Name: Vanessa Esparza
Age: 14
State: California

Name: Meghan
Age: 13
State: New York
Message: Michael I just wanted to say that i love you. Not only because ur hot but because ur so strong. I don't know what i would do if i was 9 and had cancer. I read a couple days ago that u had cancer and that u got over it, that made me happy because my best friend in the whole world's doctor that she might have cancer and on top of that she has other problems so when i read that u were strong and got through everything that made me very happy because now i know that my friend can make it!!! It made me cry!!! Thankx Michael, even though we have never met it kinda gave me comfort. I Love U Michael!!

Name: Sarah
Age: 13
State: California
Message: I love you Michael and I want to help you any way I can!!!!!!

Name: Katie
Age: 14
State: New Hampshire
Message: I love how brave Michael is and love what he is doing for everyone else fighting the same disease. And if anybody has anything to say to me or if Michael sees this email me at daveisbetter@email.com

Name: Jessica W. Watkins
Age: 14

Name: Claire Loise
Age: 14
State: California

Name: Emily Johnson
Age: 14
State: Tennesse
Message: I think Michael is a real sweetie and deserves the world :)

Name: Briana
Age: 15
State: Minnesota
Message: Michael is so awesome he has a great voice and he's a great acter i hope to see you in more movies soon!! I loved 2gether it was great! He's such a cutey and he's so brave!!!! if you ever see this michael email me!

Name: Caroline V
Age: 15
State: California
Message: Come on you guys. Support Michael! Let him know we care! :)

Name: Ashley
Age: 14
State: Texas

Name: Celia Haler
Age: 15
State: Tennessee
Message: I love what you are doing for Michael. It's so sweet.

Name: Amanda
Age: 12
State: Tolland, CT

Name: Shayna Graf
State: Massachusetts
Message: I want to let everyone know how much michael is a hero. He is my idel. I love him so much. When I read about him and what he has gone through, I cried so much. It is very sad what people go through. I hope Michael is well and he is a big sucess. I love you Michael!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Debbie
Age: 13
State: Massachusetts
Message: I luv u and I am very heppy that you made it through your cancer!! Luv 4 eva Debbie.

Name: Jennifer Stroud
Age: 15
Message: Your site is really good. I think Michael is a very brave person for going through all this pain with cancer.

Name: Kelly H.
Age: 13
State: Maryland

Name: Raquel F.
Age: 18
Website:Click here
Message: Michael is an extraordinary teenager, only if the world was filled with more ppl like him. >=o) If you wanna learn how to help the foundation or just keep in touch with other fans, join the onelist.

Name: Maria Ana Candida
Age: 13
State: California
Website:Click here

Name: Nicole P.
Age: 13
State: Nevada
Website:Click here

Name: Kim Leggett
Age: 16
State: Commerce, OK

Name: Kelli
Age: 13
State: California
Message: i think michael has gone through a lot and is a big insperation to not only me but to everyone!!

Name: Andrea Negrete
Age: 15
State: Nevada
Message: I think what Michael is doing for people with cancer is great. I mean, the book, and the cd both give money to foundations that help people with cancer. That's really sweet of him.

Name: Kandy
Age: 14
State: California

Name: Sarah
Age: 15
State: Virginia
Message: Michael if you are ever here i want you to know how much we all care for you and how much we love you, you are a strong human being always stay that way!

Name: Eric McKnight

Age: 14
State: Rochester, New York

Name: Jessica
Age: 16
State: New York

Name: Jennifer Cruz
Age: 16
State: Connecticut
Message: Lots of Love to Michael, and we all wish him the best. Love, Jenn and friends

Name: Jess
Age: 15
State: PA
Message: Michael is such an inspiration to me. Thank you SO much Michael! I recently lost a friend to AIDS (he recieved the disease from a blood transfusion). He and Michael are my 2 biggest heros. Chris~ You're my hero up in Heaven :) We miss you!!!

Name: Rachel
Age: 15
State: Michigan
Message: Michael is such a great guy and a great actor. Lets keep this site going for him! :-)

Name: Andrea
Age: 15
State: Missouri
Message: great site. and anyone who reads this should go to michael's site it's really touching and it made me cry.

Name: Krystina
Age: 15
State: Virginia
Message: If Michael is reading this, this is for you-Hello, Michael! I just want to say that you have been a big inspiration in my life. For years I never really cared about anyone and I only cared about myself. Until I read about you and your fight against cancer. It opened my eyes and made me see that life is too short to spend it worrying about myself and not about others. Because of your heartwarming story, I have made a commitment to participate in at least one, if not several, Foundations to help young kids enjoy their life fulfillingly and to live every moment to the fullest. Thank you. ~*~Krystina~*~

Name: Christina Andrea Starks

Age: 14
State: New Jersey
Message: Mike, you have inspired me to go and help others. I have helped others in the past, but now when I think of you and your foundation i love it even more. My friend just got diagosed with Hodgkins Disease. I am scared but I know that she will make it through. You are a sweet,caring, and thoughtful person. My wish is for you to sing for me because you have a great voice and keep up the good work. You are in my prayers. i cant wait for the 2Gether series. You are blessed that yoy got a second chance at Life and keep up the good work!!! Bye:) Christina Starks P.S-Are you going to be giving out autograped pictures like Noah. Because if you are can I please have one email me if you are bye:)

Name: Alana Burman
Age: 13
State: Utah
Message: At first, when I saw 2gether, I only liked Michael for his cute face and great voice. Now that I know who he is as a person I like him even more.

