August 13, 2001 - USA will be reairing the Baywatch episode staring Michael at 4 PM on Wednesday, August 29th. If you missed it the first time, here's your chance to see it again. Thank you Aubrey.
August 9, 2001 - Michael now has a foundation for cancer research started in New York. This will include walkathons and tons of fundraisers for us American fans, but Mike's original Foundation "Make a Difference" is still alive. The new address for Mike's new foundation is:
The Michael Cuccione Foundation
3947 Berger Avenue
Bethpage, NY, 1174
or you can call: (516)387-6040 for more info. There will be fundraisers for this foundation on:
Friday October, 12th 2001 (1st annual dinner/dance)
Sunday, October 14th (walkathon)As for Mike's original foundation, no fundraisers are planned for the rest of the summer except for the one on September, 22nd 2001 (tickets sell at $60 and are close to being sold out). Right now, Michael's foundation and the people who make it possiable are taking a short break from the fundraisers but more are to come.
Thanks Maria!!June 30, 2001 - ....Two songs that could possibly be on Mike's new album:
"Whether Life Is Sun Or Rain"
"Learning From The Best".
There might also be some 2GE+HER songs.June 25, 2001 - If you weren't aware, Evan, Noah, Alex, and Kevin have left TVT Records and are now on their own doing their own projects. Also, Michael's second album will be the soundtrack to his movie which is set to air on television in mid-2002. After the movie airs, it will be available to purchase on video and DVD.
Source: MariaJune 23, 2001 - You can find the Anthology of Awesomeness: The Official 2gether Scrapbook can be found is some stores now, so check the bookstores in your area, and retails on-line. It has tons of facts and great pictures, as well as a tribute to Michael in the back. Thanks Maria for this news! Also, rumor has it that 2GE+HER the movie on VHS has been discontinued, meaning that after all the copies that have been made are sold, there will be no more, so be sure to pick up your copy! Here's a picture from the Bliss magazine article found below:
June 8, 2001 - If you visit and type in 2GE+HER in the search, you will get the VHS version of the movie and a new book not yet released included in the results.
June 4, 2001 - Michael's new CD is scheduled for release in early December.
Source: MariaMay 30, 2001 9:14 PM - Remember the rumor of the 2GE+HER dolls? Well, they are available now and you can check them out at
May 30, 2001 - Auditions for the movie of Michael's life are being held in New York City througout the month and possibly moving to Los Angeles, California. A second album of unheard songs from Michael is rumored to be in the works and set for release in November or December of this year. Thanks Maria! Also, for a review of what happened on Sunday at the Summer Jam 2001, click here.
May 27, 2001 - The following article was taken from Bliss magazine in the UK. Thank you so much Maria!
Alex Solowitz levered up the window and swung his leg outside. Curfew? What curfew? This was party night!! But suddenly, he heard a cough behind him.
"Dude," said a voice.
"You're going to hell. I swear you're going to hell." Alex clambered back through the window and turned around. His friend Michael was looking at him.
"What?" Alex exclaimed.
No answer. Michael just looked. An uncomfortable feeling started creeping up Alex's neck......
"Don't try it, Mickey," he blustered. "You're not making me feel guilty about this. Hey when your 20, you'll understand."
The look again.
"Shut up, Mikey."
"I didn't say a word...." he replied.
But Alex was already slamming down the window. Mikey didn't have to say anything. Everything he felt was in his eyes. It has always been the same ever since they first met. "He's just a kid,"
Alex would say to himself. "So why do I always end up listening to him?"2GETHER
Michael and Alex had been chosen to play lead roles in a new TV show about a spoof boyband, 2gether. It was going to be shown in America and then on Trouble TV in the UK. Along with Evan Farmer, Kevin Farley and Noah Bastian, the boys were about to be famous.
"We were all really excited," says Noah "We were sure thae show was going to be big. And the director decided to give all five of us a couple of weeks just to hand out and get to know one another."
"It turned out we were all really different, he continues " Alex came from a large Jewish family. My family are Mormons and Kevin's are Catholic. Evan's dad was in the military so he spent his childhood moving around all over the country and Michael was Canadian. We were all total opposites but, y'know, it worked. We goofed aroung together."
The boys felt they really got to know each other in those first two weeks. Alex was the rebel, Evan was a bit serious, Kevin was the joker, Noah was the shy one and Michael was the cute one who seemed wise beyond his years. But one of the boys had a secret he didn't tell the others. And it was a while before everyone found out the devastating truth........REVELATIONS
As he was the youngest, no-one thought it odd that Michael's parents were always around. Or that he was so body-concious. But then the boys were told the news.
"When he was nine, Michael was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease," the director told Evan "It's a form of cancer which affects the bone marrow. He got over it but he had such huge doses of chemotherapy and radiation, his body was damaged. He's going to need surgery on his diaphragm."
The director paused. "You may find he has trouble breathing. I want you all to be aware of this."
