Powerpuff Gurls

Ok you all may be wondering why i got powerpuff gurls on a colorguard site well im bousta tell ya.............. cuz i can!!!
no really though all guard gurls are powerpuff gurls.
We are all made of a little sugar, spice, everything nice, and a dash of chemical-X hehehe.
So which one are you???

When Bubbles, Buttercup, and Blossom aren't out saving the world from evil and cooties and what not they are most likely to be found at yep you guessed it, GUARD PRACTICE.

Bubbles is the youngest but she sure knows how to work a flag. Bubbles is always the first one to smile and cheers up the whole guard when they dont preform to the best of their ability on competition day. She also loves butterflies, bunnies, playing drums in the band and talking to squirrels.

Buttercup is the tough one. no matter how many times she gets hit or how hard she still can hangs in there.Buttercup is the kinda gurl who takes guard seriously and will be the first to get pissed off when the new gurl starts complaining and be the first to call her out on in. Buttercup's specialitly is rifle. Her rifle is black with pink and red fire which she painted her self. She can toss a seven perfectly and is currently working on her eights.

And last but not least is Blossom. Blossom is captain and can spin/twirl anything thrown at her but she loves saber the most.

so which powerpuff gurl are you?