Name: Lisa
Age: 15
State: Ohio
Message: I love Michael I think hes great. He fought through cnacer and now hes trying to help other people, And also he is so hot. He's such a little "QT".

Name: Lauren White
Age: 14
State: Virginia

Name: Kate
Age: 17
State: Tennesse
Website: Click here

Name: Duni
Age: 14
State: Las Vegas, Nevada

Name: Alison
Age: 16
State: New York
Message: I am a huge Michael fan for many reasons. He is very cute, funny, a great actor, remarkable singer and songwriter, but above all, he inspires me to be the best person i can be. He reminds me of how lucky I am to have what I have. His story is so touching and I wish the best for him always. He has changed my life and viewpoint forever. I wish there was some way i could thank him for all he's done and see how many he's inspired. Michael, I love and support you and you'll always be in my thoughts.

Name: Rachel Marie
Age: 14
State: Illinois

Name: Chrisstianna
Age: 17
State: New York
Website: Click here
Message: Michael, I know you're doing fine now and the support us fans have helped you to live longer and everything else that has come your way but I still want you to know that I'm here for you, and care about you, and I'll always remember you no matter where I go or what I do! I'm sure it's the same with everyone else!!! Take Care of yourself.

Name: Anne
Age: 15
State: California
Website: Click here
Message: hey..wassup?? I think this is a great thing your doin!! Keep it up!! Anyways, i just wanted to say that i think michael is sooo tyte!!! He's cute too!!!

Name: Erin Gilroy
Age: 15
State: Pennsylvania

Name: Megan
Age: 14
State: Pennsylvania
Message: Well, I think Michael is a great person and don't even know him (so you know he must be wonderful). I wish there was something I could do for him since he's been through so much, but he seems like the kind of person who can definitely take care of himself. All in all I think he is a beautiful person.

Name: Jessie M
Age: 14
State: New Hampshire
Website: Click here

Name: Kelly Bender
Age: 14
State: Cabin John, Maryland

Name: Ashley Baker
Age: 15
State: Michigan
Message: Michael you're GREAT!!! all my love to you, love ya lots...

Name: Nickey
Age: 13
State: Michigan
Website: Click here

Name: Jessica

Name: Rachel
Age: 17
State: Ohio
Website: Click here

Name: Suzanne
Age: 14
Website: Click here

Name: Aimee A.
Age: 14 1/2
State: Connecticut

Name: Andrea Melo
Age: 14
State: Florida

Name: Ashlie Ankenbruck
Age: 14
State: Texas
Message: I believe Michael is a great role model. I recently had a great aunt that died of cancer. He is my inspiration for writing and singing music. He's HOT too ;)!!!

Name: Laura
Age: 13
State: Maine
Message: Michael I love you for many different ways But I love you most of all beacuse your courage and strength within yourself!

Name: Janelle Story
Age: 13
State: MI

Name: Chauwon
State: Minnesota
Message: mike is the bravest,nicest,and sweetest person i've heard of.Best wishes to his foundation,his family,and him.Take care of urself mike.

Name: Ariel
Website: Click here
Message: At first I was attracted to Michael because of his looks but when I found out more about him and read his book I realized how much more he is.

Name: Michelle Vargas
Age: 15 (Michael is 2 weeks older than me)
Website: Click here
Message: I love Michael so much and i'm doing anything and everything I can to support his cause. So go and order the book and his cd. Join luv 4 Michael, make a donation (if u can) and just be supportive of him. He is such an inspiration to everyone (he's also georgeous and has an amazing voice) Oh yeah I almost forgot....I intend on meeting Michael at some point in my life and baically i'm not going to stop until I do. I just had to say that:) I don't want to say that i'm his number one fan cuz anyone can argue that point and it's just and endless competion that goes on forever and i hate that. All I can say is that i'm a huge fan and I want everyone to go out and support him!

Name: Nina Leanne Arellano
Age: 16
State: Texas
Website: Click here

Name: Angie Scacutto
Age: 16
State: Minnesota
Message: Michael is such an inspiration to me and to many others. He has been through so much and still has a great asspect of life. He has achieved more than alot of people would in 1 life time. He is my inspiration and hero, and he has taught me that everything happens for a reason.Love YA Michael

Name: Alicia
Age: 14
State: Mass
Message: i love him becuz he is brave.

Name: Erin Smuts
Age: 14
State: Indiana
Message: Michael if you visit this site be careful and take good care of yourself,love and kisses.