Evan couldn't believe it. Michael talked about soccer, girls and music....... but he'd never mentioned anything about being ill. Not once. But now that he knew, Evan started to notice little things.
"I suddenly saw that Michael looked younger than his age," he says "And I realised why he was so intent on keeping healthy and taking care of himself."
He saw other things too, like how much energy Michael gave to everything he did, how funny he was and how he always knew the right words to say.
"Michael was so much younger than us," Evan says "He was only 14 when we met him [whereas the rest of us were in our 20s and 30s]. But he was so mature for his age...... I suppose when you've been that close to dying you tend to respect your life and health so much more."
For the first few months, Michael did more than respect life - he threw himself into it. He was at all the rehearsals, he could do all his dances, knew all his lines. The boys began to see why he'd never mentioned his illness - he was too busy getting on with life to waste time feeling sorry for himself.
But in time, the boys began to feel sorry for him. First there was the nosebleed. The rehersal was stopped, Michael was mopped up and the rehersals continued again. The next day, he had another.
"I looked at him once and thought he was coughing up blood," Kevin says. "That's how bad his nosebleeds got."
Soon he was having trouble breathing too, just as the director had warned. He couldn't get to the end of a sentance without stopping for breath and, before long, an oxygen tank was brought on set.
"Michael would stop and be given oxygen," says Kevin. "Then he'd carry on again."FIGHTING BACK
More months went by, then a year, and Michael kept fighting his condition. But the boys couldn't help noticing he was getting worse. He didn't have the energy to dance anymore. His dancing had become jerky little movements.
"Then one day we had to do a scene together," says Kevin. "I was down on the floor and Mikey had to kneel down beside me. He said he couldn't do it. He told us that if he got down, he'd never be able to get back up."
When things like that happened, the other boys struggled to find the right words to say. They tried "Are you OK?","Do you want to talk about it?". But to each query, Michael's response was the same. That look again. The look where he felt everything in his eyes.
"I got mad," says Alex. "I got mad at his parents, I got mad at the team, I got mad at us for not stopping him and I got mad at me. I was treating people badly - picking on Mikey, everyone. I wanted to help Mikey but I could do nothing at all."
Then Michael got Pneumonia after being involved in a car crash.
"The pneumonia meant he had to have his surgery straight away." Alex says. "Having surgery with pneumonia wasn't good but even then Michael kept positive."
There were complications with the surgery. Michael was left hooked up to a respirator, unable to speak. To communicate he had to scribble words in a notebook. And send out messages with those eyes.
"His parents were with hom every day but we were working and had to keep in touch over the phone." says Alex "We talked to Mikey through his parents."
And then , suddenley, the talking stopped. On 13 January this year, a week after Michael's 16th birthday, the boys were told Mikey had died.SAYING GOODBYE
"I couldn't believe it," Noah says softly. "It seemed like Mikey was going to live forever."
"I feel guilty," says Alex. "I kept thinking that if we'd done more then he'd still be alive."
All the 2gether boys attended his funeral. During the service an exerpt from Michaels notebook was read out to the congregation. "Mikeys dad had had his bithday while Michael was in hospital," Alex says "And in the book Michael had written:'Dad I'm sorry you had to spend your birthday in hospital with me. Next year, we'll go someplace special.'"
Even at the end, Michael had been making plans for next year............
As they listened, the boys remembered how Mikey always knew the right words to say. And suddenly they knew what he'd be saying now.....
"Never give up. However bad things get. Appreciate life. And most of all. live your dreams."
"He's just a kid, so why do I always end up listening to him?" Alex used to say. Now he knows.Also, Kevin, Alex, Noah, and Evan are going to be at Summer Jam 2001 and will show a 15 minute tape in tribute to Michael and will be selling Mike buttons, with the money going to Michael's foundation.
April 17, 2000 - There is a tribute to Michael in the May '01 issue of Popstar!. Here are the scans:
March 26, 2001 - This news column was in the April 2001 issue of Tiger Beat magazine.
March 21, 2001 - This isn't technically news, but it's something new. I found some magazine photos that I had never scanned before so I decided it was time to do that. Sorry, but I don't know what issues these magazines were, but hover your mouse over the thumbnails to see what magazine each pictures was in. Click them for the full size.
March 14, 2001 - There is a tribute to Michael under the Breaking News section on page 16 of the April 2001 J-14 magazine. Here's the scan.
Also, there were interviews with Noah & Kevin the April 2001 issue of Popstar!, with two pinups. I've scanned Michael in them both for you.
March 12, 2001 - Adriene visits Michael and remember to watch the new episode of 2GE+HER airing tonight.
March 7, 2001 - Here's the scan that I promised from the April 2001 issue of Teen People.
March 6, 2001 - There is a full page article in tribute to Michael in the recent Teen People magazine. Thank you Cristina. I'll have the scan soon I hope.
If you have heard any Michael news that isn't posted here, send it to me and I'll give you full credit for whatever you send in. Thanks!! Also, do not take anything off the news page without my permission, because I scanned the articles myself. Thanks!