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This is for you my internet friend!

Some people just don't understand 
How you can have friends in a far away land.
Some may come from France, California,
Pennsylvania or Spain,
But no matter where they are from,
The friendship remains.


Some are close and even from your home state,
Some are on earlier, others are on late.
An internet friend listens, suggests,
And may complain,
But no matter where they are from,
The friendship remains.


Some internet friends have never met,
And others met just once,
Some have joined one another for dinners,
Others have for lunch.
You are my internet friend,
We have a wonderful time.
Of the friends on the internet,
I'm glad you're mine.


Please stay in touch,
Our conversational chats are divine.
I am glad I am your friend
And also that you are mine!

~ Autumn Port ~






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