Name: Jennifer
Age: 16
State: Missouri
Message: My heart goes out to you Michael. I have lost an aunt to cancer and it's very hard. I just think that what you are doing is very nice and brave. I also have a disease (or two) it's a type of Gut Neuropathy, I have a Psuedo-Obstruction, Athritis, I get Migraine Headaches, and A.D.H.D. Those are the diseases that I have or at least the ones I can think of. But I know what it's like to be teased about being sick. People always , mustly kids, acted like all the things I had were contages even though I told them that they couldn't catch it. I have been in and out of hospitals. If you know what a "Central Line" or a "Pic Line" is I have had 3 (three) different ones put in me all in LESS than a year! If you don't know what those are they are just more names for "PERMANANT IV'S". Michael if you ever need a friend I (Jennifer) am here, all you have to do is e-mail me. Bye

Name: Jackie
Age: 15
State: Minnesota

Name: TIffany Montes
Age: 14
State: Mesa Az

Name: Heather
Age: 14
State: Indiana
Message: I love Michael 4 ever.

Name: Lindsay
Age: 15
State: Washington D.C
Message: Michael you are so adorable, and sweet. We love and support you!

Name: Erin
Age: 13
State: Indiana

Name: Brienne Hagen
Age: 12
State: Maryland

Name: Janine
Age: 16
State: Florida

Name: Erin Tanis
Age: 18
State: Washington State

Name: Mary Salvaggio
Age: 14
State: Pennsylvania
Website: Click here

Name: Keri
Age: 13
State: New York

Name: Angela Gifford
Age: 15
State: Everett Washington
Message: I love Michael Cuccione. He is My idol and I so proud to see him going on and living.

Name: Isis E. Carter
Age: 12
State: New York
Message: I Love Michael!!!!

Name: Dana Gullard
Age: 11
State: MD
Message: I think this is a really nice thing you r doing 4 michael and i am sure he would appriecate it very much!

Name: Jennifer
Age: 15
State: Virginia
Website: Click here

Name: michelle escobar
Age: 14
State: california

Name: Terra
Age: 15
State: Kansas
Message: Michael is the greatest he is just a great actor he best singer the best dancer and he is very cute My HOPES GO OUT TO YOU MICHAEL!

Name: Heather Lloyd
Age: 15
State: Colorado
Message: Hey Just wanted to say that I am a really big fan of Michaels and i Just love his work so much!!! And i just wanted to tell him that i adore his strength and what he has, and is doing for others!!! And I just wanna tell him reading about what he has gone through has made me stronger in more ways than one!!!

Name: Melissa Rayner
Age: 17
State: Ontario Canada hehe

Name: Tiffany
Age: 14
State: California
Website: Click here
Message: I love helping ans supporting Michael. I even got my 5 year old sister in volved in helping.

Name: Jennifer
Age: 14
State: Colorado
Message: Michael is the most amazing guy i want to help him in every way posible.

Name: Lexi
Age: 11
State: California

Name: Jennifer Aguayo
Age: 15
State: Maryland

Name: Ashley Nicole Priddy
Age: 13
State: North Carolina

Age: 17
State: New Hampshire

Name: Stephanie McCrady
Age: 12
State: California
Message: Michael, you are very brave, and I love you sooooo much!

Name: Sandra
Age: 16
State: Jersey
Message: please anyone help find a cure for cancer. please make a donation to the michael cuccione foundation. this is extremely important. michael means alot to me and so does helping people. thats something that we share. if michael means anything to you you'll try and help. he has been a major influence in my life. thanx

Name: Kendall Valerio
Age: 13 1/2
State: New Jersey
Website:Click here
Message: I just need to say this...I really really was in love with 2ge+her when I first heard them. But, I was never into Michael {QT} too much. Until I read this. I must tell you that I cryed when I read about what he has been through and everything. And I will do anything and everything I can to help him fulfill his dream of finding a cure and helping patients. Another thing is that your site is awesome and you r totally right...Yea Michael is incredibly hott and everything, but he is much more than that. He is an inspiration.

Name: Rachel Vernon
Age: 15
State: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Message: michael is the most couragous person i have ever seen, read, or heard about. people could learn a lesson in kindness from him. when people said things to him he didn't let it effect him, and he didn't say a bad thing back to them. he is one of the hottest guys on this planet, but his personality is what makes him hot, sweet, nice, couragous, and everything else that makes him the hot guy he is! we should all respect him because he deserves it!

Name: Jessica
Age: 13
State: Virginia
Message: I love Michael & would do anything to show him I admire him and how much I care for him.He has given me the strength to overcome tragedies and crisises in my life.

Name: Jane Theodore
Age: 14
State: Evanston ,IL

Name: Jackie
State: AZ.
Message: i think this is such a great idea

Name: Sara Easley
Age: 15
State: California
Website:Click here

Name: Sam (Samantha)
Age: 14
State: Connecticut
Website: 2Ge+herPlusYou

Name: Nicole
Age: 13
State: Connecticut
Message: I love Michael and we need to help him!

Name: Jen
Age: 14
State NH
Message: Michael is so talented, cute, and soo sweet~!* I Love Michael soo much~!*~*`

Name: Laura
Age: 14
Province: Ontario
Country: Canada

Name: KT Bolton
State: Pennsylvania
Website: Click here

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