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Indiana Closed Caves

OK, Folks, here is the scoop: I do not know of an accurate, or complete list of closed or restricted access caves in Indiana. It seems to me that this could be a very valuable resource to responsible cavers in Indiana. This list could help to curb stress on landowner relations, by easing unwanted visitation to the landowner and/or cave due to a lack of common knowledge about the status of the cave. Granted, most caving clubs or grottos know what caves are closed but shouldn't we do all we can to relieve stress on landowner relations?

To this end, I am compiling a list of caves that I know are closed. The information will include cave name, county, reason if appropriate and restrictions if appropriate.

If a listing such as this already exists, please e-mail me and help me out please. If you have information on closed or restricted access caves you can share, please e-mail me. DO NOT send locations, or landowner names to me (unless appropriate to restricted access.) Send only cave name, county and status of cave.

This can be a valuable resource. Help me out!

Closed and Restricted List

