Age: 14
Location: Ohio

Name: Valerie
Age: 14
Location: Canada
Message: I've loved Michael ever since i can't remember. He's always inspired me, and everyday, i had a reason to be happy and when i found he died,, i think i missed school for like a week and i almost ended up in the hospital because of de-hydration. Thats how much i love him. i think i have 100 pictures of him. And i only wanted to join to meet people that feel the same why about him as i do.

Name: Nikki Leigh
Age: 14
Location: Ohio
Site: Click here
Message: I'm so sad that Michael died!

Name: Courtney
Age: 13
Location: Montana
Message: I will love Michael even though his body his gone, the love for him will always live!

Name: Erin
Age: 16
Location: Texas
Site: Erin's 2Ge+her Again Lyrics Page

Name: Paula Muller
Age: 18
Location: Pennsylvania
Site: Click here
Message: Hi i just wanna say iam sorry about the lose of michael he is someone who ment alot to alt of diffrent people including me & i will miss him deepely. This site rocks

Name: Kari North
Age: 13
Location: PA

Name: Jamie
Age: 13
Location: New York

Name: Emily
Age: 13
Location: New Hampshire

Name: Kristin
Age: 15
Location: VA
Message: Michael Cuccione was definitley a positive influence on the world. He will always be remebered for his impact on other people and for the fact that he did make a difference.

Name: Michelle
Age: 15
Location: California
Message: i just want to say no matter where you go, what ou do, whether you're still with us or you're not, i'll always keep you in my heart. no matter how hard things get, i'll always think of you in every step of the way. you're memory will live forever. and i just wanted to say I love you.

Name: Jamie
Age: 14
Location: GA

Name: Crystal
Age: 17
Location: Ohio
Message: Besides being and awesome actor/singer Michael Cuccione was in inspiration to all his fans. He used his publicity to help so many people. I only wish I had had the honor to have met him.

Name: Leslie Caroots
Age: 16
Location: Ohio
Message: I'll love Michael always & forever, no matter what!

Name: Nikki
Age: 15
Location: New York
Message: i love Mike and its really sad what happened to him. i hope hes happy were he is rite now.

Age: 13
Location: EL MONTE

Name: Jessica
Age: 14
Location: Ohio
Message: I Just wanted to say how much I will miss you Michael...I know I never even knew you...but it seems like I care about you SO MUCH! (and not just because you are cute) You(He) will always be in my heart no matter what. I don't care if you are not here with us..you are with me in my heart!

Name: Sadie
Age: 13
Location: Kansas

Name: Alison
Age: 14
Location: NY
Message: All I really want to say is Michael rest in peace baby we all love you and miss you...

Name: Jessica
Age: 15
Location: NJ
Message: "Sometimes you must live through darkness in order to see the light...you must visualize- Michael" He will always be in my heart! I love you Michael ;)

Name: Vivian
Age: 14
Location: Manitoba
Message: I luv michael. he's so cute and i'm happy that he's doing research for cancer and a cure for cancer. I'm sad because he died on January 13.2001. I'm never going to forget him.

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